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Flat Earth?


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Do flat earthers believe that it is only the earth that is flat, and that all the other planets, (natural) satellites and stars are spheroids?


The only 'roids circling Gerry's head are his hemorrhoids.

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Do flat earthers believe that it is only the earth that is flat, and that all the other planets, (natural) satellites and stars are spheroids?


Prominent present day advocates don't believe that the Earth or any other planet or star is flat. They peddle their nonsense to see how many idiots they can get to believe it. They enjoy winding up the serious scientists and if they are very good at it, they can make a career and a fortune from it. It is annoying that along the way they denigrate the work of serious mathematicians, astronomers, physicists and astronauts in the eyes of the gullible who actually do believe it.


i'm not in the ballieve category, still learning though which is fun. night all x

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ballieve what you want Lao just don't force it on others x


I try to make it a habit, as far as possible, to believe what is true which is admittedly difficult at times, and certainly not always very comforting, but is far healthier than just believing whatever you want.


I've met quite a few people who just "believe what they want" and it really isn't a healthy mindset at all.


As for forcing it on others, I'm not, the fact remains that there are no sincere flat earthers here on Manx forums, Just a couple of intellectually dishonest people who obfuscate, and play with conspiracy theories because it makes them feel smart.


It's an exercise in ego massaging and nothing more for those that are doing it deliberately, and for those poor individuals who get carried along by conspiracy theories, it comes from either paranoia or the fundamental attribution error, and is best dealt with by a professional psychologist/psychiatrist rather than random people on the internet.


I would feel bad for Chinahand, whose sincerity and effort is largely being mistreated and dismissed out of hand, in spite of the heavy weight of evidence and proof on his side, however, I happen to know that he enjoys the endeavour regardless of whether or not his sincerity is reciprocated.

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and what of those who don't know the shape of the earth Lao? the ones who have not verified it for themselves.have you any prose for those? you been to space have you? is that why you speak with such lofty authority on the ball? are you a ball renowned leader of the ball theory? what weight do you carry here exactly? please don't question my sincerity. i am sincerely in the "don't know" category and i'm enjoying learning more and more about the subject. i know far more now than i ever knew from school or my peers, about the subject. and who are those "couple of intellectually dishonest people"??? you seem bitter about the subject even being discussed. that's not healthy. an open discussion is, and that's what we and many others, are doing. that's what a forum is all about mate x you keep mentioning psycho's and the like. i didn't know they see people who get "carried along". is that a clinical term? are you some sort of professional sectioneer or the mf sectioneer. please state your role in mental health, thanks x

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Paul have you been to the US? Are you going to start a thread wondering if all those sit-coms and Hollywood movies are really faked in Pinewood, and those occasional strange accented people you meet are really government shills pretending to be from Texas?


If you have been to the US how about China, or Brazil.


What's the difference between this and a flat earth - they are equally as implausible.

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and what of those who don't know the shape of the earth Lao? the ones who have not verified it for themselves.have you any prose for those? you been to space have you? is that why you speak with such lofty authority on the ball? are you a ball renowned leader of the ball theory? what weight do you carry here exactly? please don't question my sincerity. i am sincerely in the "don't know" category and i'm enjoying learning more and more about the subject. i know far more now than i ever knew from school or my peers, about the subject. and who are those "couple of intellectually dishonest people"??? you seem bitter about the subject even being discussed. that's not healthy. an open discussion is, and that's what we and many others, are doing. that's what a forum is all about mate x you keep mentioning psycho's and the like. i didn't know they see people who get "carried along". is that a clinical term? are you some sort of professional sectioneer or the mf sectioneer. please state your role in mental health, thanks x


China has given plenty of ways for you to verify the shape of the earth yourself. If you haven't managed to do it at this point it's your own fault and no-one else's.

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As for forcing it on others, I'm not, the fact remains that there are no sincere flat earthers here on Manx forums, Just a couple of intellectually dishonest people who obfuscate, and play with conspiracy theories because it makes them feel smart.


It's an exercise in ego massaging and nothing more for those that are doing it deliberately, and for those poor individuals who get carried along by conspiracy theories, it comes from either paranoia or the fundamental attribution error, and is best dealt with by a professional psychologist/psychiatrist rather than random people on the internet.


I would feel bad for Chinahand, whose sincerity and effort is largely being mistreated and dismissed out of hand, in spite of the heavy weight of evidence and proof on his side, however, I happen to know that he enjoys the endeavour regardless of whether or not his sincerity is reciprocated.


I wouldn't call myself a flat earther, I don't like the "er" that is put on to the end of words to make them sound less credible.


Intellectually dishonest is better than being called a liar I suppose, this subject could have the ability to show how gullible the population really has been (either way), imagine spending your life as an astro physicist to only find out that it is all nothing more that a giant snow globe, years of studying Hubble images, lecturing in it and telling countless others that look up to them as intellectuals for years, to find they were indeed just a sucker for a lie, unfortunately once the fraud is revealed there will probably be many that will take their own lives rather than face the humiliation of a wasted life emerged in unknowing fraud, these so called intellectuals certainty wont be feeling very smart then will they.


People going into debt thinking that in exchange for said debt will be a valuable education at the end of it, but when finding out their money has gone on their own dumbing down, .this wont go down too well with the fickle crowd, so they have to keep them absorbed in other things, or keep them sleeping a little longer.



Look at the below map of planes flying around the "globe" from this morning, I have looked at these for some time now and they are always the same, north pacific and Atlantic, teaming with activity, south Pacific / Atlantic, Indian ocean seem a little barren, does nobody travel from south america to south Africa, or south america to Australia, it seems what these people have been saying that GPS doesn't seem to show the planes in the southern hemisphere, is correct. We have up to 40,000 satellites in space at this time, well not on a flat earth they wont will they.


Is GPS really ground based? is this why they cannot sufficiently cover the much larger southern hemisphere?


A soon a a plane travels over water on the southern hemisphere and there is no nearby island, it just disappears of the map until it reaches the coastline of it destination, not so for the northern hemisphere though!


Considering the cost of aviation fuel, would planes really fly several thousands of miles out of their way or take the more direct route?


I hope the weather is good in California today,.


And apparently it is 47 nations governments that are policing the Antarctic coastline within the treaty now, regardless of their differences, they don't seem to be taking any chances, very interesting!


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"does nobody travel from south america to south Africa, or south america to Australia"


You mean travel from one of the poorer parts of the world to another poor part of the world? Yes, I wonder why there isn't that much travel between them...

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it seems what these people have been saying that GPS doesn't seem to show the planes in the southern hemisphere, is correct. We have up to 40,000 satellites in space at this time, well not on a flat earth they wont will they.

Why are you talking about GPS when the data on this site is from ADS-B? May I suggest RTFM?

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"does nobody travel from south america to south Africa, or south america to Australia"


You mean travel from one of the poorer parts of the world to another poor part of the world? Yes, I wonder why there isn't that much travel between them...

So they will fly from Johannesburg to Europe, but not to Australia direct?

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