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'Plane Crash.


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There are dozens of eyewitness accounts of Flight 77.

Sixth paragraph down.


"I mean it was like a cruise missile with wings, went right there and slammed into the Pentagon,' eyewitness Mike Walter said of the plane that hit the military complex."


Mike could have chosen his words a little better, no?




Yes, what an idiot Mike must be. Cruise missiles do have wings.

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Extract from 'Drugwatch' ---



Patients who take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroxetine) or Zoloft (sertraline) may experience side effects such as violent behaviour, mania or aggression, which can all lead to suicide.


What begins as withdrawing from friends and activities and a loss of interest in work can escalate to harming oneself. In clinical trials and public use, there have been cases where antidepressant users have thought about, attempted or committed suicide



So 'Neil Down', he's not such an idiot after all.

Chicken and egg. The sort of people who need antidepressants are likely to report suicidal thoughts aren't they?

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Chicken and egg. The sort of people who need antidepressants are likely to report suicidal thoughts aren't they?



Quite possibly but SSRI's can aggravate or induce a suicidal mind set. I've seen the latter occur.


Come what may, the man should not have been in the position in which he had been placed.

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Chicken and egg. The sort of people who need antidepressants are likely to report suicidal thoughts aren't they?

Quite possibly but SSRI's can aggravate or induce a suicidal mind set. I've seen the latter occur.


Come what may, the man should not have been in the position in which he had been placed.


The problem I have with these sort of statements is that it makes people stigmatize depression as something that makes people dangerous. 99% of people with depression would never harm anyone else.


As for the failings in allowing him to fly, I'm of the opinion that if your job takes other people's lives into your hands your medical records should go straight to your employer.


EDIT: After speaking to someone else I have changed my opinion to "If a doctor says you're unfit to do your job your employer should be informed, but not necessarily told the detail".

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A ground control system could and probably would be hacked, an emergency button would be pressed if a member of the cabin crew had a knife held to her throat ----


IMO the best solution might be no lock on the flight deck door after all.

Modern digital control could sort the door lock with minimum hacking problems, cabin staff panic button would not open the door, but alert ground that there is a problem ,, linked with streaming CVRs an overide for the door lock and under duress or situation normal vebal passcodes. it could stop a single pilot suicide attempt, as for major terroist attacks - if they want to highjack a plane, they wil get round anything.


"minimum hacking problems"...? One successful attack is a "total hacking problem".

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Depression is a terrible thing that has to be experienced to be understood. I absolutely agree that someone suffering from depression, and the word suffering hardly does it justice, is far far more likely to harm themselves than anyone else.


What so many people fail to grasp that depression is not just being miserable or fed up or just down. Depression is insidious and often hidden. It is mind altering in a way that makes it appear to the person suffering from depression or as happens, a bout of depression, that doing self harming things is not only the most rational things to do but the only thing to do.


Depression, real depression is a terrible thing. It's not always totally debilitating, but it makes life a living hell for the sufferer and often for those closely associated with someone suffering from it.


Rant over.

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I see the company are already offering families 36k compensation. I can imagine the money is irrelevant but can see this costing them a lot more than 36k per person.

It's an interim payment.

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There are dozens of eyewitness accounts of Flight 77.

Sixth paragraph down.


"I mean it was like a cruise missile with wings, went right there and slammed into the Pentagon,' eyewitness Mike Walter said of the plane that hit the military complex."


Mike could have chosen his words a little better, no?




Yes, what an idiot Mike must be. Cruise missiles do have wings.



Well, fins really


Military drones have wings

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There are dozens of eyewitness accounts of Flight 77.

Sixth paragraph down.


"I mean it was like a cruise missile with wings, went right there and slammed into the Pentagon,' eyewitness Mike Walter said of the plane that hit the military complex."


Mike could have chosen his words a little better, no?




Yes, what an idiot Mike must be. Cruise missiles do have wings.


Well, fins really


Military drones have wings


Let's call them winglets.

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I am amazed that some people still doubt that what hit the building was anything other than a plane piloted by a piece of low life scum.


I am also a bit sad that this thread which was started about the mass murder by an individual who was experiencing a disturbed mental state was twisted into something quite separate by someone who also apparently suffers from a different form of disturbed mental state.

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I am amazed that some people still doubt that what hit the building was anything other than a plane piloted by a piece of low life scum.


I am also a bit sad that this thread which was started about the mass murder by an individual who was experiencing a disturbed mental state was twisted into something quite separate by someone who also apparently suffers from a different form of disturbed mental state.

Agreed !

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