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Flat Earth?


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Here is an interesting video on the movement of the stars.





"NASA and modern astronomy claim that star-trails in the Southern Hemisphere rotate clockwise, while those in the North rotate counter-clockwise and provide this as proof positive of their spinning ball-Earth. In reality, however, the Earth is an extended flat plane and all the stars and other celestial bodies rotate East to West around Polaris, the only non-moving star in the sky situated perfectly in line directly above the North Pole. The so-called "South Pole" and South Pole star "Sigma Octantis" are both myths - complete fabrications to bolster their ball model. The following video exposes the entire hoax and explains in detail how star-trails work on the flat Earth model, and how they do NOT on the ball. Special thanks to My Perspective, Stars are Souls, David Kay, Aaron Dover and all the other flat Earthers who have helped uncover the truth about this key issue. For more proofs and information about our flat, motionless Earth visit www.AtlanteanConspiracy.com and www.ifers.boards.net"

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I don't know, I take it they are just lights possibly flat.


I have wondered lately why the massive avg temperature difference between the two poles, Antarctica is way colder than the n pole, I would not expect this on a globe, it makes no sense, it makes perfect sense on a flat earth.

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Are the stars and planets spherical or are they also flat?


They could be a 3D holographic projection of a 2D reality. And so could we. We think we're 3D but it could all be a 2D illusion. Wasn't that theory in a science news article not long ago?

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I don't know, I take it they are just lights possibly flat.


I have wondered lately why the massive avg temperature difference between the two poles, Antarctica is way colder than the n pole, I would not expect this on a globe, it makes no sense, it makes perfect sense on a flat earth.


And why's that?

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I have wondered lately why the massive avg temperature difference between the two poles, Antarctica is way colder than the n pole, I would not expect this on a globe, it makes no sense, it makes perfect sense on a flat earth.

Isn't motivated reasoning fascinating.


WTF do you know about heat dissipation from spherical and plane objects subject to air and water cooling?


If it makes perfect sense to you why don't you try explaining it to us.

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Where's Spook?

The Bible says in Revelations 7:1 I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.


Got to be fact, surely :)


Personally, I see the Bible as a storybook and whether it's true or not then I couldn't say, but it's great for interpreting or misinterpreting the readings to discuss various views.

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Where's Spook?

The Bible says in Revelations 7:1 I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.


Got to be fact, surely smile.png


Personally, I see the Bible as a storybook and whether it's true or not then I couldn't say, but it's great for interpreting or misinterpreting the readings to discuss various views.


The book of Revelation contains a vision of the future by John during his exile on the island of Patmos, which is known for its magic mushrooms. It's somewhat asinine to suggest its author was actually advocating a flat earth with four corners.

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I have wondered lately why the massive avg temperature difference between the two poles, Antarctica is way colder than the n pole, I would not expect this on a globe, it makes no sense, it makes perfect sense on a flat earth.

Isn't motivated reasoning fascinating.


WTF do you know about heat dissipation from spherical and plane objects subject to air and water cooling?


If it makes perfect sense to you why don't you try explaining it to us.




average for the N pole from summer to winter is 0 deg C to -40 deg C.


average for the S pole from summer to winter is -18 deg C to -60 deg C.


And I've used NASA figs here also, I have seen reports of larger differences but this is a good enough example for now.


That is a big difference, why would there be such a difference?


Why would the suns effects be less at say the bottom of the ball as to the top of the ball

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I don't know, I take it they are just lights possibly flat.


I have wondered lately why the massive avg temperature difference between the two poles, Antarctica is way colder than the n pole, I would not expect this on a globe, it makes no sense, it makes perfect sense on a flat earth.


And why's that?


If you picture the flat earth model in your head and think of the light travelling around in a circle, say at the equator, the same amount of energy (sun light) is spread out over a larger area in the far southern hemisphere i.e. Antarctic..thus making it much colder.

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I use top and bottom as there really is no up or down in space from my understanding, and I know F all about heat dissipation from spherical and plane objects, however contrary to the global warming sorry Climate change alarmists I do think the sun has a great effect on out temperature.

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