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Flat Earth?


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Being labelled a terrorist for simply disagreeing with Government policies

That certainly explains why all Labour ministers are in prison for terrorism.


All children having a named carer and to have ID cards with medical records showing vaccine uptake

... in Scotland. And what's the problem with easy access to medical records of a child by medical professionals?

State control over every child; parents having minimal input

Simply untrue.


Compulsory vaccinations for all

Again, not true. Though personally I find it abhorrent that deluded parents think it's okay to risk their child's health because they once read on the internet that vaccines were bad.


Surveillance of your every phone call, email, web browsing and movement

Isn't happening. You're not interesting enough, don't worry.


Ongoing war for the benefit of the banksters - possibly another world war

Ah yes, all those US bankers convincing Putin (the warmongering shit-head) to be a warmongering shit-head.


A cashless society leaving you at the mercy of those who control the buttons

I'm not at the mercy of anyone. And using plastic instead of paper makes no difference whatsoever. Were the Government to try to remove money from people's accounts (which they wouldn't anyway) it'd be the quickest way to start a revolution.


Genetically modified food on your table whether you want it or not

Perhaps you should pay attention to what you're buying if you care about this. Which you probably shouldn't.


Fluoridated water for all.

Never been proven to be a negative.


Low wages, little work, long hours, more years until they allow you to retire

I don't suffer from any of these. Perhaps you should have worked harder at school.


Alternative medicine and high dose vitamins banned

Alternative medicine is not banned. Why would you want to take high-dose vitamins? Not that I believe they're banned here anyway.


Fracking everywhere, poisoning water, food and air



Enslavement to the criminal banking establishment

If you knew what slavery actually meant you'd feel ashamed for writing that.

Right to trial by jury gone, secret courts routine

Ah good, another theory where you can just shout "Of course there's no evidence, it's secret!"


Prison or mental health assessment for those expressing doubt and mistrust of government, or exposing high-level criminal activities

Not true. Evidence: You're not in prison.


NHS only for the wealthy few

Categorically false.

A medical system based on petrochemicals and which kills more than it cures

Try not going to the hospital if you get appendicitis and let me know whether the hospital kills people or if illness kills people.

No state pension, and few benefits, if any

I've got plenty of the latter, and a healthy private pension. Perhaps you should have invested in one too.


A politicised and militarised police force which acts only as revenue collectors for the corrupt banking elite

Ah yes, because arresting Joe Bloggs for speeding puts money directly into bankers pockets.


Sex education and homosexuality promotion for ever-younger children

Because surely if we don't tell children anything about sex they'll never find out about it!


Legalised paedophilia



The right to home and land ownership removed


Heavy restrictions on travel, and energy use

Nope, I do plenty of both.


Chemtrails poisoning the air and land

There's no such thing as chemtrails. Independent people have tried many times to "collect" the chemicals from chemtrails and measure them. But they've always failed. With sensitive instrumentation that can detect things in far lower quantity than would be required to have any effect on the human body. Funny that.

Care pathways for the elderly and sick

What about them?


State control of all mainstream media that distracts the population through endless trivia, sport and celebrity gossip. Real news reporting non-existent

The news base their reports on what people are likely to buy. Trivia, sport and celebrity sells better than 'Everything is shit in the middle east still'. Nothing to do with the State.


Internet restricted, policed and licensed

No it isn't.


Sham elections, the outcomes of which are predetermined

More claims without any supporting evidence oh boy!


A political system whereby our elected representatives have only their own self interests at heart and so stealing from the taxpayer to pay for everything from kit kats to porn films to swimming pools

Some people are corrupt. What you gonna do?


More and more petty legislation introduced to restrict your every thought, act and movement

Nobody is restricting your thoughts you lunatic.


Children indoctrinated in a Marxist education system that has been massively dumbed down, the purpose of which is to create compliant life-long slaves

Evidently education didn't do anything for you.


All services owned and controlled by corporate interests

How do you think capitalism works, exactly?


Massive police cover-ups of government/royal child abuse/murder rings

But naturally you're not pleased that we've now found out and it's being investigated. No praise for the authorities doing things right, just claiming it's a conspiracy if they do anything wrong.


False flag events designed to bring about the desired changes; problem, reaction, solution



The vast majority of people just about able to keep their head above water at near survival level



Installation of smart meters in every household, further eroding your privacy and endangering health

No. They have no health effects. And I'm not sure what you think electricity has to do with your privacy.


The emergence of smart cities and the internet of all things, ending privacy and ensuring compliance

I have plenty of privacy and don't comply with anything I don't want to. If that's not true for you, that's your fault.


Government controlled social engineering units designed to cause confusion, fear and hence compliance within the population



The destruction of the family unit

There's nothing wrong with my family unit. See again under "your fault".


The demonisation of any spiritual belief other than that allowed by government

Where are the people being prevented from having spiritual beliefs? Oh. There aren't any!


Political correctness enforced by threat of punishment

I think you mean "not being a dick to people for no reason enforced by threat of punishment".


The eradication of our culture and our constitution

Such as?


More and more people made homeless, with many others reliant on food banks

There are more and more people in the country. The % increase of homeless is small. But not doubt you'll claim the figures are a lie. It's funny how you believe the official figures if they support your viewpoint but decry them as false if they don't. Confirmation bias.


A crime to feed the homeless

In one particular state in America, where it was overruled in a court case.


More, and higher taxes and fines for trivial offences

Such as?


Numbers of those dying due to government cutbacks of benefits censored by government



Health and safety laws designed to curtail creativity, particularly in children

Such as?


Totally corrupt judicial system



Ugly, depressing art becoming commonplace



A population willingly allowing themselves to be micro-chipped and tracked wherever and in whatever they dofor convenience

Some people have micro-chipped themselves. With chips that they chose. Stop trying to make out like it's a Government plot.


The lie of austerity escalating, resulting in less and less public services, crumbling roads, and greater hardship

Good grief you might have said something true at last.


Licenses (permission) required by law to do almost anything

With good reason.


Voluntary ID cards-compulsory ID cards-voluntary micro-chipping- compulsory micro-chipping imposed in order to have access to most services, food and money

How do you suggest you verify a bank account owner without proof of ID? That is what you're complaining about when you mention money, yes?


Illegal to grow your own food or collect rainwater on your own land

No it isn't.


The existence of a network of secret societies that in effect control government policies



An agenda to reduce the worlds population - by any means necessary - by some 6 billion plus people(see Georgia guidestones)



The emergence of a one-world government




Last one to leave, switch the light off....




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Sure, but that's simply arguing semantics. Chemtrail conspiracy believers explicitly say they believe they are chemical weapons/biological agents spread with malicious intent.


Would you like me to edit my post to say 'No chemicals as per definition 1.2 of the Oxford Dictionary needed!' or are we clear on the semantics?


It is not semantics, it is fact. Water vapour or condensation is a chemical composition. I only raised it because it took someone many posts to accept that and understand that they were confusing facts. I'm not disagreeing with you, I just want the same misunderstanding to be avoided again.

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Sure, but that's simply arguing semantics. Chemtrail conspiracy believers explicitly say they believe they are chemical weapons/biological agents spread with malicious intent.


Would you like me to edit my post to say 'No chemicals as per definition 1.2 of the Oxford Dictionary needed!' or are we clear on the semantics?


It is not semantics, it is fact. Water vapour or condensation is a chemical composition. I only raised it because it took someone many posts to accept that and understand that they were confusing facts. I'm not disagreeing with you, I just want the same misunderstanding to be avoided again.


Erm, what? Of course it is semantics. Yes condensation is a chemical process and in a technical sense it is indeed composed of forms of matter, the technical description of chemicals. The word 'chemicals' has other meanings too, especially in laymans language. Agreeing but arguing about the meaning of a word is literally arguing semantics. Blimey.

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Sure, but that's simply arguing semantics. Chemtrail conspiracy believers explicitly say they believe they are chemical weapons/biological agents spread with malicious intent.


Would you like me to edit my post to say 'No chemicals as per definition 1.2 of the Oxford Dictionary needed!' or are we clear on the semantics?


It is not semantics, it is fact. Water vapour or condensation is a chemical composition. I only raised it because it took someone many posts to accept that and understand that they were confusing facts. I'm not disagreeing with you, I just want the same misunderstanding to be avoided again.


Erm, what? Of course it is semantics. Yes condensation is a chemical process and in a technical sense it is indeed composed of forms of matter, the technical description of chemicals. The word 'chemicals' has other meanings too, especially in laymans language. Agreeing but arguing about the meaning of a word is literally arguing semantics. Blimey.



Not sure why you want to argue, I agree with you on the nonsense of chemtrails. I only pointed out the fact that water vapour or condensation is a chemical composition for the reason I stated. You are can tell me that is semantics all you like but it really isn't and given that these conspiracy theorists like to feed off any little nugget it is best to keep it factual. I repeat, I agree with you.

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Dude, agreeing with someone but arguing about the meaning of a word is literally arguing semantics.


Not sure why you want to argue, I agree with you on the nonsense of chemtrails. I only pointed out the fact that water vapour or condensation is a chemical composition for the reason I stated


The above bolded bit is arguing the semantics of the chem part of chemtrails, which is the word chemicals.


You are can tell me that is semantics all you like but it really isn't




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Being labelled a terrorist for simply disagreeing with Government policies

That certainly explains why all Labour ministers are in prison for terrorism.


All children having a named carer and to have ID cards with medical records showing vaccine uptake

... in Scotland. And what's the problem with easy access to medical records of a child by medical professionals?

State control over every child; parents having minimal input

Simply untrue.


Compulsory vaccinations for all

Again, not true. Though personally I find it abhorrent that deluded parents think it's okay to risk their child's health because they once read on the internet that vaccines were bad.


Surveillance of your every phone call, email, web browsing and movement

Isn't happening. You're not interesting enough, don't worry.


Ongoing war for the benefit of the banksters - possibly another world war

Ah yes, all those US bankers convincing Putin (the warmongering shit-head) to be a warmongering shit-head.


A cashless society leaving you at the mercy of those who control the buttons

I'm not at the mercy of anyone. And using plastic instead of paper makes no difference whatsoever. Were the Government to try to remove money from people's accounts (which they wouldn't anyway) it'd be the quickest way to start a revolution.


Genetically modified food on your table whether you want it or not

Perhaps you should pay attention to what you're buying if you care about this. Which you probably shouldn't.


Fluoridated water for all.

Never been proven to be a negative.


Low wages, little work, long hours, more years until they allow you to retire

I don't suffer from any of these. Perhaps you should have worked harder at school.


Alternative medicine and high dose vitamins banned

Alternative medicine is not banned. Why would you want to take high-dose vitamins? Not that I believe they're banned here anyway.


Fracking everywhere, poisoning water, food and air



Enslavement to the criminal banking establishment

If you knew what slavery actually meant you'd feel ashamed for writing that.

Right to trial by jury gone, secret courts routine

Ah good, another theory where you can just shout "Of course there's no evidence, it's secret!"


Prison or mental health assessment for those expressing doubt and mistrust of government, or exposing high-level criminal activities

Not true. Evidence: You're not in prison.


NHS only for the wealthy few

Categorically false.

A medical system based on petrochemicals and which kills more than it cures

Try not going to the hospital if you get appendicitis and let me know whether the hospital kills people or if illness kills people.

No state pension, and few benefits, if any

I've got plenty of the latter, and a healthy private pension. Perhaps you should have invested in one too.


A politicised and militarised police force which acts only as revenue collectors for the corrupt banking elite

Ah yes, because arresting Joe Bloggs for speeding puts money directly into bankers pockets.


Sex education and homosexuality promotion for ever-younger children

Because surely if we don't tell children anything about sex they'll never find out about it!


Legalised paedophilia



The right to home and land ownership removed


Heavy restrictions on travel, and energy use

Nope, I do plenty of both.


Chemtrails poisoning the air and land

There's no such thing as chemtrails. Independent people have tried many times to "collect" the chemicals from chemtrails and measure them. But they've always failed. With sensitive instrumentation that can detect things in far lower quantity than would be required to have any effect on the human body. Funny that.

Care pathways for the elderly and sick

What about them?


State control of all mainstream media that distracts the population through endless trivia, sport and celebrity gossip. Real news reporting non-existent

The news base their reports on what people are likely to buy. Trivia, sport and celebrity sells better than 'Everything is shit in the middle east still'. Nothing to do with the State.


Internet restricted, policed and licensed

No it isn't.


Sham elections, the outcomes of which are predetermined

More claims without any supporting evidence oh boy!


A political system whereby our elected representatives have only their own self interests at heart and so stealing from the taxpayer to pay for everything from kit kats to porn films to swimming pools

Some people are corrupt. What you gonna do?


More and more petty legislation introduced to restrict your every thought, act and movement

Nobody is restricting your thoughts you lunatic.


Children indoctrinated in a Marxist education system that has been massively dumbed down, the purpose of which is to create compliant life-long slaves

Evidently education didn't do anything for you.


All services owned and controlled by corporate interests

How do you think capitalism works, exactly?


Massive police cover-ups of government/royal child abuse/murder rings

But naturally you're not pleased that we've now found out and it's being investigated. No praise for the authorities doing things right, just claiming it's a conspiracy if they do anything wrong.


False flag events designed to bring about the desired changes; problem, reaction, solution



The vast majority of people just about able to keep their head above water at near survival level



Installation of smart meters in every household, further eroding your privacy and endangering health

No. They have no health effects. And I'm not sure what you think electricity has to do with your privacy.


The emergence of smart cities and the internet of all things, ending privacy and ensuring compliance

I have plenty of privacy and don't comply with anything I don't want to. If that's not true for you, that's your fault.


Government controlled social engineering units designed to cause confusion, fear and hence compliance within the population



The destruction of the family unit

There's nothing wrong with my family unit. See again under "your fault".


The demonisation of any spiritual belief other than that allowed by government

Where are the people being prevented from having spiritual beliefs? Oh. There aren't any!


Political correctness enforced by threat of punishment

I think you mean "not being a dick to people for no reason enforced by threat of punishment".


The eradication of our culture and our constitution

Such as?


More and more people made homeless, with many others reliant on food banks

There are more and more people in the country. The % increase of homeless is small. But not doubt you'll claim the figures are a lie. It's funny how you believe the official figures if they support your viewpoint but decry them as false if they don't. Confirmation bias.


A crime to feed the homeless

In one particular state in America, where it was overruled in a court case.


More, and higher taxes and fines for trivial offences

Such as?


Numbers of those dying due to government cutbacks of benefits censored by government



Health and safety laws designed to curtail creativity, particularly in children

Such as?


Totally corrupt judicial system



Ugly, depressing art becoming commonplace



A population willingly allowing themselves to be micro-chipped and tracked wherever and in whatever they dofor convenience

Some people have micro-chipped themselves. With chips that they chose. Stop trying to make out like it's a Government plot.


The lie of austerity escalating, resulting in less and less public services, crumbling roads, and greater hardship

Good grief you might have said something true at last.


Licenses (permission) required by law to do almost anything

With good reason.


Voluntary ID cards-compulsory ID cards-voluntary micro-chipping- compulsory micro-chipping imposed in order to have access to most services, food and money

How do you suggest you verify a bank account owner without proof of ID? That is what you're complaining about when you mention money, yes?


Illegal to grow your own food or collect rainwater on your own land

No it isn't.


The existence of a network of secret societies that in effect control government policies



An agenda to reduce the worlds population - by any means necessary - by some 6 billion plus people(see Georgia guidestones)



The emergence of a one-world government




Last one to leave, switch the light off....





Quote....."some of which is happening now, and certainly all of which we are sleepwalking into"

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Being labelled a terrorist for simply disagreeing with Government policies

That certainly explains why all Labour ministers are in prison for terrorism.


All children having a named carer and to have ID cards with medical records showing vaccine uptake

... in Scotland. And what's the problem with easy access to medical records of a child by medical professionals?

State control over every child; parents having minimal input

Simply untrue.


Compulsory vaccinations for all

Again, not true. Though personally I find it abhorrent that deluded parents think it's okay to risk their child's health because they once read on the internet that vaccines were bad.


Surveillance of your every phone call, email, web browsing and movement

Isn't happening. You're not interesting enough, don't worry.


Ongoing war for the benefit of the banksters - possibly another world war

Ah yes, all those US bankers convincing Putin (the warmongering shit-head) to be a warmongering shit-head.


A cashless society leaving you at the mercy of those who control the buttons

I'm not at the mercy of anyone. And using plastic instead of paper makes no difference whatsoever. Were the Government to try to remove money from people's accounts (which they wouldn't anyway) it'd be the quickest way to start a revolution.


Genetically modified food on your table whether you want it or not

Perhaps you should pay attention to what you're buying if you care about this. Which you probably shouldn't.


Fluoridated water for all.

Never been proven to be a negative.


Low wages, little work, long hours, more years until they allow you to retire

I don't suffer from any of these. Perhaps you should have worked harder at school.


Alternative medicine and high dose vitamins banned

Alternative medicine is not banned. Why would you want to take high-dose vitamins? Not that I believe they're banned here anyway.


Fracking everywhere, poisoning water, food and air



Enslavement to the criminal banking establishment

If you knew what slavery actually meant you'd feel ashamed for writing that.

Right to trial by jury gone, secret courts routine

Ah good, another theory where you can just shout "Of course there's no evidence, it's secret!"


Prison or mental health assessment for those expressing doubt and mistrust of government, or exposing high-level criminal activities

Not true. Evidence: You're not in prison.


NHS only for the wealthy few

Categorically false.

A medical system based on petrochemicals and which kills more than it cures

Try not going to the hospital if you get appendicitis and let me know whether the hospital kills people or if illness kills people.

No state pension, and few benefits, if any

I've got plenty of the latter, and a healthy private pension. Perhaps you should have invested in one too.


A politicised and militarised police force which acts only as revenue collectors for the corrupt banking elite

Ah yes, because arresting Joe Bloggs for speeding puts money directly into bankers pockets.


Sex education and homosexuality promotion for ever-younger children

Because surely if we don't tell children anything about sex they'll never find out about it!


Legalised paedophilia



The right to home and land ownership removed


Heavy restrictions on travel, and energy use

Nope, I do plenty of both.


Chemtrails poisoning the air and land

There's no such thing as chemtrails. Independent people have tried many times to "collect" the chemicals from chemtrails and measure them. But they've always failed. With sensitive instrumentation that can detect things in far lower quantity than would be required to have any effect on the human body. Funny that.

Care pathways for the elderly and sick

What about them?


State control of all mainstream media that distracts the population through endless trivia, sport and celebrity gossip. Real news reporting non-existent

The news base their reports on what people are likely to buy. Trivia, sport and celebrity sells better than 'Everything is shit in the middle east still'. Nothing to do with the State.


Internet restricted, policed and licensed

No it isn't.


Sham elections, the outcomes of which are predetermined

More claims without any supporting evidence oh boy!


A political system whereby our elected representatives have only their own self interests at heart and so stealing from the taxpayer to pay for everything from kit kats to porn films to swimming pools

Some people are corrupt. What you gonna do?


More and more petty legislation introduced to restrict your every thought, act and movement

Nobody is restricting your thoughts you lunatic.


Children indoctrinated in a Marxist education system that has been massively dumbed down, the purpose of which is to create compliant life-long slaves

Evidently education didn't do anything for you.


All services owned and controlled by corporate interests

How do you think capitalism works, exactly?


Massive police cover-ups of government/royal child abuse/murder rings

But naturally you're not pleased that we've now found out and it's being investigated. No praise for the authorities doing things right, just claiming it's a conspiracy if they do anything wrong.


False flag events designed to bring about the desired changes; problem, reaction, solution



The vast majority of people just about able to keep their head above water at near survival level



Installation of smart meters in every household, further eroding your privacy and endangering health

No. They have no health effects. And I'm not sure what you think electricity has to do with your privacy.


The emergence of smart cities and the internet of all things, ending privacy and ensuring compliance

I have plenty of privacy and don't comply with anything I don't want to. If that's not true for you, that's your fault.


Government controlled social engineering units designed to cause confusion, fear and hence compliance within the population



The destruction of the family unit

There's nothing wrong with my family unit. See again under "your fault".


The demonisation of any spiritual belief other than that allowed by government

Where are the people being prevented from having spiritual beliefs? Oh. There aren't any!


Political correctness enforced by threat of punishment

I think you mean "not being a dick to people for no reason enforced by threat of punishment".


The eradication of our culture and our constitution

Such as?


More and more people made homeless, with many others reliant on food banks

There are more and more people in the country. The % increase of homeless is small. But not doubt you'll claim the figures are a lie. It's funny how you believe the official figures if they support your viewpoint but decry them as false if they don't. Confirmation bias.


A crime to feed the homeless

In one particular state in America, where it was overruled in a court case.


More, and higher taxes and fines for trivial offences

Such as?


Numbers of those dying due to government cutbacks of benefits censored by government



Health and safety laws designed to curtail creativity, particularly in children

Such as?


Totally corrupt judicial system



Ugly, depressing art becoming commonplace



A population willingly allowing themselves to be micro-chipped and tracked wherever and in whatever they dofor convenience

Some people have micro-chipped themselves. With chips that they chose. Stop trying to make out like it's a Government plot.


The lie of austerity escalating, resulting in less and less public services, crumbling roads, and greater hardship

Good grief you might have said something true at last.


Licenses (permission) required by law to do almost anything

With good reason.


Voluntary ID cards-compulsory ID cards-voluntary micro-chipping- compulsory micro-chipping imposed in order to have access to most services, food and money

How do you suggest you verify a bank account owner without proof of ID? That is what you're complaining about when you mention money, yes?


Illegal to grow your own food or collect rainwater on your own land

No it isn't.


The existence of a network of secret societies that in effect control government policies



An agenda to reduce the worlds population - by any means necessary - by some 6 billion plus people(see Georgia guidestones)



The emergence of a one-world government




Last one to leave, switch the light off....





Quote....."some of which is happening now, and certainly all of which we are sleepwalking into"


Are you aiming to predict such a wide variety of things that it raises the chances of one being true so you can declare yourself a genius?

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No doubt I'll regret this but you stated in your original post that:


Voila, a condensation cloud, the same as a contrail. No chemicals needed!


A contrail does require chemicals, that is the factual part. I'm happy to leave it at that though, I've no time for pointless discussion.

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Quote....."some of which is happening now, and certainly all of which we are sleepwalking into"


Which ones are now, which ones are walking into. Where is your evidence in either case. The reason we don't often bother to try and argue in a civilised manner is that you fail to bring evidence to the table (or even simply rational argument) every single time. A random article on mythoughts.com on some conspiracy is not evidence either, not even wikipedia is if it doesn't have multiple, peer-reviewed sources.


I'd love to discuss what is going on in your life that you actually believe these things to be true. So many of them can be disputed with a minimum level of digging. Is it purely an underdeveloped intelligence (retardation)? Social stigma? Naivity? Some of all of it? You can not be a functional part of society if you truly believed all this, so I have to assume you only spout this stuff on the internet. Is it a release from some kind of social anxiety?


You need help, that's for sure.

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No doubt I'll regret this but you stated in your original post that:


Voila, a condensation cloud, the same as a contrail. No chemicals needed!


A contrail does require chemicals, that is the factual part. I'm happy to live it at that though, I've no time for pointless discussion.


Okay, since you insist. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/chemical => Definition 1.2



Relating to or denoting the use of poison gas or other chemicals as weapons of war.



That's what I implied, apparently you do not understand the meaning of the word semantics and you lack the social background to grasp which definition of chemicals I alluded to in that sentence. That's fair enough, please refer to the above as to the definition I meant to use and my sincere apologies that I didn't take into account your disability.

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No doubt I'll regret this but you stated in your original post that:


Voila, a condensation cloud, the same as a contrail. No chemicals needed!


A contrail does require chemicals, that is the factual part. I'm happy to live it at that though, I've no time for pointless discussion.


Okay, since you insist. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/chemical => Definition 1.2



Relating to or denoting the use of poison gas or other chemicals as weapons of war.



That's what I implied, apparently you do not understand the meaning of the word semantics and you lack the social background to grasp which definition of chemicals I alluded to in that sentence. That's fair enough, please refer to the above as to the definition I meant to use and my sincere apologies that I didn't take into account your disability.



Those definitions don't change anything about you making a error in your post, which you have to chosen to now blow out of all proportion. I said why I thought it was important to correct it and then was happy to leave it at that. However, you have chosen not to and now have resorted to insults. You say it was implied, are we supposed to be psychic?


I repeat, I am happy to drop this if you are.

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I repeat, I am happy to drop this if you are.


No, because you're wrong.


You say it was implied, are we supposed to be psychic?


No, you're supposed to understand what chemtrail conspiracy theory is about, i.e. interpret things in the context being discussed. It's not about chemicals as defining matter states. It's about chemicals as in chemical weaponry/harmful biological agents.


Those are both valid definitions of the word 'chemicals'. You decided to have a go at me because you decided to interpret my sentence out of context.


So you didn't get the context. That doesn't make my sentence wrong, it makes your interpretation flawed. Ergo, you argued about the semantics of 'chemicals'.

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I repeat, I am happy to drop this if you are.


No, because you're wrong.


You say it was implied, are we supposed to be psychic?


No, you're supposed to understand what chemtrail conspiracy theory is about, i.e. interpret things in the context being discussed. It's not about chemicals as defining matter states. It's about chemicals as in chemical weaponry/harmful biological agents.


Those are both valid definitions of the word 'chemicals'. You decided to have a go at me because you decided to interpret my sentence out of context.


So you didn't get the context. That doesn't make my sentence wrong, it makes your interpretation flawed. Ergo, you argued about the semantics of 'chemicals'.



Edit. I'm not arguing.

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