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Flat Earth?


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Paul - you want an experiment that you can perform yourself.  Try this one;

1.  Start in the UK and map and measure the location of the stars in the night sky;

2.  Travel to Australia or South Africa or Argentina and measure the position of the stars you saw in the UK;

Your variable is your location - the location of the stars being "fixed" in the sky (i.e. you can perform the same measurements night after night and find the same results).  

3.  Document your results and decide if your results suggest the world is "disc" shaped (because we all know it is not as flat as a pancake) or do they indicate that the world is a different shape?  If the results indicate a different shape to a lumpy disc then what other shape could deliver the measurements you have made?


Have a look at a lunar eclipse and the shadow that is cast over the moon.  Explain what shape the world would need to be to cast the shadow you see on the moon.  You could even replicate this experiment on a small scale using a lamp and a say a tennis ball to act as your "moon".  Place different shaped objects between the lamp ("sun") and the tennis ball ("moon").  What shape would cast a shadow consistent with what you can see with your own eyes during a lunar eclipse?

As for your school report, you are the one making the claim about its content and therefore the in your own works the burden of proof is on you as the claimant to provide evidence in support of your claim that would stand up in a court of law.  Out of interest which court of law would you like to make this case in?  A criminal court of civil court and do you know why it would make a difference to the possible findings of the court?

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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

Are you a professional teacher though, or a member of a professional association or the like?

A member of a professional association - yes. Why, pray, would that be relevant?

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On 7/22/2019 at 10:15 PM, paul's got wright said:

john i have just read the article you linked to and it is an absolute shambles from start to finish. its disingenuous, insubstantial, and lacking any scientific citations or experimental evidence.

On another note, it contradicts a couple of the cliches we have had parroted  over the years by a few people!

I will reply tomorrow with a thourough analysis to back up this post, because it is vitally important that people understand the actual scientific method, before jumping to false assertions. 


A thorough analysis seems to be late. 

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so regarding this https://www.unlv.edu/news/release/round-earth-clues-how-science-proves-our-home-globe, the article john linked to,

shock horror, the first word in the title is the much parroted misnomer "round". there's the start of the shambles. coins are round,plates etc etc. so why are people who are against the flat earth subject, so reluctant to call a ball a ball, or at least use the correct terminology?

then we have "round earth clues" followed by,  how science proves that our home is a globe" i dont see how clues are related to scientific proof, or even relevant?

next we have "as the flat earth theory gains resurgence with a new Netflix documentary". totally disingenuous, as it has nothing to do with the netflicks mockumentary, clearly the mockumentary is a result of the resurgence which has been around for well over a decade but obviously becoming a resurgence at least 4 years ago when gerry started the thread. the shambles continues .....

"UNLV astronomer explains how it fizzles"      really? we shall see. i presume you have all read this short article? lets go on........

"do you want to prove that the earth is round?".........er no spherical actually please if you dont mind?

"Hop on a plane, and fly to Cape Town, South Africa, or Melbourne, Australia — two major cities located in the Southern Hemisphere..." 

anyone see the problem here? its called circular reasoning. what exactly is the "Southern Hemisphere"??? would that be the presupposed "southern" part of the "Globe" that the reader is supposed to be in process of proving? so if you want to prove the globe, you have to start off by presupposing the globe? the very definition of a circular reasoning. so thats that out of the window of proof. whats next?

"This might seem like an expensive trip, but it’s one part of an experiment..." REALLY?........So hopping on a plane and presupposing that you live on a globe, is an experiment is it! wonder what the natural phenomena observed is gonna be and the independent variable? let's see.

"There, you won’t be able to see the North Star."    great we have our observed phenomena! wonder whether this "experiment" has a null hypothesis! we shall see....

"This might seem like an expensive trip, but it’s one part of an experiment that can be done to disprove the Flat Earth Theory — a theory at the centre of a popular new documentary — Behind the Curve — that is now streaming on Netflix.".......

wait what??? "an experiment that can be done to DISPROVE  the Flat Earth Theory"      but i thought they were showing us how to PROVE the "round" earth! this is getting silly. we're only on the first and second, very short paragraphs! 

"OK, so how do we know — scientifically — that the Earth is a sphere? ......this sounds promising, lets see what we get?

"At a very basic level, we can see the Earth’s curvature through satellites that we’ve launched into space"  

please check the article, that is a genuine quote! my question is simply, what is the natural phenomena observed please, whats the hypothesis, independent variable, null hypothesis. any citations maybe?

"Additionally, through the use of high-powered telescopes, we’ve been able to examine planets both in our solar system and beyond, and all of them are spherical in shape."

so no citations then, and no example of how we know SCIENTIFICALLY", that the earth is a sphere. just nonsense.  telescopes looking at lights in the sky is not a scientific experiment its an observation, the beginning of an opportunity for a hypothesis, but nowhere near an experiment. this article is utterly dismal.

more of the same here "There is a very deep, fundamental reason why the Earth is round".

its funny really because many of the flat earth models are round so they are in agreement here at least! round like a wheel?

"the force of gravity depends upon the distance between two interacting objects, and the only three-dimensional object you can make with a single distance is a sphere" which gravity, einsteinian or newtonian? is "gravity" a force? lets have a look around the science scene to find  out.........does ndt even know what gravity is?


also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvZB7niY98w


 im almost losing the will to type but lets get to the pathetic end, after i get my tea! see you all soon x

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