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Flat Earth?


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There is no Dinosaur fossils on display in any museum in the world that I know off, they are all plaster casts, made with plaster and melted down animal bones and then artistically aged. I need to find my reference now but I found a Chinese factory that advertises this service for the museum community. The Dinosaurs you have see are all imaginative reconstructions. Yes here it is "Zigong Dino Ocean Art Company in Sichuan, China...


"No independent researcher has ever examined a real Dinosaur skull, the claim all the fossils are kept in high security storage, but only a few select paleontologists are ever allowed to examine them, so the ability to ascertain their authenticity is kept from the public"


Can you provide a link for the bit you put in quotes?


Also, put "Zigong Dino Ocean Art" into Google Images for yourself. Do those look like fake fossils to you?


Museum exhibition dinosaur skeletons replica fossoil...60pcs per month



Should I take the lack of a link as a "No" to my question of whether you can provide a link for your quote?


Does the sale of fake Rolexes mean Rolexes don't exist? Does the sale of replica guns mean guns don't exist? Does the sale of globes mean the earth doesn't exist??


No it doesn't mean these things don't exist, I am just saying that what most people think are real fossils in the museums are in fact, something more akin to.




Do you have proof of any museum using these and describing them as real fossils? Or indeed any reason to believe that they're not all in playparks/those "explore the dinosaurs!" type places?


I would appreciate if you could address this post:


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Go on then, why are all the Governments trying to trick us into thinking our obviously flat earth is in fact spherical?


The same Governments that can't manage to keep fiscal crimes secret, that is. Evidently smart enough to control global conspiracies.

I thought I Answered Mojos question earlier, but my mind may have changed from that point in time, I would like to say I do not follow any religion (sorry spook but as someone once said, if the Christians go to heaven, then I will take my chances in Hell) , I am also not an atheist either.


Globe earth and modern science says we are not the centre of the universe, we are a speck upon a speck among billions of other specks in an infinite universe that came into being as a cosmological accident, you evolved from an ape like creature so enjoy your brief time here as that’s all you are getting in this Godless existence.


Flat Earth We are unique and special creations of an obvious creator, and are very much the center of the universe.


So I think it was done to make us more controllable, to de-emancipate us all, remove our connection to the divine and make us an atheist, make the only gods, money, authority and any kind of materialism.


It seemed odd to me how Dinosaur fossils seemed to suddenly get discovered around the time of Darwinian Theory also, it fits in well with the whole concept to me.



Deception to bring us to an atheistic viewpoint by whom? Religion is entrenched in the Governments and laws of most countries. Certainly that would have been a better place to eliminate it than by spending untold amounts of money trying to keep the shape of the Earth a secret when almost everybody can afford a plane ticket.


Whom: is the Roman Catholic church and the Jesuits, these people don't follow the religion you think they do. The one's they have placed in Governments are fake put in to simply divide, we are easily ruled when not united.


A plane journey that circumnavigates the earth simple goes around in a circle on a disk, no Arctic circumnavigation has ever been proved to of existed because it couldn't happen..


They have curved windows on the planes to give the impression of a curved horizon, balloon travel and amateur rocket footage has shown this curved horizon to be fake, also plane builders know this..

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Whom: is the Roman Catholic church and the Jesuits, these people don't follow the religion you think they do. The one's they have placed in Governments are fake put in to simply divide, we are easily ruled when not united.


A plane journey that circumnavigates the earth simple goes around in a circle on a disk, no Arctic circumnavigation has ever been proved to of existed because it couldn't happen..


They have curved windows on the planes to give the impression of a curved horizon, balloon travel and amateur rocket footage has shown this curved horizon to be fake, also plane builders know this..

Haven't, doesn't, has, don't, hasn't and don't. Respectively.

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Go on then, why are all the Governments trying to trick us into thinking our obviously flat earth is in fact spherical?


The same Governments that can't manage to keep fiscal crimes secret, that is. Evidently smart enough to control global conspiracies.

I thought I Answered Mojos question earlier, but my mind may have changed from that point in time, I would like to say I do not follow any religion (sorry spook but as someone once said, if the Christians go to heaven, then I will take my chances in Hell) , I am also not an atheist either.


Globe earth and modern science says we are not the centre of the universe, we are a speck upon a speck among billions of other specks in an infinite universe that came into being as a cosmological accident, you evolved from an ape like creature so enjoy your brief time here as that’s all you are getting in this Godless existence.


Flat Earth We are unique and special creations of an obvious creator, and are very much the center of the universe.


So I think it was done to make us more controllable, to de-emancipate us all, remove our connection to the divine and make us an atheist, make the only gods, money, authority and any kind of materialism.


It seemed odd to me how Dinosaur fossils seemed to suddenly get discovered around the time of Darwinian Theory also, it fits in well with the whole concept to me.



Deception to bring us to an atheistic viewpoint by whom? Religion is entrenched in the Governments and laws of most countries. Certainly that would have been a better place to eliminate it than by spending untold amounts of money trying to keep the shape of the Earth a secret when almost everybody can afford a plane ticket.


Whom: is the Roman Catholic church and the Jesuits, these people don't follow the religion you think they do. The one's they have placed in Governments are fake put in to simply divide, we are easily ruled when not united.


A plane journey that circumnavigates the earth simple goes around in a circle on a disk, no Arctic circumnavigation has ever been proved to of existed because it couldn't happen..


They have curved windows on the planes to give the impression of a curved horizon, balloon travel and amateur rocket footage has shown this curved horizon to be fake, also plane builders know this..



Source on the bold part?


How do you think the Roman Catholic Church has influenced the Governments of middle eastern countries to stop them dispelling the shape of the Earth?

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Just read this short extract from George Orwells (1984), AKA Eric Blair the insider and Fabian society member, and History student to Aldous Huxley.



‘But the world itself is only a speck of dust. And man is tiny — helpless! How long has he been in existence? For millions of years the earth was uninhabited.’

‘Nonsense. The earth is as old as we are, no older. How could it be older? Nothing exists except through human consciousness.’

But the rocks are full of the bones of extinct animals — mammoths and mastodons and enormous reptiles which lived here long before man was ever heard of.

Have you ever seen those bones, Winston? Of course not. Nineteenth-century biologists invented them. Before man there was nothing. After man, if he could come to an end, there would be nothing. Outside man there is nothing.’

‘But the whole universe is outside us. Look at the stars! Some of them are a million light-years away. They are out of our reach for ever.’

What are the stars?’ said O’Brien indifferently. ‘They are bits of fire a few kilometres away. We could reach them if we wanted to. Or we could blot them out. The earth is the centre of the universe. The sun and the stars go round it.’

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I don't know, I take it they are just lights possibly flat.

I have wondered lately why the massive avg temperature difference between the two poles, Antarctica is way colder than the n pole, I would not expect this on a globe, it makes no sense, it makes perfect sense on a flat earth.

Oh here goes, against my better judgement, because when an argument is so far up the stupid tree it is probably futile:

Why do the movements of the planets follow the ecliptic, a great circle?

Why do satellites stay up?

Why do all our systems of navigation based on geodetic models work?

Why, if you follow any of the parallels, do you end up back where you started?

Why are the meridians not parallel?

How do geostationary satellites hold station?

When we point our satellite dishes at geostationary satellites, why does the required elevation increase as our latitude decreases, and decrease as our latitude increases?

Why is a great circle course shorter than a rhumb line?

Why does rhumb line navigation cease to work at high latitudes?

When we represent the terminator (the night/day junction) on a map, for example a Mercator projection map, why is it shaped like an S curve?

The answer, a fact known by humans since at least the time of the early navigators in the early 16th century, is that the Earth is a spheroid. So are the other planets of the solar system. You can see them through a telescope and observe that yourself if you are too obtuse to believe the learning recorded in thousands of books.

This subject has been a great distraction for me, it's pulled me away from more important work. I did think this was perhaps the reason for it to come into view now, of all times, when so much is happening.

This thread should tickle the curiosity of people, the info is all out there, it is not my work, it's been out there for many year's.

If you look open-minded at any point of the consensus model, you will debunk it.

Any answers to the specific questions that I posed, all of which relate directly to the shape of our planet?

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I suspect it's futile to attempt to help Gerry.


When provided with evidence he claims it's a magic jew conspiracy. When provided with methods to gather his own evidence (e.g. using telescopes to find star positions and comparing that to someone else doing the same in a different country) he claims that the sky is a projection by magic jews.


It's the same as arguing with a religious zealot. Only instead of "God did it" being the answer to any question they are unable to process, it's "the magic jews did it".

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Just read this short extract from the lyrics of "Rule The World" by Take That, AKA Gary Barlow, Mark Owen, Jason Orange, Howard Donald.


All the stars are coming out tonight

They're lighting up the sky tonight

For you

For you


That's some deep stuff right there man.

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I never mentioned Jews, don't really want to go down that rabbit hole, I don't recall using ZION either, reason being it would confuse and bring people into think it is Jew, when it isn't at all.


I don't bring up those words because I cant be going down those purposely placed dead ends of victimisation that obfuscate so many things in this illusion.

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I never mentioned Jews, don't really want to go down that rabbit hole, I don't recall using ZION either, reason being it would confuse and bring people into think it is Jew, when it isn't at all.


I don't bring up those words because I cant be going down those purposely placed dead ends of victimisation that obfuscate so many things in this illusion.

Do you feel like backing this claim up with evidence yet? "balloon travel and amateur rocket footage has shown this curved horizon to be fake"


You make a lot of statements like this and never give a source or any evidence. And a lot of times you say "I opened a book on..." but never name the book.


A more cynical man would suggest there's a reason for that.

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Gerry, have you ever been to the beach and fossil hunted? A good place to do it is Scarlet down at Castletown - it's old limestone - carboniferous, so you won't find any dinosaurs, but you'll find shells and corals and other things.


Doing so won't turn you into a member of the illuminati - promise.


If you do get yourself a small hammer and enjoy the search you can plan a holiday around it. Go to the Jurassic Coast, or the Isle of White. There you do actually have a chance of finding something connected with Dinosaurs, though you've got to be pretty lucky I admit. When I took my kids we found lots of ammonites and belemnites, but nothing saurian.


These guys looking in Wales got really lucky.


Gosh aren't the magic people clever to be continually putting fake fossils all over the country and having their agents uncover them - you can tell they're "them", just look at the eyes - shifty as anything, hey.


Gerry, do you understand anything about the scientific method?

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I never mentioned Jews, don't really want to go down that rabbit hole, I don't recall using ZION either, reason being it would confuse and bring people into think it is Jew, when it isn't at all.


I don't bring up those words because I cant be going down those purposely placed dead ends of victimisation that obfuscate so many things in this illusion.

Do you feel like backing this claim up with evidence yet? "balloon travel and amateur rocket footage has shown this curved horizon to be fake"


You make a lot of statements like this and never give a source or any evidence. And a lot of times you say "I opened a book on..." but never name the book.


A more cynical man would suggest there's a reason for that.


Look at my post 621, from an amateur rocket, aironauts from the 18th century have been commenting on it also, there is also loads of balloon fottage.


My sources in this subject are not all online, the 19th century had a few good books on the subject: Terra Firma (David Wardlaw Scott), 100 proofs the Earth is not a Globe (william carpenter) 1895, The first principles of natural philosophy, there are a few more also.

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