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Flat Earth?


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There is no point reasoning with Gerry. It is pointless.



It's been exhausting watching you all argue with someone who doesn't even believe their own bullshit, watching sincerity wasted on the insincere is hard work.


All very true. But since he has an answer to everything else, it would be interesting to hear his explanation as to why he believes all of these conspiracy theorists on the internet. He never answers that question.


I think this thread should sleep now.


I'm not a believer in every "conspiracy theorist" but the list below, some of which is happening now, and certainly all of which we are sleepwalking into, perhaps it would be more apt on manxys conspiracy corner thread.. if you think any one of these are good for you then you are foooked.



Being labelled a terrorist for simply disagreeing with Government policies


All children having a named carer and to have ID cards with medical records showing vaccine uptake


State control over every child; parents having minimal input


Compulsory vaccinations for all


Surveillance of your every phone call, email, web browsing and movement


Ongoing war for the benefit of the banksters - possibly another world war


A cashless society leaving you at the mercy of those who control the buttons


Genetically modified food on your table whether you want it or not


Fluoridated water for all.


Low wages, little work, long hours, more years until they allow you to retire


Alternative medicine and high dose vitamins banned


Fracking everywhere, poisoning water, food and air


Enslavement to the criminal banking establishment


Right to trial by jury gone, secret courts routine


Prison or mental health assessment for those expressing doubt and mistrust of government, or exposing high-level criminal activities


NHS only for the wealthy few

A medical system based on petrochemicals and which kills more than it cures


No state pension, and few benefits, if any


A politicised and militarised police force which acts only as revenue collectors for the corrupt banking elite


Sex education and homosexuality promotion for ever-younger children


Legalised paedophilia


The right to home and land ownership removed


Heavy restrictions on travel, and energy use


Chemtrails poisoning the air and land


Care pathways for the elderly and sick


State control of all mainstream media that distracts the population through endless trivia, sport and celebrity gossip. Real news reporting non-existent


Internet restricted, policed and licensed


Sham elections, the outcomes of which are predetermined


A political system whereby our elected representatives have only their own self interests at heart and so stealing from the taxpayer to pay for everything from kit kats to porn films to swimming pools


More and more petty legislation introduced to restrict your every thought, act and movement


Children indoctrinated in a Marxist education system that has been massively dumbed down, the purpose of which is to create compliant life-long slaves


All services owned and controlled by corporate interests


Massive police cover-ups of government/royal child abuse/murder rings


False flag events designed to bring about the desired changes; problem, reaction, solution


The vast majority of people just about able to keep their head above water at near survival level


Installation of smart meters in every household, further eroding your privacy and endangering health


The emergence of smart cities and the internet of all things, ending privacy and ensuring compliance


Government controlled social engineering units designed to cause confusion, fear and hence compliance within the population


The destruction of the family unit


The demonisation of any spiritual belief other than that allowed by government


Political correctness enforced by threat of punishment


The eradication of our culture and our constitution


More and more people made homeless, with many others reliant on food banks


A crime to feed the homeless


More, and higher taxes and fines for trivial offences


Numbers of those dying due to government cutbacks of benefits censored by government


Health and safety laws designed to curtail creativity, particularly in children


Totally corrupt judicial system


Ugly, depressing art becoming commonplace


A population willingly allowing themselves to be micro-chipped and tracked wherever and in whatever they dofor convenience


The lie of austerity escalating, resulting in less and less public services, crumbling roads, and greater hardship


Licenses (permission) required by law to do almost anything


Voluntary ID cards-compulsory ID cards-voluntary micro-chipping- compulsory micro-chipping imposed in order to have access to most services, food and money


Illegal to grow your own food or collect rainwater on your own land


The existence of a network of secret societies that in effect control government policies


An agenda to reduce the worlds population - by any means necessary - by some 6 billion plus people(see Georgia guidestones)


The emergence of a one-world government




Last one to leave, switch the light off....


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In other words, you can't point out what is untrue, and have to resort to juvenile insults.

It'd take a lot less time to point out the ones that are true.


But there's little value in doing it because you're either a wind-up merchant or mentally ill if you think everything on that list is true. I don't really care which.

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I'm neither. I would just like to raise the level of discussion from juvenile insult to respectful dialogue and substance. Then again, this a pretty lame thread so probably the wrong place for that.

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Point one out you want to discuss calmly and respectfully. Chemtrails is a good one, take a large glass tank, run a pipe with a one way valve out of it, put tank in a cooled room (or find some way to cool it). Seal the tank, lower the airpressure in it by pumping some air out with a vacuum pump. Once the air in the tank is quite cool (can be sub-zero if you wish) run hot air (ensure it has humidity > the tank). into the connected tube and rapidly toggle the one-way valve. The hot water-holding air will rapidly condense in the tank and form a visible cloud.


Voila, a condensation cloud, the same as a contrail. No chemicals needed!

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Point one out you want to discuss calmly and respectfully. Chemtrails is a good one, take a large glass tank, run a pipe with a one way valve out of it, put tank in a cooled room (or find some way to cool it). Seal the tank, lower the airpressure in it by pumping some air out with a vacuum pump. Once the air in the tank is quite cool (can be sub-zero if you wish) run hot air (ensure it has humidity > the tank). into the connected tube and rapidly toggle the one-way valve. The hot water-holding air will rapidly condense in the tank and form a visible cloud.


Voila, a condensation cloud, the same as a contrail. No chemicals needed!


I do agree with you that chemtrails is a load of rubbish but your statement is clearly wrong as everything is a chemical composition. The condensation that is seen is made up of chemicals, nothing sinister as the chemtrail theorists suggest but chemicals none the less.

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Sure, but that's simply arguing semantics. Chemtrail conspiracy believers explicitly say they believe they are chemical weapons/biological agents spread with malicious intent.


Would you like me to edit my post to say 'No chemicals as per definition 1.2 of the Oxford Dictionary needed!' or are we clear on the semantics?

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