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Flat Earth?


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Who is to say it is perfect though? We think it is because we are of it. We are made in its image if you like for the conditions obtaining so naturally it is perfect to us. In many ways it is pretty messy. If we go outside of our very limited habitat either in the constitution of Earth's very narrow atmosphere, or a very restricted temperature range, or atmospheric pressure etc. we cannot survive. If it did "just happen" then remember that it has had an inordinately long time to do so in the view our feeble minds.


I'm not saying what we have is perfect, I'm saying the circumstances at the outset had to so perfect to enable the first life forms to evolve and be able to be 'created' within the perfect environment. The chances of something being created out of nothing is so tiny as to be impossible and hasn't been created, artificially or otherwise, by mankind since. That's not to say it won't, but I veer more towards quantum physics for the answers as opposed to this 'theory' of evolution.

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Even if there's only one universe which contains all the matter there is (knowing this might be impossible) there's still no need to invoke a creator to explain why it is the way it is.

There's no need to, but the possibility cannot be precluded.

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I don't think the universe is perfect but there are a lot of ridiculously improbable things all happening sequentially to arrive at life not just here but presumably elsewhere. Now, that is not to suggest intelligent design or creation - as I believe in neither. But I do think something funny is going on and I'm skeptical of anyone who thinks they have a system of thought that explains everything. I suppose at least in this respect science is better, as at least they're investigating.

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Whilst I am neither in the religion nor science camp the sheer probability of the perfect environment evolving to spawn this would, from a mathematical perspective, would be so slim as to be virtually impossible and wouldn't even be considered in any other context.

There are a conservative 2-3 TRILLION estimated planets in our galaxy (not the universe) so yeah, I think the odds are actually much better than you think.



Are you sure it doesn't mean the odds are much lower than we think?

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It is worth considering that our understanding of life is based on the biology of this planet. It is possible that life has evolved elsewhere in an entirely different form that we have not considered and may not even recognise such a life-form. It could be possible therefore that planets where we could not live do contain some form of life which has evolved for the specific set of circumstances on that planet.


Even on Earth we continue to discover species that confound us. Very few people expected to find life living around underwater volcanoes and yet that is what we found. Not just one species either for a thriving ecosystem,


It would appear that against all probability "life" will find a way.


And for those arguing for the influence of a "god" or greater intelligence just consider how arrogant that is. To think that this whole universe was created for "us" is an astounding view to take. Add in the fact that this "creator" seemingly is bothered about what we have done since and I take the view that it is far more likely that we are a product of evolution.

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Is there a religion that thinks the whole universe was created for "us"? I don't think so. Rest of post, fully agree.


You are probably right... But then the writers of those religious texts did not know about the rest of the universe. It's highly possible that they also thought the earth was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth....

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A cannot see how you all can assume the other heavenly bodies are spherical, take the closest, our moon, how do you know it's not just simplify a flat disc, I have a 6 inch reflector telescope and have looked at it with different eyes as of late, I see no evidence it is a ball.


How do you all know there are trillions of spherical planets in the universe?


There is not one photo of a planet outside of the solar system, many artists impressions of what they MAY look like.


I focus on a star, apparently a distant sun, it's white, they are all white lights to me, why is our sun not white but yellow to red dependent on the amount of atmosphere between me and the sun at the time of viewing.

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A cannot see how you all can assume the other heavenly bodies are spherical, take the closest, our moon, how do you know it's not just simplify a flat disc, I have a 6 inch reflector telescope and have looked at it with different eyes as of late, I see no evidence it is a ball.


How do you all know there are trillions of spherical planets in the universe?


There is not one photo of a planet outside of the solar system, many artists impressions of what they MAY look like.


I focus on a star, apparently a distant sun, it's white, they are all white lights to me, why is our sun not white but yellow to red dependent on the amount of atmosphere between me and the sun at the time of viewing.


I hear you can learn astronomy online from the OU online if you wish to learn about celestial bodies and space in general.

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A cannot see how you all can assume the other heavenly bodies are spherical, take the closest, our moon, how do you know it's not just simplify a flat disc, I have a 6 inch reflector telescope and have looked at it with different eyes as of late, I see no evidence it is a ball.


How do you all know there are trillions of spherical planets in the universe?


There is not one photo of a planet outside of the solar system, many artists impressions of what they MAY look like.


I focus on a star, apparently a distant sun, it's white, they are all white lights to me, why is our sun not white but yellow to red dependent on the amount of atmosphere between me and the sun at the time of viewing.

Surely you cannot be so interested in astronomy yet so ignorant of the basics. This cannot be for real.

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Gerry, you really are a very strange person. You seem pretty incapable of actually observing things and understanding why things are shaped the way they are.


If you have a telescope get yourself a grided scketch board and start sketching craters. What you'll discover is that those in the central parts of the moon are circular, but as you move towards the periphery of the moon the become increasingly oval shaped - this effect is pretty subtle at first and only becomes really apparent for those on the very periphery.




If you don't believe me - copy the picture above into excel and stick circular shapes over the craters - you'll quickly see a pattern.


Now do you really think the craters on the moon "just happen" to be this way - you could go and do some calculations of how oval they become verses distance from the centre of the disc of the moon.


You'll see a consistent pattern - and the long axis of the oval will change depending upon the orientation of the crater on the moons surface - those at 12 or 6 o'clock are orientated horizontally. Those at 3 or 9 vertically.


Use your eyes, Gerry. Are you going to claim the craters on the moon are CGI'ed? Try sketching them yourself, try doing some astro-photography. Try learning about perspective and foreshortening and how that will effect the shape of a circular shape on the surface of a sphere.


The evidence, and the theory to explain the meaning of this evidence is there for you to examine. People have known this for hundreds of years. But good old Gerrydandridge is so paranoid and so gullible for conspiracies he isn't willing to use his eyes or his brain.


Gerry you really are a very strange person if you own a telescope, have used it to observe craters on the moon and have come to the conclusion the moon is a flat disc.


It requires you to ignore or not understand evidence plane in front of your eyes.


But then again you've done that repeatedly in this and other threads. Weird.



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