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Flat Earth?


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Couldn't agree more, Isaac. What we have here is a classic sign of MKUltra brainwashing.


Why do this?

What gain do you get out of this?

What does it prove?


Why do this?

What gain do you get out of this?

What does it prove?


Why do this?

What gain do you get out of this?

What does it prove?


...........it's as if she has been programmed.

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Really disappointed in you Chinahand as I used to like your explanations, but not when it's done to ridicule someone as you've done. I much prefer the old even-tempered way.

Oh come on manxy - really disappointed? Come on then - what has so shocked you about my recent postings? Saying Gerry was delusional if he thinks an airline route which has carried 10s of thousands of people, including some really good friends of mine, is a fake?


Comparing Paul's Got Wright's doubt that the earth is a sphere to people doubting if the US exists?


I think those two posts are right on the button.


If you'd like a refresher of what I've written - click the magnifying class icon in the search bar at the top of the page, then leaving every other field blank type Chinahand into the Find Author box and you'll see every single post I've written in this thread.


It's the ridiculing I don't like CH.

I liked your posts because they were straight to the point, using facts as the main thrust and using what science, knowledge and information is out there.

Like I said, I prefer these to ridiculing others any time of the week

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Couldn't agree more, Isaac. What we have here is a classic sign of MKUltra brainwashing.


Why do this?

What gain do you get out of this?

What does it prove?


Why do this?

What gain do you get out of this?

What does it prove?


Why do this?

What gain do you get out of this?

What does it prove?


...........it's as if she has been programmed.

Why do this?

What gain do you get out of this?

What does it prove?

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A fact is something confirmed to such a degree that it is unreasonable to withhold provisional assent.


There is no certainty in life, but there is a reasonable basis to provisionally assent to things being a certain way - especially when that provisional assent is based on a conscilliance of evidence.


If you claim you don't know that the world is a sphere, you should ask yourself why you don't know this. It shows profound ignorance of very basic evidence.

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Paul, do you know the basic shape of the Isle of Man? The UK? Do you think it is worth debating whether the UK is shaped like a wrinkly square and how it is an optical illusion that you can see Wales across the Bristol Channel, with a huge conspiracy keeping the wrinkly squariness from us via fake geography books? This debate is basically at the same level of farce.

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Paul, do you know the basic shape of the Isle of Man? The UK? Do you think it is worth debating whether the UK is shaped like a wrinkly square and how it is an optical illusion that you can see Wales across the Bristol Channel, with a huge conspiracy keeping the wrinkly squariness from us via fake geography books? This debate is basically at the same level of farce.

i'm not sure i like your tone china x

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As ever I am sure Gerry will say this is all a lie or fake.


Just sad.




These videos are the official state sanctioned tours around the edge for the gullible sheep, you can hear the baring in the background,


All shots of the coastline, with sea, do they go 1000 miles in...NO, do they go 100 miles in,,,I seriously doubt it..


Admiral byrd had to go in a long way and reported seeing a tropical paradise...this is where the inner earth myth came into being, I never believed the inner earth story at all, the flat earth make more sense.


For anyone that believes in Aliens, I would say it is more likely they come from across the ice wall than from outer space.

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I would just like to set the science aside for now and discuss with you some other elements of the flat earth theory that puzzle me. Firstly you will have to excuse me for paraphrasing some of what you have said because I do not have the time to go back through all your posts and quote you directly.


It has been stated that we are all taught that the earth is round to hide the truth from us. We know from history that there was a time when the world was generally believed to be flat. In fact from my reading the idea of a spherical earth has been around since circa 150BC and probably earlier and there are artefacts to support this.


Isaac hypothesised that the reason was based on the control of the population and that an awareness that the world is flat would imply a creator. This, in Isaac's view, would undermine the power of the "ruling elite" hence why they would wish to keep the truth hidden.


The problem I have with this is the length of time this alleged deception has been going on. History again shows us that there have been many highly religious leaders in power who would have delighted in being able to reveal evidence of a creator/god. Even today there are people around the world who would stand to gain significantly from such a claim (Catholic Church/Pope not to mention ISIS). Yet at no stage have they revealed the "truth" that the world is flat.


You have also suggested that NASA, several world governments and the military are involved in protecting the evidence of a flat earth. I have no idea how many people would be engaged in such a deception but the figures would have to be significant. That is not even including the other lesser players you have mentioned such as commercial airlines.


If we believe that the world is flat and that the truth is covered up then the sheer size of the deception is incredible. We are talking co-operaton on a global scale between parties who are normally happy to "score points" against each other and have engaged in many wars. That is just in the modern day... Extend this back to when the cover up started and we must be talking huge numbers of people who were involved.


This to me seems implausible. To my mind there is no way you can have that many people involved and yet keep the deception up to the extent you are suggesting.


Now let's also add in the fact that you, and others, are largely let alone to openly discuss the cover up of the flat earth and try to openly spread the idea to others. I do not believe that this would be allowed. Such communications would surely be shut down and those spreading the word would surely be dealt with?


I would love to go into more detail but the numbers involved in this are beyond my ability to calculate. I can see no way that a cover up could be maintained over centuries, by so many people, with so many different beliefs and attitudes, to serve a very small group of "elite" people. Especially when during all those centuries the "ruling elite" has varied massively.


Perhaps you could explain your views on this?

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The global elite have been the same faction for thousands of years, they rule covertly, the Governments that we have are merely puppet governments, doesn't matter who you vote in you will always get the same puppeteer, the differences between these Governments are make believe for “our” benefit, (a bit like wrestling, they go for a drink after the show is over) the wars they have waged in the past are planned and orchestrated, the 3 world wars were planned as far back as 1871, the below letter is said to be fake, however fake or not it came about prior to the great war and I would say its accuracy with both ww1 and ww2 and also today’s political climate is eerily accurate.


Part of the Letter from Albert Pike 33 degree Freemason to Giuseppe Mazzini: (this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977)


“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.


The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.


The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.”


So the plan isn't generational but is long term, not just the whim of a current political state, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Churchill all financed by the same entity towards the “great work”.


Compartmentalisation is the reason for it not getting out, just like 99% of NASA employees, everything is on a need to know basis, I am sure they firmly believe they helped send a man to the moon, the same is with the Freemason’s, especially the blue degrees I am sure they firmly believe they are involved with an organisation that does nothing but good, that’s why they use the pyramid structure of hierarchy in all these organisations, as you go up you get to know a little more.


The Russians and the west and the North Koreans and the Chinese and so on are no more enemies than you and I, nothing more than WWE for the masses, the same with the fake cold war, the same with Al CIA da, ISIS, ISIL, IS whatever or whomever the new boogie man it this week to scare you and push forward in their agenda, I see we have just had another in France today, another decapitation another episode to get people like “SPOOK” here pointing fingers at ISLAM and Muslims, it’s all divide and rule, they will provide for you the thesis and the antithesis, and then they will provide for you the synthesis, typical Hegelian Dialectic…


As for "they could never keep it a secret" I would say 99.9% ( and to say 1 in a thousand knows whats going on is still over generous) of people don't have a clue what is really going on in this world, most I wont dare to mention here as 1, I will be consider a lunatic and 2, its was off topic and out of the scope of a simple post, and thirdly it would probably cause great uproar, no doubt a true troll would be happy with such things, however I am not trolling.


Pretty much everything you see on the news is put there purely to manipulate your perception of reality, that includes today's news from France and all of the similar events of the not too distant past.


In chess terms we are now in "End Game",,,in my opinion...

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