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Flat Earth?


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Difficult to merely agree to disagree when the counter argument is total unadulterated bollox.


I know which I believe but the point I'm making is that no amount of "discussion" is going to change viewpoints, it is all rather pointless and futile.


and here is something for Isaac:


Screen Shot 2015 06 20 At 13.07.19

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On the assumption that gerry is trolling rather than suffering from any form of mental illness, then his increasingly desparate trolling efforts are somewhat entertaining.


China's consistently high quality and relentless debunking are interesting to read also.


But I'd probably agree with you @mojo that it's run its course.

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come on bobbie it's not like china is the ball renowned leader in scientific theories is it! did he create any of the theories about the shape of the earth??? did he create the theory of gravity or relativity?cant find him on google?


the debate/research continues with or without his permission or input! why oh why doesn't he understand that not everyone believes what they are told by known liars?. let people find out for themselves what they decide is good evidence. he's acting like a kid when someone takes their ball off them! he has terrible manners no matter what shape the earth is and no respect for those who dare to say they don't know what shape the earth is. like me, i am clear that i don't know. i'm enjoying the research on both sides. it's not very scientific to ridicule people who are trying to learn is it. not admirable either. china has no hand in my education. thank goodness.


take heed of the music china it has many lessons for us to learn together, like that one by michael jackson..............


"heal the ball, make it a better place. for you and for me and the entire human race"

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On the assumption that gerry is trolling rather than suffering from any form of mental illness, then his increasingly desparate trolling efforts are somewhat entertaining.


China's consistently high quality and relentless debunking are interesting to read also.


But I'd probably agree with you @mojo that it's run its course.

So you think that the Polaris star moves under the horizon because it is trillions of miles away (it has to be else why no change in the position of it with the massive earth orbit to take into account 6 months later) and the obvious curve of the earth is (that we cannot see without the NASA CGI) is causing it to lower in the sky as we move south, as opposed to a simple matter of prospective.


Engineers of great structures don't account for a spherical earth. We see things with our own eyes and are supposed to wash it away with a mathematical formula that most cannot fathom but tells us it is a mirage. Navigators report of being out of position when using Spherical trigonometry.


NASA is now clearly unbelievable to anyone remotely awake. Any my sanity is in question?


You brush all of this away, because you don't want it to be correct, and BTW the people selling the lie to you all believe very much in numerology, its not a joke to them one bit..


What happened to Gus Grissom after he put a lemon on the Apollo simulator, why would he call it a lemon of all things?


Did you see the re-entry of the brave people coming home last week, or just a parachute falling to the ground?


How many satellites are supposed to be in orbit, 10,000?


I have a good reason to believe that GPS is indeed ground based and not what we are lead to believe..

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Don't you guys think it is time to simply agree to disagree? Gerry clearly isn't going to change his belief and neither is China. It's all rather degenerated into name calling.

yeah let's all go out pickin flowers together man peace out man x

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There are still no legitimate flat earthers here.

are you legally trained in sectioning people to make that decision though lao? that is the question the whole ball wants to know the answer to! x




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There are still no legitimate flat earthers here.

are you legally trained in sectioning people to make that decision though lao? that is the question the whole ball wants to know the answer to! x





"feeeed the baaaall. let them know it's christmas time" x

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On the assumption that gerry is trolling rather than suffering from any form of mental illness, then his increasingly desparate trolling efforts are somewhat entertaining.

my sanity is in question

It was not by me. But if you are ill, then I unreservedly apologise for descibing your symptoms as entertaining.

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Poor old Gus stepped out of line it seem..


"1967, January 22, Gus Grissom, an American astronaut, held an unauthorized press conference in which he told reporters that the United States was “at least a decade away” from even contemplating a lunar mission. He was severely rebuked for giving that interview without permission. Following this reprimand, Gus Grissom later came out of a water tank reduced gravity simulation of the supposed lunar landing module, and hung a lemon attached to a coat-hanger in front of a NASA emblem to indicate to any cameras present, without speaking, what he and his fellow crew members, Roger Chaffee and Edward White, thought of the Apollo programme.

1967: January 27, Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee were killed on the launch pad when a flash fire engulfs their command module during testing for the first Apollo/Saturn mission. They are the first U.S. astronauts to die in the line of duty."

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