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Part of the Letter from Albert Pike 33 degree Freemason to Giuseppe Mazzini: (this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977)

As I'm sure you know, the letter has long been confirmed as a hoax.

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Part of the Letter from Albert Pike 33 degree Freemason to Giuseppe Mazzini: (this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977)

As I'm sure you know, the letter has long been confirmed as a hoax.


No doubt Gerry wil say "That's what THEY want you to think......"

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Part of the Letter from Albert Pike 33 degree Freemason to Giuseppe Mazzini: (this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977)

As I'm sure you know, the letter has long been confirmed as a hoax.



He said "the below letter is said to be fake, however fake or not it came about prior to the great war and I would say its accuracy with both ww1 and ww2 and also today’s political climate is eerily accurate."


So apparently despite knowing it's a hoax, he believes the part of the hoax about when it was written and therefore it must be a real hoax illuminati confession.


I've got a bit of paper with last week's lottery numbers on that I promise I wrote before the draw took place. I'm definitely psychic.

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Part of the Letter from Albert Pike 33 degree Freemason to Giuseppe Mazzini: (this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977)

As I'm sure you know, the letter has long been confirmed as a hoax.



He said "the below letter is said to be fake, however fake or not it came about prior to the great war and I would say its accuracy with both ww1 and ww2 and also today’s political climate is eerily accurate."


So apparently despite knowing it's a hoax, he believes the part of the hoax about when it was written and therefore it must be a real hoax illuminati confession.


I've got a bit of paper with last week's lottery numbers on that I promise I wrote before the draw took place. I'm definitely psychic.



Its not proven to be hoax, just suspected of being so


Regardless if it is fake or not, the thing came to light prior to the great war, therefor my point being, hoax or not, it was some damn fine prediction on the first 2 wars and the current state of affairs in the middle east, being around before these events...

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Part of the Letter from Albert Pike 33 degree Freemason to Giuseppe Mazzini: (this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977)

As I'm sure you know, the letter has long been confirmed as a hoax.



He said "the below letter is said to be fake, however fake or not it came about prior to the great war and I would say its accuracy with both ww1 and ww2 and also today’s political climate is eerily accurate."


So apparently despite knowing it's a hoax, he believes the part of the hoax about when it was written and therefore it must be a real hoax illuminati confession.


I've got a bit of paper with last week's lottery numbers on that I promise I wrote before the draw took place. I'm definitely psychic.



Its not proven to be hoax, just suspected of being so


Regardless if it is fake or not, the thing came to light prior to the great war, therefor my point being, hoax or not, it was some damn fine prediction on the first 2 wars and the current state of affairs in the middle east, being around before these events...


What makes you think it was written before the war?


Does the vocabulary used really look like 1870s to you?

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Regardless if it is fake or not, the thing came to light prior to the great war, therefor my point being, hoax or not, it was some damn fine prediction on the first 2 wars and the current state of affairs in the middle east, being around before these events...

When it was written is exactly what was faked. There's irrefutable evidence of this.

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A few observations on Conspiracy Theorists....


1: Arrogance: They are always fact-seekers, questioners, people who are heroically trying to discover the ''truth''; sceptics are always sheep, patsies for messers Blair/Bush/big corporation/they/them....


2: Relentlessness: They always go on and on and on about a conspiracy, no matter how little evidence they have to go-on or how much of what they have is rightly discredited. Additionally, they have no capacity for 'precis', whatsoever and ramble at enormous length.


3: Inablility to answer questions: For people who loudly advertise their determination to the principle of questioning everything, they're pretty poor at answering questions from sceptics about the claims they make. Helix's attempts to obtain a direct answer from gerry epitomise this aspect of inaccountability.


4: A fondness for certain 'stock' phrases: These include Cicero's, ''Cui Bono?'' (of which it can be said that Cicero understood the importance of having evidence to back up any claims) and Conan Doyle's, ''Once we have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, must be the truth''. What these phrases have in common is that they are attempts to absolve themselves from any responsibility to produce positive, hard evidence, themselves; you simply, ''eliminate the impossible'' (i.e., say the official account can't stand scrutiny, as with the idea of a global earth) which means that the wild allegation of your choices, based on ''Cui Bono?'' (which is always the governments/scientists), is the truth.


5: Inability to employ or understand ''Occam's Razor'': Aided by the principle in #4, above, conspiracy theorist's never notice that the small inconsistencies in the accounts they reject are dwarfed by the enormous, gaping holes in logic, likelihood and evidence in any alternative account!


6: Inability to tell good evidence from bad: Conspiracy theorist's have no place in their outlook for peer-review, for scientific knowledge nor for the respectability of sources. The fact that a claim has been made by anybody, anywhere, is enough for them to reproduce it and demand that the questions it raises be answered, as if intellectual enquiry were a matter of responding to every rumour. While they do this, of course, they will claim to have 'open minds' and abuse their sceptics for lacking the same!


7: Inablilty to withdraw: (So obvious with this thread and the 'Babylon' thread!) It's a rare day indeed when a conspiracy theorist admits that a claim that they made, has turned out to be without foundation, whether it be the overall claim itself, or any of the 'evidence' used to support it. Moreover, they have a liking (see #3, above) for using the technique of avoiding discussion of their claims by ''swamping''- piling on a whole lot more material rather than respond to the objections sceptics may make to the previous lot.


8: Leaping to conclusions: Conspiracy theorists are very keen indeed to declare any ''official'' account totally discredited without having remotely enough cause so to do. Of course, this enables them to wheel on the Conan Doyle quote, as in #4, above. Small inconsistencies in the account of an event, or accepted science in this case, small un-answered questions, small problems in timing of differences in procedure from previous events are all more than adequate to declare the 'official' account clearly and definitively discredited. It goes without saying that it is not necessary to prove that these inconsistencies are either relevant, or that they even definitely exist.


9: Using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims: This argument invokes scandals such as the Birmingham 6, the Bologna Station bombings, the Zinoviev letter and so on, in order to try and demonstrate that their conspiracy theory should be accorded some weight because it's happened before!! They do not pause to reflect that the conspiracies they are touting are almost always, far more unlikely and complicated than the real-life conspiracies with which they draw comparison, or the fact that something might potentially occur does not, in itself, make it anything other than extremely unlikely!


10: It's always a conspiracy: And it is, isn't it? No sooner has the bloody bomb gone off, the body discovered, than the same people are producing the same old stuff, demanding that there are questions which need to be asked/answered, at the same unbearable length. Because, the most important thing about these people is that they are people entirely lacking in discrimination who cannot tell good evidence from bad nor a good source from a bad one (Kate of Gaia?). And for that reason they always come up with the same answer when they ask the same question....


Whether it's 9/11, Protocols of Zion, Flat earth, you name it, it's a conspiracy of which only a very few, enlightened esoterics know the ''real'' truth that those in on the conspiracy (100's of thousands, apparently!) are privy to, and the rest of us mortal's had better watch out...

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The sort of behaviour Gerry is manifesting has relevance for those interested in religious myths.


My view is that neither Admiral Byrd or Albert Pike wrote any of the things now attributed to them by the credulous. For whatever reason, people have now attributed wierd theories to them, claiming they had kept these views secret during their lives but the truth could be revealed now they are dead.


Very convenient.


I am pretty certain there are no first hand sources to any of the writings, only secondary sources years later, who claimed to have discovered the truth while publishing sensationalist books all about THE TRUTH.


We are back to evidence. Gerry systematically rejects evidence - ie he makes claims about the moon, which when asked to check himself he then changes track going on about projections etc.


Gerry just believes the stories attributed to Byrd and Pike - evidence that they aren't contemporary or true are rejected.


Gerry, go and register for JSTOR - its free and allows you to read thousands of scientific papers.


In 1947 Byrd wasn't alone, he was the leader of a huge expedition - here are the maps, photos and evidence they collected during this expedition. Now, of course, you believe they are all liar and fakers and frauds, but it is your story which is inconsistent with the evidence. Can I just check - do you think his secret diary aged 58 and 3/4 is for the South or the North pole?


Personally I don't think there is any point trying to discuss Gerry's beliefs about Freemasons etc.


But, Gerry, I will continue to try to get you to do a robust experiment to measure the curvature of the earth - using a laser across a lake isn't a very good method - the distances are too variable due to refraction. A boat going over the horizon is far better, and even better would be a collaborative effort (or you patiently doing it over a few years) to understand how the stars and the sun change in the sky as you move around the earth.


The basic point to all this is that the earth is huge, its curvature in relation to us tiny and to get to understand it on a human scale is difficult, but can be discovered by being diligent and actually doing the work.


You could do these measurements yourself - no lizard lord would stop you and they would clearly refute any of this foolishness about the shape of the earth.



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As for "they could never keep it a secret" I would say 99.9% ( and to say 1 in a thousand knows whats going on is still over generous) of people don't have a clue what is really going on in this world, most I wont dare to mention here as 1, I will be consider a lunatic and 2, its was off topic and out of the scope of a simple post, and thirdly it would probably cause great uproar, no doubt a true troll would be happy with such things, however I am not trolling.


And yet somehow you are one of the few who know the truth or at least know someone, who knows someone, who knows the truth? Despite you, and others, being a potential threat to this shadowy ruling elite they let you continue unmolested?


I am pleased you answered that post though. It at least gives allows me to consider the background to your posts and your personal perspective. Back to Chinahand now and his posting of scientific experiments which you can and should carry out yourself. If you do them, please be honest and open about your findings. I would be most interested to read how your fared with them.

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As for "they could never keep it a secret" I would say 99.9% ( and to say 1 in a thousand knows whats going on is still over generous) of people don't have a clue what is really going on in this world, most I wont dare to mention here as 1, I will be consider a lunatic and 2, its was off topic and out of the scope of a simple post, and thirdly it would probably cause great uproar, no doubt a true troll would be happy with such things, however I am not trolling.


And yet somehow you are one of the few who know the truth or at least know someone, who knows someone, who knows the truth? Despite you, and others, being a potential threat to this shadowy ruling elite they let you continue unmolested?


I am pleased you answered that post though. It at least gives allows me to consider the background to your posts and your personal perspective. Back to Chinahand now and his posting of scientific experiments which you can and should carry out yourself. If you do them, please be honest and open about your findings. I would be most interested to read how your fared with them.


Like he's ever going to do them.

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I've seen yachts like this one many times, but never with buildings further behind it. Wonderful!


Curvature of the Earth by Martin Cathrae, on Flickr


It would be interesting to try to work out what the buildings are - I think it is Toronto but the ones on the left clearly have multi-stories below the horizon.


Gerry, come on - tell us what do photos like this tell you? Is your reply really going to be about Lizard Freemasons?

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I've seen yachts like this one many times, but never with buildings further behind it. Wonderful!



Curvature of the Earth by Martin Cathrae, on Flickr


It would be interesting to try to work out what the buildings are - I think it is Toronto but the ones on the left clearly have multi-stories below the horizon.


Gerry, come on - tell us what do photos like this tell you? Is your reply really going to be about Lizard Freemasons?

Haven't we done this twice already?

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