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Flat Earth?


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Apparently the "High Altitude Nuclear tests" started in 1958 however the tests that were carried out after this date in the early 60s by the US were called "Operation FISH BOWL", that's an odd name for them...Unless of course they learnt something new from the first tests!





Gerry, any chance of you actually answering a question? If the World is flat what would the reasons be for anyone for have us to think otherwise (bearing in mind it was first proposed by Pythagoras around 500BC that is was spherical)?

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Gerry, do you understand that the destructive power of a nuclear explosion is a function of its height of detonation? There is a peak height to maximize the area of destruction down on the ground, and going above that maximizes the EMP pulse while reducing the blast.


How do you think these heights were discovered?


Do you really think a magical firmament is a better explanation? Care to elaborate on it. How does a firmament fit into a flat earth model and why?


Oh, and you are aware, aren't you, that code words are often not meant to provide any meaning so as to ensure they remain covert?

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Gerry, as you are doing a lot of research into this have you come across any reason why they (whoever they are) would want us to believe the earth is spherical and not flat? Presumably this goes back a long time.


Chinahand post, number 341 with the "you cant handle the truth" even as it was in parody is close to the real truth (in my opinion).


If I went into who "they" are and why in great depth you would think me of "unsound mind" as many do so for questioning the shape of the Earth, so I would rather stay away from that.


put simply its about keeping hold of "their" control over your mind...and keeping the deception going.


Keep an eye on September 2015, it could be interesting.




It's typical of Conspiracy-theorists in that they will attempt to beguile you with information they claim they're privy to. The, ''I know something you don't'' approach. It's a self-delusional mechanism by which they big themselves up. ''Keep an eye on September 2015, it could be interesting...'' Or it might not, eh, gerry? And if it's not, ''interesting'', then what? Your suggestion is like an Horoscope generalisation.


Border-line personality disorder has many sub-groups and a lot of the time, is un-treatable. Neither logic nor fact will stand in the way of what such a person chooses to believe in. Providing hard-evidence and presenting scientific proof makes no odds, it's akin to giving a cat a fiver.


The problem being, the Mad don't know they're mad.


Somehow it feels like a lynching mob at times and I'm not into that, but I 'sort of agree' with Quilp on this one Gerry in that I wouldn't have mentioned 2015 because it deflects from your original postings and could have been better seen on a separate thread.

I'd stick along the lines of the flat earth thread if you believe this hasn't been cleared up yet.


Rule 1/ Look after number one and that's you

Rule 2/ Never let the pussy cats get you down (or words to that affect)

Rule 3/ There's a lot of pi$$ taking on the forums and unfortunately, it's a bit like throwing a lamb to the wolves at times.

Rule 4/ (Similar to 1) Don't let anything get to you personally and if need be, take time out


Other rules will likely follow from some of the more artful characters on here if previous threads are typified and if so, don't be nasty guys. please

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Paul, you could just answer the question if you really want to shut him up. I'm still waiting for a basic answer to what you mean by density in relation to flat earth, are you saying that air is denser the higher you go so it therefore forces things down?

i said no i'm not saying that i said what i'm saying how can't you get it mojo? x

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showin ye true colurs sausages! was 2 genuine? don't you know how i can know my statement was true? silly sausages calling little names again x





My "true colurs" have never been hidden. At which point do you assert my character has changed?


Yes, my question was genuine. I'd like you to explain how you know what would happen to gerry if he jumped off a cliff. I doubt he's ever done it for you to witness, I doubt you've ever done it, I doubt you've ever seen anybody do it. I could be wrong, and you do indeed have first hand knowledge. I don't want to make assumptions about how you know. So, are you willing to share how you know what would happen?


I haven't called you "little names". That's an unjustified accusation. I've provided fitting desciptions of your actions and behaviours. I find that much more useful than things like "silly sausages". If you must use my name, it is Mr. Sausages.


if you don't know what happens when someone jumps of a cliff, then that's strange you have to ask me. or you were not being genuine? little names sausages look at ye post again x

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showin ye true colurs sausages! was 2 genuine? don't you know how i can know my statement was true? silly sausages calling little names again x





My "true colurs" have never been hidden. At which point do you assert my character has changed?


Yes, my question was genuine. I'd like you to explain how you know what would happen to gerry if he jumped off a cliff. I doubt he's ever done it for you to witness, I doubt you've ever done it, I doubt you've ever seen anybody do it. I could be wrong, and you do indeed have first hand knowledge. I don't want to make assumptions about how you know. So, are you willing to share how you know what would happen?


I haven't called you "little names". That's an unjustified accusation. I've provided fitting desciptions of your actions and behaviours. I find that much more useful than things like "silly sausages". If you must use my name, it is Mr. Sausages.


don't you mean your username? x

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Gerry, as you are doing a lot of research into this have you come across any reason why they (whoever they are) would want us to believe the earth is spherical and not flat? Presumably this goes back a long time.


Chinahand post, number 341 with the "you cant handle the truth" even as it was in parody is close to the real truth (in my opinion).


If I went into who "they" are and why in great depth you would think me of "unsound mind" as many do so for questioning the shape of the Earth, so I would rather stay away from that.


put simply its about keeping hold of "their" control over your mind...and keeping the deception going.


Keep an eye on September 2015, it could be interesting.




It's typical of Conspiracy-theorists in that they will attempt to beguile you with information they claim they're privy to. The, ''I know something you don't'' approach. It's a self-delusional mechanism by which they big themselves up. ''Keep an eye on September 2015, it could be interesting...'' Or it might not, eh, gerry? And if it's not, ''interesting'', then what? Your suggestion is like an Horoscope generalisation.


Border-line personality disorder has many sub-groups and a lot of the time, is un-treatable. Neither logic nor fact will stand in the way of what such a person chooses to believe in. Providing hard-evidence and presenting scientific proof makes no odds, it's akin to giving a cat a fiver.


The problem being, the Mad don't know they're mad.


they sound scary i'll keep away from them thanks quilp x

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Manxy: Yes I am fully aware of the piss taking that goes on within the forum, I don't post on many threads, only really this and BIF purely because of that, if I were the Troll they keep calling me I am sure I would be posting all over the place, I have read many threads here but don't bother to comment because it isn't worth it.


NAME calling cannot bother me unless I allow it to do so, it really doesn't bother me, I would make other threads about other interesting topics but I don't think that will work out so well, I don't think anything I say will be taken seriously as I am more or less branded the "Forum idiot" here.


I am more than happy to walk alone here with my perspective, I care not..


I see the way people just come in to a thread (all over the forum), you can see they haven't had any interest in looking at the content and they insult someone and go,,then come back a few days later just to have another go. Its a bit like people that write in to complain about a TV show, why bother just turn the channel.


The thing I notice about forums in general is that people say things to each other that they would never think of saying to them in person, you have to understand this and keep this in mind and it then just washes over your head with no effect.


I believe also that some people are paid to monitor and obfuscate the subject matter, shills I think they call them.


Never mind, infinity and beyond hey...

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if you don't know what happens when someone jumps of a cliff, then that's strange you have to ask me. or you were not being genuine? little names sausages look at ye post again x

Why do you assume I don't know? Show me where I've said that.


I haven't asked you what happens. I've asked you how you know what happens. That shouldn't be a difficult question to comprehend. Have I used any words that you don't understand?

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Apparently the "High Altitude Nuclear tests" started in 1958 however the tests that were carried out after this date in the early 60s by the US were called "Operation FISH BOWL", that's an odd name for them...Unless of course they learnt something new from the first tests!




Gerry, any chance of you actually answering a question? If the World is flat what would the reasons be for anyone for have us to think otherwise (bearing in mind it was first proposed by Pythagoras around 500BC that is was spherical)?


You may not agree with this because you think you are free, and you also seem to think "they" is a conspiracy, however you would react much more hostile to this being uncovered.


Bearing in mind the technology for anyone to know what the truth of the matter is only became available fairly recently in human history.


If the people that control the puppet politicians suddenly realised they couldn't actually get off the planet or that there was a vast plane stretching beyond an ice wall, would it not cause people to want to go and look, would it also not call into question all the science, all the religion, if a construct was to be found like “the firmament” talked about in the bible would people then want to know who built it and why it was built?, what do you think the reaction of the people would be if such a revelation came out now or 100 years ago.


Imagine how someone like you would react at the thought that most you were taught and most of what you believed in was a lie, then add a few billion more, what sort of chaos would follow. Do you think this may be a threat to the people in control.


Why do Governments keep secrets from the people they are there to serve!

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If anyone fancies a break from the relative sanity of this thread, take a hop over to http://ifers.boards.net/thread/18/why-lie-flat-earth

Among an increasingly jaw-dropping series of assertions and insults, my own particular favourite is "Wow, excellent point. In fact now I realize this: people who did not go to school not only saved money and time, but they also avoided the brainwashing. So yes, their ignorance is precious."

Well, that and, "Suck my balls lizard!"

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If anyone fancies a break from the relative sanity of this thread, take a hop over to http://ifers.boards.net/thread/18/why-lie-flat-earth


Among an increasingly jaw-dropping series of assertions and insults, my own particular favourite is "Wow, excellent point. In fact now I realize this: people who did not go to school not only saved money and time, but they also avoided the brainwashing. So yes, their ignorance is precious."


Well, that and, "Suck my balls lizard!"


You really have a funny choice of words sometimes Sheldon, but it's quite funny.... lol

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