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Flat Earth?


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Well, I'm back on the island for my summer holidays and have been feeling very glad to be back home!


With being at the beach I've had lots of opportunities to see the horizon and the sea and so have seen lots of examples of our living on a globe.


Port Erin is basically a perfect location because of the steepness of the bank up from the beach and its location looking out towards Ireland and the Mountains of Mourn.


Last night sunset coincided with low tide and so you could go right down the beach to the lapping waves and look out. From there the most northerly Mourn hardly broke above the horizon and appeared isolated, alone.


If you then walked up the beach and up the bank 20 or so metres higher up the view was transformed. A second summit came up above the horizon joining the now un-isolated peak.


While today, at about 3 o'clock, a ferry I presume from Liverpool to Belfast steamed across the bay. From high up on the bank looking through binoculars you could see part of the hull, the superstructure, the bridge and the funnels, but dropping back down to the low tide on the beach, first the hull, then the superstructure and then finally, as I watched it sail on, the bridge and funnel dropped below the horizon.


With the ferry being on a schedule I imagine this happens basically every day around 3:00pm. It would be wonderful to film it through a telephoto lens. I took some photos but my little camera lacks much of a zoom and so I doubt they'll show much. I'll post them when I can get them off the camera.


Anyone got a big lens and is free in the next few days? It is one of the simplest examples of the horizon and, I would guess, is visible nearly every day as the ferry sails by on its schedule.


Gerry, want to see the reality of the horizon first hand? Well head to Port Erin beach. Either mid afternoon or for the sunset. Climbing up and down that bank should transform your view of the world. It will show you a changing view which cannot be explained on a horizonless flat world but makes perfect sense on a globe.

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To film such an horizon over the water test is one I have planned to do myself, and the ferry is ideal, I have considered getting a 60x optical zoom camera just for this very purpose, and posting it here.


Be prepared for your world view to change when you lose sight of the ferry only to bring it into full view with optical help, I am sure you will be able to get an approximate distance to the ferry also with its sailing times...


What will you think when you manage to see the full vessel at several miles out?


"Gerry, want to see the reality of the horizon first hand? Well head to Port Erin beach. Either mid afternoon or for the sunset. Climbing up and down that bank should transform your view of the world. It will show you a changing view which cannot be explained on a horizonless flat world but makes perfect sense on a globe."


There is an horizon, but my view is it is an horizon due to the observers perspective, a flat plane will always have an horizon, the horizon is not evidence of a ball shaped earth at all.


When you move to the more elevated position I would expect you to see more as the horizon stays fixed at eye level, so therefore when you raise those eyes the horizon follows you up, allowing a greater range of vision...The trick is can you bring these objects into full view with optical help? I believe so! well up to a certain point, but far further than the 8 inch per mile squared rule would suggest anyway...


This is good, perhaps after the experiment you will look at the NASA pictures in a different light!..

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Ever since seeing this new picture from our friends at NASA I have been wondering about the position of the sun in relation to the earth and moon and why there is an absence of a shadow on earth.


The thing that has got me scratching my head is, if the moon is fully illuminated on its dark side and the earth is also fully illuminated and the photographer is 1 million miles out then surely the suns position is quite obvious, we should have shadowing of some kind on the earth as the moon passes in front of it.


Perhaps the composition method (that NASA claims made up the image) may have masked this shadowing out, however surely from here on Earth we should of seen an eclipse of some kind on earth on the day the image was taken regardless of the way NASA put the picture together.


The imagery was captured on July 16th 2015, was there a solar eclipse or even a partial solar eclipse on that day anywhere in the world,,,,NO


Whats gong on NASA, no cloud morphing on earth over an approx 6 hr cycle, and it also does seem that the moon casts no shadow on earth either?




That has to cast one hell of a shadow on earth on the said day...

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Thank you for sharing that video, before watching it, I had always suffered with truly understanding the idiom "clutching at straws". By that I mean, I knew what it referred to, but found it difficult to believe that someone could actually get into such a desperate position, that they could actually be seen to mimic the desperate actions of a drowning man clutching at straws in a futile hope that they might somehow keep him afloat.


Having seen the truly pathetic attempts by the maker of this video to see something other than a bunch of comedians laughing and mocking the notion of a flat earth, and parodying the notions of the average flat earther in a flippant and mocking tone for the laughter of the audience, and also, the video makers desperate attempt to see and project emotions onto Stephen Fry's face in an earnest plea for someone else to share and validate their delusion has truly educated me to fully appreciate the "clutching at straws" idiom.

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Its funny how this "flat earth" topic has gained "gravity" over the internet these past 6 months or so, it must be a coincidence that NASA then released its only image of Earth since the "1972 Blue marble" picture, none of which look anything other than round to me, they are the oddest pear or oblate spheroid I have ever seen.


A 43 year gap between the only 2 official NASA images of Earth.


I discovered a couple of months ago that the moon cannot be a reflector of the suns light as we are told, the moonlight is cooling, as on a full moon the temperature is higher in the shade, this is the opposite to sunlight, so how can moonlight be reflected sunlight and have the opposite effects, one cools the other heats? go and test for yourself on the next full moon with a digital thermometer...3-5 degrees lower in the moonlight...Would you expect this?



The errors in all of the latest NASA images/animations/composites whatever they are appear to be deliberate to me. It's 2015 and thousands of people that thought the earth was a ball last year now believe it to be flat, what is really going on here?

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I discovered a couple of months ago that the moon cannot be a reflector of the suns light as we are told, the moonlight is cooling, as on a full moon the temperature is higher in the shade, this is the opposite to sunlight, so how can moonlight be reflected sunlight and have the opposite effects, one cools the other heats? go and test for yourself on the next full moon with a digital thermometer...3-5 degrees lower in the moonlight...Would you expect this?



I am interested in what your explanation is?

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Thank you for sharing that video, before watching it, I had always suffered with truly understanding the idiom "clutching at straws". By that I mean, I knew what it referred to, but found it difficult to believe that someone could actual get into such a desperate position, that they could actual be seen to mimic the desperate actions of a drowning man clutching at straws in a futile hope that they might somehow keep him afloat.


Having seen the truly pathetic attempts by the maker of this video to see something other than a bunch of comedians laughing and mocking the notion of a flat earth, and parodying the notions of the average flat earther in a flippant and mocking tone for the laughter of the audience, and also, the video makers desperate attempt to see and project emotions onto Stephen Fry's face in an earnest plea for someone else to share and validate their delusion has truly educated me to fully appreciate the "clutching at straws" idiom.

my pleasure, i fully understand the woes of idiomatic incoherency, and empathise with those that endure such struggles. i saw stephen squirm and some ball earth skeptics. fry was the clutcher in my view. beauty is in the eye of the comedic holder, after all x

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