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Flat Earth?


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Good old hollywood magic save the day once again..

Since the raw footage appeared to be gone, the team decided to try to find the best of what was preserved in the converted, broadcast format. They reviewed tapes in Australia and tapes in the CBS News archive, and looked at kinescopes — recordings of television made by filming the picture from a video monitor — at Johnson Space Center that no one had watched in 36 years.

The quality of broadcast TV in 1969 "varied extremely between sources," says Nafzger. Using all of these sources, they pieced together the best possible version of the moonwalk. And then, to make it even better, they turned to the magic of Hollywood.

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As evidence of a stationary earth and the stars are moving over us and we are not spinning, look into Airys Experiment.


his paper is below, it proves Geo-centrism, there are more easily digestible reads on it..



Gerry - just checking - do you think this paper contains useful evidence and are you willing to accept what it says?

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So God projects the moon onto the sky, but sometimes makes it flicker allowing you to get one up on all us Sheeple. Fantastic theory there Gerry.

I dont know what the flicker is but people are calling in the lunar wave and have manage to predict the frequency of the wave and likened it to some sort of refresh rate as you got when filming the older VDU computer monitors, you must remember that effect on film..

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As evidence of a stationary earth and the stars are moving over us and we are not spinning, look into Airys Experiment.


his paper is below, it proves Geo-centrism, there are more easily digestible reads on it..



Gerry - just checking - do you think this paper contains useful evidence and are you willing to accept what it says?


They called it the Airy's Failure , I think because he set out to try and prove the heliocentric model and failed, and also the ether.


I've not fully read the paper as I don't find it easy reading to be honest. but my understanding of the experiment is that shows we are stationary.

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I've not fully read the paper as I don't find it easy reading to be honest. but my understanding of the experiment is that shows we are stationary.


Oh dear - well try reading this and especially this and come back to us. The paper quite definitely doesn't show we are stationary - quite the opposite it confirms the aberration of light which is a consequence of our motion about the sun. What it does disprove is the supposed alteration in the amount of astronomical aberration of light when your telescope is full of water (hint always read the title).


Gerry - you are sadly proving the maxim a little knowledge is a dangerous thing - and also it is always problematic to mix up your conspiracy theories - please remember in future flat earth does not equal stationary earth.


Airy was a pivotal person in trying to understand the propagation of light (I wonder when Michelson Morely will come up?). Back in those days some scientists thought light propagated through a stationary ether - this experiment disproves that too. The solution to this issue had to wait for Einstein and (special (I think)) relativity.


Great paper though - you've picked to justify your case on a paper which uses the spherical nature of the earth and its motion about the sun. And what are you using this paper to disprove: the motion of the earth in a thread about a flat earth.


Honestly you couldn't make it up. Gerry you are very very foolish.

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rManx...the below is not alleged..


Following a freedom of information request, NASA finally admitted it had lost all of their original footage of the Apollo Missions. Unfortunately it isn’t just the video footage that is missing. Also allegedly beamed back from the moon was the voice data, biomedical monitoring data, the telemetry data to monitor the location and mechanical functioning of the spaceship. All this data was on 13,000 reels (over 900 boxes) that are said to be missing. Also missing according to NASA and its various subcontractors, are the original plans/blueprints for the lunar modules and the spacesuits and lunar rovers.

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