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Flat Earth?


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Why am I resurrecting this fetid thread of ignorance?


Because of these two videos - they are very cleverly done.


Firstly adjust your screen size so you can completely see both of the two videos below


Start the first one and then pause it when it says Synchronize Videos, then start the 2nd video. When the second video says Synchronize Videos press play on the first video and the two videos will then play together in sync.


Enjoy seeing a wonderful demonstration of the Coriolis effect and the rotation of the earth.


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It is not a thread of "ignorance" more a thread of "cognitive dissidence"


Just like Foucault's Pendulums spinning either way, sinks and toilets in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere do not consistently spin in any one direction. Sink and toilets in the very same household are often found to spin opposite directions depending entirely upon the shape of the basin and the angle of the water's entry, not the supposed rotation of the Earth.


I also note how at the end of the video he says, quote from 7:08 on the bottom video: "The man is literally a rocket scientist....and he's friends with astronauts...and when he asks them questions they answer him from space" ..That very sentence completely puts the validity of the experiment into question,,Here we have yet another NASA funded psy-op program to squash the fast momentum of the true shape of our perception, and the reality that we are living on a flat plane.


Any connection to NASA cannot be trusted, they have and are clearly withholding information from us. NASA was set up by very evil people from project paperclip, you really want to trust.


This thread contains the evidence that the earth is flat, I started the thread undecided after months of research I am now convinced.


China I think you are a good person but awfully gullible I am afraid..

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It is not a thread of "ignorance" more a thread of "cognitive dissidence"


Just like Foucault's Pendulums spinning either way, sinks and toilets in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere do not consistently spin in any one direction. Sink and toilets in the very same household are often found to spin opposite directions depending entirely upon the shape of the basin and the angle of the water's entry, not the supposed rotation of the Earth.


I also note how at the end of the video he says, quote from 7:08 on the bottom video: "The man is literally a rocket scientist....and he's friends with astronauts...and when he asks them questions they answer him from space" ..That very sentence completely puts the validity of the experiment into question,,Here we have yet another NASA funded psy-op program to squash the fast momentum of the true shape of our perception, and the reality that we are living on a flat plane.


Any connection to NASA cannot be trusted, they have and are clearly withholding information from us. NASA was set up by very evil people from project paperclip, you really want to trust.


This thread contains the evidence that the earth is flat, I started the thread undecided after months of research I am now convinced.


China I think you are a good person but awfully gullible I am afraid..


Just I start to wade into this intellectual quagmire, do you have any professional or practical experience in physics or are you regurgitating stuff you have seen on the interwebz?

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I am not a scientist if that is what you are asking. Some from the web, some from books, and I use my un-indoctrinated brain also. Sadly the heavily indoctrinated, i.e. the so called scientists have the most closed minds..


Go up to Douglas head on a clear day and spot the "great orme" some 60 miles away, then tell me why you can see it when according to ((60^2)*8)/12 it should be 2400 ft below the horizon, if indeed the earth is a ball with the circumference of 25000 miles. We have eliminated atmospheric refraction earlier in the thread...

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I am not a scientist if that is what you are asking.


Stopped reading there.


That doesn't surprise me, you will fit in well around here...



I'm sorry but I cannot take you seriously enough to discuss this any further.


I use the same procedure when someone starts a conversation with "I'm not a (insert profession here), but I am going to offer you advice on the matter as if I was a (insert profession here)".


Tameelf's thread is a good example of that kind of twonkery.

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I am quite interested in seeing if the people in same area to me are starting to question the "accepted truths" , I am not really interested in converting or trying to convert, just observing mainly, I stop myself from commenting on many topics here as I would be swiftly banned I am sure, its an entertaining read at times, I already had one warning so I tend to stay away from nearly all threads here as I seem to cause offence, even though I do not use bad language or insult as others do here.

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The Earth is sphere (ish) shaped.


I thought everyone knew that.

Yessir - Oblate ellipsoid wiki link unless............... everything has been a conspiracy so far?


Bit surprised you brought back to life the flat earth scenario again CH, but hey ho, I love this type of stuff and will throw random bits in to see what comes out at the other end :)


To rmanx - Just because a person claims to be a scientist or other profession does not mean that they don't lie, even a Nobel Prize winner. Also, some startling information from Chris Nerney from ITWorld

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