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Flat Earth?


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Yeah cos over-exposure and over-saturation are such unconvincing explanations and “IT’S A HOLOGRAM” explains away everything. 

Said it before will likely say it again... Omphalos for the win. 

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6 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Yeah cos over-exposure and over-saturation are such unconvincing explanations and “IT’S A HOLOGRAM” explains away everything. 

Said it before will likely say it again... Omphalos for the win. 

Few more just for you.  ;)



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3 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Mate your ability to express yourself makes PGW look like an exemplar of erudition. 

Me have magic book says world is flat have pretty pictures it must be hologram. Enoch Enoch Enoch. 


Just getting warmed up. . 


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On 8/18/2019 at 8:58 PM, Neil Down said:

Didn’t somebody else used to come on here posting random deflective clips...

Hmmmm...can’t recall...but you may be Wright.

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On 8/14/2019 at 11:06 PM, Chinahand said:

I'm not going to criticise the Mods for doing an impossible job.

I despise PGW's sneers, evasions, and put downs, but that is par for the course for MF and is he really that different from those quoted above?

PGW can't resist the petty insults of the peanut gallery, is extremely poor at expressing himself, has a simplistic view of the scientific process and is a master at wriggling out of a request for a straight answer.

John put up a poorly written, but basically correct article and PGW got his nickers in a twist, producing some of the longest posts and analyses he's ever produced., but as ever his language is full of snide and sneer.

My advice to anyone who will listen is to not play to the peanut gallery and don't piss off the mods.

PGW doesn't have the self control to manage that.  Not surprised, not surprised by the consequences.

I doubt PGW will ever answer the question about what "causes" his thumb to change its position when looked at first by his left eye and then the right.  He'd rather play games.

"I doubt PGW will ever answer the question about what "causes" his thumb to change its position when looked at first by his left eye and then the right.  He'd rather play games."


be honest china


  2 members active in this conversation (including you)
  1. paul's got wright
    Read: Just now
  3. Chinahand
    Read: August 14


I don't know if you can respond to this as John Wright explained you won't be replying to my posts as you've been suspended.

Hence deleting the latest one as it's unfair as you are unable to respond.

Let's try and keep things without the snark.


thanks china. i have no qualms with you and you must know that by now, even though we disagree and have had words here and there!

i dont understand why john felt it was fair or especially even necessary to ban me? woolley certainly agreed there was nothing untoward, and im sure he wasnt alone. wasnt exactly hardcore at any point was it! 

. john is not fit to enter the panel on the fe topic and you know it. he doesnt understand the basics. and i have just seen last logins post about him, in the best little prison thread,  which shows he has previous at being a dreadful moderator. tbh, he couldnt moderate a game of  kids rounders. if anything he should step out of the thread as a naive noob that he has demonstrated to be.

i know the topic very well and contribute clean and fair.

i only respond in kind to abusive posters who are obsessed with talking about me and my personal life, and i have never instigated nor been worse than any of them. i also back everything i say about the subject. maybe not to your liking of course!

but thats the well known socratic method, and its for each to make their own way in my opinion. thats how i deal with abusive people, as is my right. 

yet i get banned?

do you really think that i posted anything that was worthy of me being banned? have i not contributed well and fair to this particular thread china? surely you have an ethical and moral opinion to state here?

is it really that troublesome for people that the heliocentric model is being seriously questioned? 

its foul play from john after he was pulled up on that abysmal article he proffered. he also had the audacity to tell me how i should think before i replied to him! me a grown man with a  happy family! who does he think he is, overstepping the mark in this manner?

there is no way a moderator should be in the position, if they are to abuse the very essence of moderation, impartiality for goodness sakes! when you ban people for being better informed than you, whilst standing up for themselves simultaneously, then your not worth a carrot as a moderator.

sadly that is the case currently on manxforums. of course moderate foul behaviour, and language, but to allow bullying ie constantly referring to personal circumstances and peoples personal lives, in a thread about science, is utterly shocking, given he takes away the right to reply to them!


i shall not post here anymore china, after my response to  john. i  suspect he will ban me for life anyway, even though i will not tell an untruth, nor be abusive. but i have enjoyed the forum. and i suppose i will miss posting, but i have plenty of options to fill that small but enjoyable void! and i will still read along

it is still full of wonderful and informative people and subjects. yes i know it is spoiled too often but the meat and bones are still there and this place is a solid factor in keeping me up to date on the islands news and moves

wooley for moderator and i might start posting again one day if im allowed!

all the best china x

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@paul's got wright you are as confused, selective, deflective and diversionary about moderating as you are about the flat earth topic.

Same applies to @manxy on the 5G thread.

Moderating is entirely separate to my personal posting. You conflate. 

1. You haven’t been banned. You were suspended for a short time because of your abusive and offensive mentions of other posters. The snark, as China describes it.

2. The fact I may personally take an opposing position in a debate on here would never be used by me, or the other moderators, as grounds for using moderating powers. No idea where you get that from. It’s very hard to discern your position to agree or oppose in any event.

3. You’ve not been deprived of any right of response. It’s merely been delayed. 

4. I’ve not been personal about you, nor have I abused you. I note your  attacks on me personally and in my capacity as a moderator. I’ve no idea what the Mona incident or post was. You’ve no idea what goes on behind the scenes, the correspondence we’ve had to deal with, from lawyers, police, courts even. We moderate against that background.

5. We try and moderate with a very light hand, mainly, if not entirely, responsive to reports. I understand you may not agree, but moderating decisions are final, attacking them won’t achieve anything. It may get another suspension.

6. I suspended someone yesterday for passing themselves off as another poster. I’d requested they stop. I got abuse. They’ll be back. Strange thing is that poster was complaining bitterly about another, claiming they were known to me, privileged, protected. The other had been suspended as well and was complaining I hadn’t taken action against the first. Both dissatisfied with the result. Probably means I got it correct.

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6. Good for the message board as a whole. I've mentioned before that I don't mind a person using a different username on the boards, providing they don't use two or more on the same topic and therefore prevents the probability of all being one sided.

Regards 5G - You are wrong that there's no biological harm caused on people by EMF, but I can't be bothered wasting my time as if talking to a blank wall although a little surprised that you don't accept past evidence and not willing or wanting to accept it for whatever reason. Not bothered about the insightful reply in return as its not important to me although you might want to get as many trophies or likes to make the comments look better. Bottom line is, is that the Government have made its own mind up whether we get fried or not and no longer listens to the public but to its corporate friends.

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