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Flat Earth?


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12 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Well if you know it inside out why don’t you peer review it for us.

Oh yes please...this’ll be a beauty. I think I’ll invite the family round to watch.

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12 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

... took science at university along with anthropology and english lit.

What university offers a degree in “science” and which books were you examined on for the English Literature element of your degree (I assume you didn’t drop out).

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12 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

You're not tellin me anything i dont already know china, passed my dual science 22 years ago fella, been learning more ever since, took science at university along with anthropology and english lit.

Remember china youre conversing with arguably one of the most talented students in my school year. Trolls are expected to infer callous notions. You are not a troll and you are better than that. Stick to the facts and lets debunk things by scientitic definitions please

Its about time you man up to the scientific reality of your claims

You studied science (a very broad term in the university sense), anthropology and english literature at university? What on earth (flat, round or something else) was your degree and where did you do that?

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22 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

You studied science (a very broad term in the university sense), anthropology and english literature at university? What on earth (flat, round or something else) was your degree and where did you do that?

FFS, he’s never been to university unless you count plastering one of the dorm walls as attending ...

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8 hours ago, Uhtred said:

What university offers a degree in “science” and which books were you examined on for the English Literature element of your degree (I assume you didn’t drop out).

Yes indeed Paul, the gurning face of the idiot was both the most expected and most eloquent answer you’d be giving in response to that question.

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12 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

You studied science (a very broad term in the university sense), anthropology and english literature at university? What on earth (flat, round or something else) was your degree and where did you do that?

You’ll receive the same comprehensive answer that I did.

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2 hours ago, John Wright said:

Isn’t dual science a GCSE? Not exactly the pinnacle of scientific educational attainment.

All we're told is that he passed it which, in these enlightened days where every child gets a prize, might well mean he got an E-minus.

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On 7/27/2019 at 12:12 PM, paul's got wright said:

I passed my dual science, passed my s.a.t to enter university, therefore i understand science shelly!

I only ram it down the throat a bit til the false accusations are removed or cease. Until then get it up you!

You obviously have no idea of the people of note, as students, who were in my year, and the achievements they earned and positions they hold to this day.

And how dare you belittle Ballakermeen high school, its teachers, former and present, and its students.

Shame on you

Which University asked you to pass an S.A.T?  Not typical practice at UK universities...

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