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Flat Earth?


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On Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 11:36 AM, manxman1980 said:

Is this thread still going? 

Paul - you want an experiment that you can perform yourself.  Try this one;

1.  Start in the UK and map and measure the location of the stars in the night sky;

2.  Travel to Australia or South Africa or Argentina and measure the position of the stars you saw in the UK;

Your variable is your location - the location of the stars being "fixed" in the sky (i.e. you can perform the same measurements night after night and find the same results).  

3.  Document your results and decide if your results suggest the world is "disc" shaped (because we all know it is not as flat as a pancake) or do they indicate that the world is a different shape?  If the results indicate a different shape to a lumpy disc then what other shape could deliver the measurements you have made?


Have a look at a lunar eclipse and the shadow that is cast over the moon.  Explain what shape the world would need to be to cast the shadow you see on the moon.  You could even replicate this experiment on a small scale using a lamp and a say a tennis ball to act as your "moon".  Place different shaped objects between the lamp ("sun") and the tennis ball ("moon").  What shape would cast a shadow consistent with what you can see with your own eyes during a lunar eclipse?

As for your school report, you are the one making the claim about its content and therefore the in your own works the burden of proof is on you as the claimant to provide evidence in support of your claim that would stand up in a court of law.  Out of interest which court of law would you like to make this case in?  A criminal court of civil court and do you know why it would make a difference to the possible findings of the court?

yes the thread you posted on is still going, much to your surprise it seems. let's use your post to answer mojos question mm1980, and use your fallacious example, killing 2 birds with ein stein as they say!

so, the independent variable in a scientific EXPERIMENT,  hypothesis test, is the variable which you, the scientist, will manipulate.

It is the presumed, (based on research) cause of your effect, which is your observed phenomena, the dependent variable. its really all very simple. science validates or invalidates cause and effect relationships observed in the natural world. correlation is not causation,  you dont have science if you dont have experimental testing to back up what you claim. if it disagrees with experiment then its wrong. doesnt matter who makes the claim how emotional they are about it or how rich or clever or good looking they are.

if it disagrees with experiment then its wrong.

lets see how mm 1980 did in the example above.

natural phenomena observed ............location of (see george musser whatever his name is, article i posted to understand why you dont know the actual location of the stars but i'll allow it because it doesnt make any difference to this mess anyway ) particular set of stars in the sky .


hypothesis (please feel  free to edit mm1980) what is your hypothesis?

 " Document your results and decide if your results suggest the world is "disc" shaped (because we all know it is not as flat as a pancake) or do they indicate that the world is a different shape?  If the results indicate a different shape to a lumpy disc then what other shape could deliver the measurements you have made?"

you need to form this into a coherent hypothesis which can be tested in experiment. a hypothesis is a special kind of prediction, scientific, a statement of presumed cause for your effect. this is then tested in experiment to validated or invalidated.  you dont decide whether you think a result says something in a scientific test. you just record a valid or invalid result depending on the hypothesis and test, experiment.  without it you dont even have anything to test!

independent variable is your location

dependent variable/observed phenomena is the  "location" of the set of stars you observe and "measure" in the sky

null hypothesis.... you need to fill this in but you havent formed a cohesive hypothesis yet.

so even if you had offered a simple hypothesis, the cause of your effect is, wait for it

YOUR LOCATION, the independent variable, that you as a "scientist" manipulate in order to cause the effect! what an absolute joke mm1980. so you move location(independent variable!) and that is the cause of you being able to see the set of stars(dependent variable) well done mm your location is the cause of the stars being there still, you're a genius!

please come back with a cohesive scientific experiment that already exists, not something i can go and do, its meant to have been proven as a sphere already. so no need for anyone to go and do made up experiments, by people like you. just provide one of the scientific experiments that already exists, that makes you believe you live on the spinning ball. the eclipse example you gave was just as futile. do try harder 

if i put a cat in the presence of mice and keep tabs of the numbers, the mice{ their population) are my dependent variable , the cat is my independent variable and i can form a simple hypothesis that will explain the experimental results.obviously!!! cat in with mice will dwindle mice population! 

bingo ive got science, and scientific experiment to back it up. until you can do that with the stars and the like, you dont have science, just religious faith in this case 

i hope that answers your question mojo monkey x

what have you got? 

are you able to see why mm1980 doesnt have a valid hypothesis? And why the independent variable is so important in a scientific experiment?

Thanks x

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44 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Blah blah blah... 

what have you got? 

are you able to see why 

I said I was not interested in your reply until you tried out my suggested experiments.  

As you have not done so your post can safely be ignored.

Go outside, travel the world and broaden your mind.  You might even learn something useful.. 


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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

I said I was not interested in your reply until you tried out my suggested experiments.  

As you have not done so your post can safely be ignored.

Go outside, travel the world and broaden your mind.  You might even learn something useful.. 


You didnt suggest any experiments! Try reading my reply to mojos question, which used your appalling effort as the example, to show what an independent variable is and in your case, ISNT! Are you trying to refute anything i posted?

Feel free, and if you think you suggested a scientific experiment, tell us the hypothesis so we can run it through the scientific method. Cant wait, otherwise how could i repeat it?

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

I said I was not interested in your reply until you tried out my suggested experiments.  

As you have not done so your post can safely be ignored.

Go outside, travel the world and broaden your mind.  You might even learn something - anything



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On Monday, July 22, 2019 at 11:43 PM, Chinahand said:

Oh God, this again.

Read the paper he wrote explaining what he did, going to great detail so others could repeat and refine his results.  He used two different wires and multiple different weights in the experiments he reported.  After his experiments thousands of other scientists have undertaken refinements of it.

What big clever thing do you want to claim about this experiment?  Why do you care so much about it that you are once again bring it up?

This experiment gave us an insight into how weights are gravitationally attracted to each other by measuring the torque they produce in a wire.  Why do you want to sneer at it?



Ok then china whats the naturally observed phenomena!

Lets see if cavendish was doing a SCIENTIFIC experiment ?

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