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Flat Earth?


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This is pointless.


Snopes has a reasonable debunk.


But this is basically two world views. Gerry lives in a world of conspiracies, lies and rumour where some astronaut's brother, or someone with the same name - but with say a gap in their teeth the astronaut didn't have or different cheek bones or ear lobes or whatever, all living a well documented life prior to the astronaut's notoriety - are suddenly transformed into the sinister doppelganger for the resurrected astronaut to hide behind.


Why? Why build a huge rocket, blow said rocket up, have the astronauts on this rocket be hidden away - but not hidden away: they keep their names?


The bizarre incompetence is actually used to reinforce the stupid.


I have a different world view. People look alike, people share similar names (especially when they are kin). There is no reason for people to spend billions of dollars on rockets and then blow them up and hide the occupants.


Psychology has noticed something called the Conjunction Fallacy if you have some facts about a person:


Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations.


And you are asked


Which is more probable?

  1. Linda is a bank teller.
  2. Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement.


You are likely to say 2 is more likely than 1. That is nonsense.


We love narratives, adding details makes the story more appealing.


Gerry exhibits this trait in spades. The more baroque, nonsensical and convoluted the story the more appealing it seems with the convolutions confirming it - "well, yes, the bureaucracy/lizards/Illuminati just allowed them to keep their names because ..."


Ah, it's sad, but such are people ... and the internet allows them to feel their delusions are valid and supported in a large community.


That is not true. These beliefs are simply wrong. Deluded is the only reasonable word for them - and can only be maintained with a huge effort to avoid plain evidence - which actually becomes part of the delusion maintaining the delusion - the cogitative dissonance confirms it.


Gerry, the world isn't flat, NASA does launch rockets which occasionally kill the astronauts within them and if you break the law you can't mumble incantations and be let off. ... and you aren't the discoverer of some amazing truth about the universe kept hidden from all the sheeple out there. You're just deluding yourself and making yourself look a bit sad for swallowing this guff.


That is all that can be said - but you are going to insist on your world view and not let evidence change it.


Measured any craters yet? Does their changing shape to be ovals on the periphery of the moon tell you anything about the shape of the moon? If you still think it is flat you are avoiding reality ... or a troll. Use your brain for once Gerry and don't rely on Youtube and conspiracist forums to build their delusions for you. What does the evidence say about the shape of the moon - can you answer that? Or will you distort, ignore and move on, when reality intrudes on your delusions?

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But this is basically two world views. Gerry lives in a world of conspiracies, lies and rumour where some astronaut's brother, or someone with the same name - but with say a gap in their teeth the astronaut didn't have or different cheek bones or ear lobes or whatever, all living a well documented life prior to the astronaut's notoriety - are suddenly transformed into the sinister doppelganger for the resurrected astronaut to hide behind.


Why? Why build a huge rocket, blow said rocket up, have the astronauts on this rocket be hidden away - but not hidden away: they keep their names?


Let's not forget that the same people who supposedly spent all that money on blowing up the rocket and hiding away the astronauts completely failed to be bothered fabricating birth certificates for the "doppelgangers".


The easiest bit of the whole bloody theory for a Government Agency to do and they just couldn't be arsed?

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ChinaHand, my worldview was very similar to perhaps what yours is now, I understand both views and perspectives very well.


Why? Why build a huge rocket, blow said rocket up, have the astronauts on this rocket be hidden away - but not hidden away: they keep their names?


NASA has a very dark past (look where there initial talent came from) and as with many of the activities of these “people”, to trigger a massive emotional response and draw on the energy for a response, much like 9/11, these people are occultists, the very symbology that NASA use and even the name of the rockets and shuttles are all carefully selected. I could go into this deeper but I feel it would be pointless as you would never consider that occultists are at the heart of our political and scientific institutions worldwide.


Also why fake a space program? Well other than convincing the population that the earth is a globe with images of it, there is also a nice budget that the taxpayer funds that goes along with the space program, Billions pumped into it annually and just use a fraction of it on fakery so you do as you wish with the rest, these rocket go off in an arc until out of site and then probably just go into the sea, take the mars explorer, who is to tell that the money given to it is just photos from the desert here somewhere with a red filter added in?


The moons craters are as you say, it would appear to prove a spherical object, however there seems to have been detected as of late a refresh rate issue with the surface of the moon, indicating it is a projection put there for whatever reason?


Looking at private space exploration / flights, they seem to never really come to much, Space X well past its promises and expectations to date and now a catastrophic accident, is Branson delusional? Does he believe they will let him go into space to discover the truth? Is he in on it?


The Chinese, the Russians, the Americans have to also be all in on it together as they make up part of the Antarctic policing ships that keep the curious from venturing out that far..


Have the Chinese and the Russians put a manned craft on the moon yet? What are they waiting for, USA did it 46 years ago with tech less impressive than a modern smart phone, with the so called rivalry between the USA and Russia I cannot see Russia's pride letting it go, unless of course it’s all for show, all bread and circus for the peasants…

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Wasn't this a shame, not only did they lose all of the original telemetry data, but the footage also..


"An exhaustive, three-year search for some tapes that contained the original footage of the Apollo 11 moonwalk has concluded that they were probably destroyed during a period when NASA was erasing old magnetic tapes and reusing them to record satellite data.

"We're all saddened that they're not there. We all wish we had 20-20 hindsight," says Dick Nafzger, a TV specialist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, who helped lead the search team.

"I don't think anyone in the NASA organization did anything wrong," Nafzger says. "I think it slipped through the cracks, and nobody's happy about it."

NASA has, however, offered up a consolation prize for the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission — the agency has taken the best available broadcast television footage and contracted with a digital restoration firm to enhance it, so that the public can see the first moonwalk in more detail than ever before.

But the lost tapes mean that the world will probably never again see the original images beamed back to Earth by the lunar camera that is now resting on the moon's dusty Sea of Tranquility, right where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left it."

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But the lost tapes mean that the world will probably never again see the original images beamed back to Earth by the lunar camera that is now resting on the moon's dusty Sea of Tranquility, right where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left it."


yeah, sure it is...

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How come you have yet again ignored an experiment that you can do yourself that ChinaHand has brought to your attention? You say you have a telescope, you can visually identify the craters on the moon and see the effect that the curvature of the moon has on their appearance as they approach the visible edges.


Why are you so scared of actually testing things instead of getting all of your information from YouTube?

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If you find it so hard to believe official versions of events and established science, how can you so easily watch internet conspiracy theories proposed by attention and fortune seeking charlatans and take them all in like a toilet? Why believe them?

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How come you have yet again ignored an experiment that you can do yourself that ChinaHand has brought to your attention? You say you have a telescope, you can visually identify the craters on the moon and see the effect that the curvature of the moon has on their appearance as they approach the visible edges.



The moons craters are as you say, it would appear to prove a spherical object, however there seems to have been detected as of late a refresh rate issue with the surface of the moon, indicating it is a projection put there for whatever reason?


He is now claiming the moon is a projection. Fucking fruit loops. There is no consistency here, just a desperate desire to show ... what? That we are all being controlled by occultist emotional vampires who project the moon (on to what exactly ... oh yes the biblical firmament that wonderful piece of bronze age insight) like a holy bat symbol to make us think ... stella objects are round?



Gerry in this thread has claimed that the moon is hollow, that it is flat and now that it is a projection.


Go big on a consistent world view, Gerry.


The man is an attention seeking nutter.

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I don't know why I keep capitalizing your "h". Sorry about that!



Who projected the moon before projectors existed? Why can't we detect the source of the projection given it'd have to be pretty strong. Why doesn't the projection bounce off clouds when it's cloudy?


I'm having a harder and harder time believing gerry to be not a troll with each post he makes.

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Would you mind awfully replying to my posts gerry?



How come you have yet again ignored an experiment that you can do yourself that ChinaHand has brought to your attention? You say you have a telescope, you can visually identify the craters on the moon and see the effect that the curvature of the moon has on their appearance as they approach the visible edges.


Why are you so scared of actually testing things instead of getting all of your information from YouTube?



I don't know why I keep capitalizing your "h". Sorry about that!



Who projected the moon before projectors existed? Why can't we detect the source of the projection given it'd have to be pretty strong. Why doesn't the projection bounce off clouds when it's cloudy?


I'm having a harder and harder time believing gerry to be not a troll with each post he makes.

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Would you mind awfully replying to my posts gerry?



How come you have yet again ignored an experiment that you can do yourself that ChinaHand has brought to your attention? You say you have a telescope, you can visually identify the craters on the moon and see the effect that the curvature of the moon has on their appearance as they approach the visible edges.


Why are you so scared of actually testing things instead of getting all of your information from YouTube?



I don't know why I keep capitalizing your "h". Sorry about that!



Who projected the moon before projectors existed? Why can't we detect the source of the projection given it'd have to be pretty strong. Why doesn't the projection bounce off clouds when it's cloudy?


I'm having a harder and harder time believing gerry to be not a troll with each post he makes.


In this thread many have mused if there is a creator / designer to whatever it may be here, I would assume a mere projection would be simple enough for said being far before we decided to invent such technology, secondly you assume this image is projected from here through the clouds, how can you make such assumptions?


I don't get all my information from YT at all, many of the things I have looked at I have never tried to find on YT, however YT videos seem to be a good enough source for viewing CGI of apparent time lapse footage from the ISS of the earth , and also experiments of the Coriolis effect, and the many other examples others have posted here.


I'm not 100% saying it is a projection, its a possibility, no one has clearly been there to know what the moon is, the question is why haven't they really been able to go there?


DO you believe the original Telemetry Data and footage was lost by accident, they needed to consult the TV stations and to then re master it to look more convincing for for the public, arguably this was the single most important human event ever and they wiped 1000s of tapes of this event because they were low on stock in the 80s....Who is delusional now..

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