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'Plane Crash.


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I am amazed that some people still doubt that what hit the building was anything other than a plane piloted by a piece of low life scum.


I am also a bit sad that this thread which was started about the mass murder by an individual who was experiencing a disturbed mental state was twisted into something quite separate by someone who also apparently suffers from a different form of disturbed mental state.


You realise you are on Manx forums?

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The French Accident Investigators (BEA) have now published their preliminary report. What is especially chilling is that Lubitz messed with the selected altitude repeatedly whilst the Captain visited the toilet on the outward flight from Dusseldorf to Barcelona. Clearly, we can't know what went on in his head, but it is almost as if he needs to try the scary stuff out first before doing it for real on the return flight.



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Yep, that sounds exactly what he was doing. Really does show airport security is a big useless farce.

Why? If the plane hadn't crashed nobody would have thought anything of those autopilot changes, as he reverted them almost immediately each time. Do you want pilots to live in a world where if they make a mistake setting the autopilot altitude they're immediately fired?


Not to mention this has absolutely nothing to do with airport security.

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You've both completely misunderstood me on this one.


What I meant was it's pointless screening passengers at all when all it takes is the guy at the front to stuff it into a mountain.

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You've both completely misunderstood me on this one.


What I meant was it's pointless screening passengers at all when all it takes is the guy at the front to stuff it into a mountain.

It's pointless vaccinating against smallpox when you can be hit by a bus.

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You've both completely misunderstood me on this one.


What I meant was it's pointless screening passengers at all when all it takes is the guy at the front to stuff it into a mountain.


I am completely mystified too. Why would you not security check passengers because one of the pilots might deliberately crash the plane? There's no logic to that all. You might as well ask why check and sign-off maintenance work, because the pilot might crash the plane anyway.


It's a more logical question to ask (as the BEA are) whether the right compromise was reached between aviation security and aviation safety when locked fight-decks were introduced following 9/11.

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The French Accident Investigators (BEA) have now published their preliminary report. What is especially chilling is that Lubitz messed with the selected altitude repeatedly whilst the Captain visited the toilet on the outward flight from Dusseldorf to Barcelona. Clearly, we can't know what went on in his head, but it is almost as if he needs to try the scary stuff out first before doing it for real on the return flight.



It's only an extension of the right of the ME generation to publicly express themselves on the world stage. Even if that's going down in the history books as a cowardly mass murderer of hundreds of people. He probably died with a hard on thinking about all the social media content he was generating, and all the headlines his shitty self absorbed act was going to generate for his corpse. We really have reached generation scum - people who can't stop creating content about themselves because otherwise they'd have fucking boring empty lives that nobody would give a shit about.

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People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messed cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown.

Chuck Palahniuk

True that.



I'm a bit puzzled by that. Are you saying that about Lubitz, specifically? He had received treatment for depression, and his commercial pilots health certificate had a an endorsement to the effect that he needed a specific, regular medical examination. I presume that this related to his depression and to his treatment.

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With the increasing incidence of drunks causing problems on flights there is increasing justification to breathalyse passengers before allowing them to board.



This latest is typical.




Even when their bad behaviour falls slightly short of becoming a problem it is extremely unpleasant when there is a group of ill behaved low life being rowdy on a flight.

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The guy at the front should not have been there. No amount of security checks would show up a doctors note that has been hidden at home.


The reporting system needs looking at. I can get signed off work, hide the paperwork and still turn up. Not a problem in my job unless I'm diagnosed with chronic wish to batter people with paper rolls and copy toners, but put me in charge of a jet at 30,000 feet and my wish to batter people, or myself, with 3 miles of cliff side should start to ring alarm bells in an employers office.

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There's no guarantee a suicidal person would go the doctor at all.

True, but in this case he did.


I believe I posted it earlier in the thread, but in my opinion if someone in that sort of job is found to be suicidal the doctor should be able to contact their employer and (without giving details) say "This person is unfit to work until I say otherwise".

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