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Flat Earth?


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Yeh, Buzz was told to come back and pretend the world was not flat - all part of an extraterrestrial TV show where they watch a complete moron on planet earth thinking it's flat. Sort of like X Files meets The Truman Show.

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Because we were warned off.

You might be right and who am I to say differently. I just watch the occasional conspiracy theory and the controversial LRO graphics from NASA from 2009.


It does seem odd that with all our advanced technology we're supposed to have, that we can't build a base on the moon.



If by chance there is aliens on the moon, then so be it but if there isn't, surely it would make sense to build projects there?

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Yeh, Buzz was told to come back and pretend the world was not flat - all part of an extraterrestrial TV show where they watch a complete moron on planet earth thinking it's flat. Sort of like X Files meets The Truman Show.

When you suggest "they were warned off" I am assuming you are referring to aliens?, if so then you have fallen for the disinfo in a big way Isaac.


Aliens from "outer space" have been a great distraction for "the powers that shouldn't be", they probably have a fake alien invasion planned I am sure and the years of people conjuring them up in their minds only helps them to pull it off.


The moon landing hoaxes are an excellent example of NASA lies, it doesn't prove we live on a flat earth it just reinforces to us that we have to disregard anything NASA shows us, just like the recent imaginary comet probe that the public have all bought "line, hook and sinker".


I don't know for sure the earth is flat, but it isn't spinning and it isn't a ball with the dimensions they say it is, last weekend I took the kids to a pebble beach near Baldrine, I sat down whilst they explored rock pools and climbed on the rocks and I was about 2 meters above sea level and I could see the coastline straight across from me, when I got home I used google maps and found out I was looking at coastline 41 miles away, it must have been a mirage, although a mirage of great clarity, and not distorted or wavering as I thought they were supposed to do.


This flat earth subject seems to be gaining momentum on the internet these last few months, and one of my biggest question at the moment is "why is this happening now", here we are in the 21st century and the alternative media brigade are heavily divided over no other than "flat earth", my spidey sense is telling me its a distraction for something very big coming around the corner, very soon, I cannot see the benefit it it being a system psyop to discredit the "tin foil hats" as they already have no credibility, it has however divided them nicely, but for what purpose I just don't know!


The people that still think the Moon landings are supported by solid evidence and were indeed a true event in human history, are beyond help or are either in total denial in my opinion, its far too late in the day for them now...

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Amazing how people want to believe in such tripe, even when there's a perfectly good explanation for why these visual anomalies occur.




What is the attraction to flights of fancy? This thread is a perfect example.


Unless, of course, this gerrydandridge chappie is a master troll who's sitting back laughing down his cuff at the responses of the guilible?

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TMM: I don't believe there are alien bases on the moon or mars. It is quite logical to believe there are aliens in "outer space" if indeed we are in a universe with 2-3 trillion other planets, it would be silly to think we are alone if that is the case, but if these planets and stars are just luminaries then where would the space aliens live?

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TMM: I don't believe there are alien bases on the moon or mars. It is quite logical to believe there are aliens in "outer space" if indeed we are in a universe with 2-3 trillion other planets, it would be silly to think we are alone if that is the case, but if these planets and stars are just luminaries then where would the space aliens live?


I'm certain of the existence of extra-terrestrial life-forms, it would be seem impossible that given the number of galaxies 'out there', it could not be so. I think your guestimate of 2-3 trillion other planets is rather an under-guestimate. Any other alien life-forms have probably the same obstacles that human-kind face and that is the vast distances between these galaxies. It may well be that there are civilisations who have the ability to bend space and time, who've been around much, much longer than any other and have learned to disrupt the space-time continuum to enable near-instantaneous travel Who knows? But I hope so.

I have been reading through this thread for a few days before deciding to comment. It would seem you are convinced that this planet is a flat entity created for illusionary purposes. By whom and for what reason? It is a question that has been asked of you in many posts but any elaboration you have given doesn't quite cut it for me. What is the master-plan behind this construct? What would be the point?


Can you be more exacting as to why any sinister corporation would wish to decieve us?

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Also please excuse my suspicion on someone that just joined 1 hour ago to put in a point on a 60+ page thread and to use the T word when referring to me...

I personally don't mind people having other usernames providing they do not abuse the forum by seemingly adding a combined thrust against a suggestion, person or theory etc as I would consider that bullying.



(Before anyone asks - I only have one username as also my husband which he rarely uses)

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Also please excuse my suspicion on someone that just joined 1 hour ago to put in a point on a 60+ page thread and to use the T word when referring to me...


There are a few posters in this thread who seem to assume you're trolling. If you are then you're exceptionally good at it. I actually don't think so. As for my joining an hour ago; I left the Island a few years ago but have occasionally scanned these forums over those years and decided to set up an account to join the fun, so to speak. There are many forums in the UK like MF which have their fair share of wind-up merchants and MF is not immune to them. I take it you're sincere, can you therefore answer my questions as above? In your own time/words.

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TMM: I don't believe there are alien bases on the moon or mars. It is quite logical to believe there are aliens in "outer space" if indeed we are in a universe with 2-3 trillion other planets, it would be silly to think we are alone if that is the case, but if these planets and stars are just luminaries then where would the space aliens live?


I'm certain of the existence of extra-terrestrial life-forms, it would be seem impossible that given the number of galaxies 'out there', it could not be so. I think your guestimate of 2-3 trillion other planets is rather an under-guestimate. Any other alien life-forms have probably the same obstacles that human-kind face and that is the vast distances between these galaxies. It may well be that there are civilisations who have the ability to bend space and time, who've been around much, much longer than any other and have learned to disrupt the space-time continuum to enable near-instantaneous travel Who knows? But I hope so.

I have been reading through this thread for a few days before deciding to comment. It would seem you are convinced that this planet is a flat entity created for illusionary purposes. By whom and for what reason? It is a question that has been asked of you in many posts but any elaboration you have given doesn't quite cut it for me. What is the master-plan behind this construct? What would be the point?


Can you be more exacting as to why any sinister corporation would wish to decieve us?


If you are certain then you must have some proof of this copious amount of other life in the "universe", please share as I have shared my flat earth proofs.


The "flat earth" was not created for illusory purposes, our perception of our true self, where we live, our HIStory and a possible creator has been warped for reasons I have explained earlier in the thread. We have simply been degraded to a speck upon a speck in an infinite universe, they stole who we really are from us, this is all the explanation that is needed, it make perfect sense to me...

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''They''? It still makes no sense to me, for everything has a purpose, a definitive such as ''They'' still produces no evidence nor make perfect sense to me. I am genuinely interested in your reasons why it should all seem so, to you. Pardon my ignorance once again but even reading back through your posts I still can't fathom the purpose behind the promulgation of Flat Earth theory. I'm not very good at this sort of thing.

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I have been wondering why "Flat Earth" has come about at this time also, It came to my attention only a few months ago, I got sucked in, so to speak, so many people are talking about in on the internet right now, its like a new craze, why now I ask myself.


I have been listening to both sides of the argument, I was listening to a 3 hour "round table" discussion of flat earth debunkers yesterday and their argument is weak compared to the flat earth pushers...Seems the only proof they rely on is NASA CGI and fake moon landings. They don't come across very smart either compared to the people that are looking into the shape of the earth with an open mind..


Ask yourself the question why no images of earth other than the 1972 "blue marble" where available prior to CGI technology.


Has anyone been above 400 miles high since 1972?

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TMM: I don't believe there are alien bases on the moon or mars. It is quite logical to believe there are aliens in "outer space" if indeed we are in a universe with 2-3 trillion other planets, it would be silly to think we are alone if that is the case, but if these planets and stars are just luminaries then where would the space aliens live?


I'm certain of the existence of extra-terrestrial life-forms, it would be seem impossible that given the number of galaxies 'out there', it could not be so. I think your guestimate of 2-3 trillion other planets is rather an under-guestimate. Any other alien life-forms have probably the same obstacles that human-kind face and that is the vast distances between these galaxies. It may well be that there are civilisations who have the ability to bend space and time, who've been around much, much longer than any other and have learned to disrupt the space-time continuum to enable near-instantaneous travel Who knows? But I hope so.

I have been reading through this thread for a few days before deciding to comment. It would seem you are convinced that this planet is a flat entity created for illusionary purposes. By whom and for what reason? It is a question that has been asked of you in many posts but any elaboration you have given doesn't quite cut it for me. What is the master-plan behind this construct? What would be the point?


Can you be more exacting as to why any sinister corporation would wish to decieve us?


If you are certain then you must have some proof of this copious amount of other life in the "universe", please share as I have shared my flat earth proofs.


The "flat earth" was not created for illusory purposes, our perception of our true self, where we live, our HIStory and a possible creator has been warped for reasons I have explained earlier in the thread. We have simply been degraded to a speck upon a speck in an infinite universe, they stole who we really are from us, this is all the explanation that is needed, it make perfect sense to me...


Sorry to break it to you, but a speck on a speck is who you really are. I am sorry that you can't accept that despite overwhelming proof.


And like I have said previously, if they were trying to make people feel small surely the first place to start would be throwing religion out of the window? Most world leaders still profess to be religious, and most religions inflate sense of self by claiming the universe was created for humans.


Personally I don't think being "a speck on a speck" should make anyone feel small. Look at where we were even just 100 years ago in terms of technology. People are bloody marvelous. Going to the moon is part of the proof of that.


As for NASA being a Government agency set up to make us feel small so the Governments can control us, how does this quote fit that narrative? If anything it inspires rebellion against political bullshit.

“From out there on the Moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch.’”

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