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Flat Earth?


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Pick two locations that are some distance apart (at least a couple hundred miles from each other and on the same meridian). Grab two sticks or dowels (or other objects) of equal length, two tape measures, and a friend. Each of you will take one stick/dowel/object and one tape measure to your location, stick the object into the ground, and measure the shadow. (For accuracy, you should both take your measurements at the same time of day.)

On a flat Earth, the shadow that is cast by each would be of the same length. However, if you and your friend compare notes, you'll find that one shadow was longer than the other. That's because, due to the curvature of Earth, the sun will hit one part of Earth at one angle and another part of Earth at a different angle even at the same time of day.

This experiment has been around since about 240 B.C., when Greek mathematician Eratosthenes compared the shadows cast in both Syene—now Aswan, Egypt—and Alexandria on the summer solstice. Eratosthenes had learned of a well in Syene where once a year on the summer solstice, the sun would illuminate the entire bottom of the well and tall buildings and other objects would not cast a shadow. However, he noticed that shadows were being cast on the summer solstice in Alexandria, so he measured the angle of the shadow and found it to be an angle of about 7.2°.

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Paul. Hold your thumb out at arms length at eye level. Close your left eye. Look at the position of your thumb compared to the background. Now close your right eye open your left eye. Notice a change in the position of your thumb relative to the background?

Now in your universe is this a natural phenomenon? what is causing it? Can you scientifically examine it?

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3 hours ago, Neil Down said:

The kindest course of action at this point would be to ignore this thread completely thereby starving him of the attention he desperately craves.

True my friend. I think I've said as much myself and promptly ignored it!

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Paul. Hold your thumb out at arms length at eye level. Close your left eye. Look at the position of your thumb compared to the background. Now close your right eye open your left eye. Notice a change in the position of your thumb relative to the background?

Now in your universe is this a natural phenomenon? what is causing it? Can you scientifically examine it?

Good one. But once again fruitless. Just as if you'd proposed it to a two-year old.

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3 hours ago, Neil Down said:

Stupidity knows no bounds making PGW boundless. 

But as arguably one of the most talented students in my year, and passing a sat to enter university, theres not a single professional teacher who agrees with you nelly!

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

You mean other than the sun's movement across the sky?

No! I mean THE independent variable! How many do you think youu can test at once!

Dear me, richard, so the sun moving across the sky is your independent variable is it? Really? ha ha!

So as the scientist,  you can manipulate and change the sun can you, to cause an effect?

So even if you could vary the sun moving across the sky, that would be the CAUSE of your EFFECT!

So sun causes shadows to change, is that your hypothesis?

No wonder you weren't willing to formulate this into a cohesive hypothesis! Another absolute mess.

Even if i wanted to live on a spinning ball, like you, id still need scientific proof first via experiment!

Please try to formulate a valid scientific hypothesis if you are going to offer experimental proof next time Richard 

Thanks x

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