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Flat Earth?


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Has anyone seen the number of articles on Youtube about the earth being flat?


One in particular, talked about the circumference of the earth being nearly 25,000 miles and one site mentioned Samuel Rowbotham or Paralax who supposedly used the old Bedford Level Canal in Cambridgeshire and presented the evidence that the water was level and an observer who had a telescope approx 18 inches from the top of the water, watched the boat sail for 6 miles along the canal and allegedly didn't lose sight of the said boat.

The point he was making was that the boat should have dipped out of sight if the earth was curved.


Interesting story but before anyone believes this, then read his wikipedia first.

Having rowed along that stretch of water more times that I care to remember I can assure you that you do see things dipping out of sight

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@Sheldon I'll never forget my first Dime bar!


Did you know they're called Daim in continental Europe?

Whatever their called, wherever, they taste disgusting.

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@Sheldon I'll never forget my first Dime bar!


Did you know they're called Daim in continental Europe?

Whatever their called, wherever, they taste disgusting.


Smooth on the inside, crunchy on the outside. ARMADILLOS!



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Then again, what if we are under a dome like the hunger games and the sun is an illusion and we're controlled like lab longtails oooerr.......

That said, makes no difference to me whether the earth's round or flat, whether we've reached the moon or not, aliens walk amongst us or not as the 50/50 world of life and death just repeats itself with increasing levels of greed and lesser levels of benevolence.

Rich get richer, poor get poorer and whether we like it or not, we just carry on looking for a bright moment or two watching time go by or eagerly looking towards to the weekend only for it to flash by seemingly twice as quick.


So round or flat, I'm not bothered.

Here's a question though for those eager mathematicians out there; If the world spins at approx 1,040 mph in a day, how long would it take to get to the original starting point following a) with the spin and b) against the spin and c) what is the difference in length and time?





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Here's a question though for those eager mathematicians out there; If the world spins at approx 1,040 mph in a day, how long would it take to get to the original starting point following a) with the spin and b) against the spin and c) what is the difference in length and time?



Erm, I can't answer that question.

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Here's a question though for those eager mathematicians out there; If the world spins at approx 1,040 mph in a day, how long would it take to get to the original starting point following a) with the spin and b) against the spin and c) what is the difference in length and time?




I'm not really sure what it is you are looking for, the earth spins on it's axis, it orbits the sun, and our sun is on a spiral arm of it's galaxy, in an expanding universe.

It spins one complete revolution approximately every 24 hours.

It orbits the sun approximately once every 365.25 days.

Following our sun on it's journey we complete a rotation of the galaxy approximately every 200 million years.

factoring in the movement of the galaxy itself and the expansion of the universe, im going to say the answer is:


the planet never occupies the same point in space that it has been in.

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Here's a question though for those eager mathematicians out there; If the world spins at approx 1,040 mph in a day, how long would it take to get to the original starting point following a) with the spin and b) against the spin and c) what is the difference in length and time?


Do you mean...


If I started walking/swimming/flying from the Point of Ayre (for arguments sake) around the globe back to the Point of Ayre, remaining on the same latitude, against the Earth's rotation and then again with the Earth's rotation what would the difference in length and time be?

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