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Flat Earth?


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Point one out you want to discuss calmly and respectfully. Chemtrails is a good one, take a large glass tank, run a pipe with a one way valve out of it, put tank in a cooled room (or find some way to cool it). Seal the tank, lower the airpressure in it by pumping some air out with a vacuum pump. Once the air in the tank is quite cool (can be sub-zero if you wish) run hot air (ensure it has humidity > the tank). into the connected tube and rapidly toggle the one-way valve. The hot water-holding air will rapidly condense in the tank and form a visible cloud.


Voila, a condensation cloud, the same as a contrail. No chemicals needed!


ORRRR......just boil a kettle, and look at the white cloud that comes out. Or a steam iron. Or a...well you can think of your own.



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Point one out you want to discuss calmly and respectfully. Chemtrails is a good one, take a large glass tank, run a pipe with a one way valve out of it, put tank in a cooled room (or find some way to cool it). Seal the tank, lower the airpressure in it by pumping some air out with a vacuum pump. Once the air in the tank is quite cool (can be sub-zero if you wish) run hot air (ensure it has humidity > the tank). into the connected tube and rapidly toggle the one-way valve. The hot water-holding air will rapidly condense in the tank and form a visible cloud.


Voila, a condensation cloud, the same as a contrail. No chemicals needed!


ORRRR......just boil a kettle, and look at the white cloud that comes out. Or a steam iron. Or a...well you can think of your own.




Condensation clouds and steam aren't the same thing.



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Not read the thread, but I was up on Marine Drive yesterday and mused what the horizon would look like if the earth was flat. The horizon is the result of the earth's curvature, so if it didn't curve, presumably you would see the next bit of land. What if there was no near land mass, what would you see?

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Please note how the CIA are deliberately photoshopping images of the Flying Spaghetti Monster into the latest set of 911 images:


We must be told the truth about this, but at least we all know what it means (nudge nudge wink wink). If you don't know what it means just look for the words XƎƧ in NASA* pictures and all will become clear.


*Ever notice some people will see sex in all and every context.

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The Horizon line is not due to the curvature of the earth, but "perspective", this is why it appears to the eye that the bottom of an object like a boat will disappear hull first...With optical help an object can be brought back into sight once the naked eye no longer see it, only up unto a point though due to the atmosphere, it will gradually get less and less clear and then disappear, but not over an imaginary curve...





From: Rowbothams 1881 book, Zetetic Astronomy




Send a young girl, with short garments, from C on towards D; on advancing a hundred yards or more (according to the depth of the limbs exposed) the bottom of the frock or longest garment will seem to touch the ground; and on arriving at H, the vanishing point of the lines C, D, and E, H, the limbs will have disappeared, and the upper part of the body would continue visible, but gradually shortening until the line A, B, came in contact with E, H, at the angle of one minute.


If a receding train be observed on a long, straight, and horizontal portion of railway, the bottom of the last carriage will seem to gradually get nearer to the rails, until at about the

distance of two miles the line of rail and the bottom of the carriage will seem to come together, as shown in fig.


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As ever Gerry misses a couple of important points.


With a flat Earth things wouldn't disappear over the horizon, and secondly the horizon wouldn't appear at a lower angle the higher you go - something called horizon dip.


Both are well observed phenomena, but Gerry doesn't let that get in the way of his beliefs.

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With a flat Earth things wouldn't disappear over the horizon, and secondly the horizon wouldn't appear at a lower angle the higher you go - something called horizon dip.


Both are well observed phenomena, but Gerry doesn't let that get in the way of his beliefs.


My last post explains why things "appear" to disappear over the horizon, the boat hull that you bleat on about is the same as above. the horizon doesn't get lower the higher you go at all, it is observed to stay at eye level, you only have to see the latest amateur weather balloon videos to see the so called "horizon dip" is a lie...


I see you have posted a video of "warp speed" moving away from the sun, is it real or a simulation?


Is this the Phenomena of horizon dip you speak of at 120,000 ft altitude?



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As ever Gerry misses a couple of important points.


With a flat Earth things wouldn't disappear over the horizon, and secondly the horizon wouldn't appear at a lower angle the higher you go - something called horizon dip.


Both are well observed phenomena, but Gerry doesn't let that get in the way of his beliefs.

That was my line of thought, Chinahand. I get the effect of perspective making things look smaller, but if the earth was flat, with a powerful enough telescope couldn't I see America from the west of Ireland?

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