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Flat Earth?


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If you remember Paul the problem they have to solve before getting a manned flight to Mars in a couple of years is the Van Allen belt not frying the astoNOTs, I suppose along with all the data they lost with the 1969 moon landings, they must have lost the solution to this problem also....

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why didnt alan bean know whether or not he had been through the van allen belt china. in the video i posted? above top gun remember x


Sometimes people make mistakes. In fact, you can point at any person in the world and they've made hundreds of them.

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yeah but china hand's got equations though. and theories. and that dead handy moon landin footage. so mr bean must just be one of the silly astronots, still above top gun though! seriously check out mr beans credentials on wiki. then ask yourself how he doesn't know where the van allen belt is at that age in the video i posted? so the interviewer asks him did he feel the effects of it when he went to the moon. he says they never went through it and he's not sure even that they did! so the interviewer has to tel HIM where it starts from, then he changes his mind and say's "oh well we must have went right through it then!!! what a joker. then he goes into a trance like state and talks about a light he saw. strange days indeed x


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why didnt alan bean know whether or not he had been through the van allen belt china. in the video i posted? above top gun remember x


Sometimes people make mistakes. In fact, you can point at any person in the world and they've made hundreds of them.


yeah just look at the leader of the naacp. wow that was a lot of people making the mistake of believing what they were told, no matter what their own eyes told them. how many people believed her he licks? were you one of them? what a ball shattering news story and what an insight to the phenomena of believing what you are told! it seems the curtain is unraveling and china's got no hand. all in anyone? x

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Paul's Got Wright -


Just to be clear Rachel Dolezal wasn't the leader of the NAACP - she was the head of the Spokane Branch in the State of Washington Section of the NAACP.


That's a bit like being the head of the Durham Branch of the North East of England Section.


She was very minor.


The US has very confused attitudes to race.


Can you spot the person honoured by the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People?





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Gerry claims to know about the stars.


I wonder if he knows about Polaris - the pole star, which is only a few degrees from the celestial North Pole.


Polaris is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere. As you move southward, it comes lower and lower in the sky, until at the equator it sets.


This is a verifiable fact.


Only someone like Gerry could deny it.


Here are some photos showing Polaris higher and lower in the sky - the angle dependent upon the latitude of the photographer on the globe:






Now Gerry claims that you will get this effect if the stars aren't millions of miles away but close to the Earth. He claims we are being lied to and the real situation is like this:




Gerry thinks that we aren't on a ball, but a flat plane, and when you move along the plane the stars appear lower in the sky.


Well not so fast - The flat plane cannot explain why Polaris actually sets - disappearing under the horizon.


It is a trivial bit of maths to show what Polaris would look like if it was close to the Earth and the Earth was flat.


Reality is nothing like this. But if you do the maths looking at how polaris would look on a spherical earth ... Bingo. A perfect match between evidence and theory.




Gerry will deny it, talk about projections and other rubbish - while all he needs to do is take some measurements of the height of the pole star at a few different locations on the earth to realize his world view simply doesn't fit with reality.


He won't do this ... he would rather delude himself than see his world empty of lies, cheats and conspiracy. What a world view to want to cling to despite clear evidence it's bunk. Oh well. That's poor deluded Gerrry.

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