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What is the meaning of life?


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A question for the self-proclaimed rationalism police.


Are we really just randomly mutated primates with our lives having no intrinsic meaning or value - or is there more to life? I am having trouble understanding how life has any meaning in an atheistic, nihilistic worldview.

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It's a serious point, though. If they can't come up with an intrinsic meaning or value to life, what exactly is their objection to mass murder by 20th century communist dictators and what basis would they have had for any opposition to slavery if they had been around in the 1800s? Saying "treat others as you'd like to be treated" or "we're all equal" sounds nice but there is no basis for it in a nihilistic worldview. At best, they believe it because they're still to some extent influenced by a legacy of two millenia of Judeo-Christian values. There's no way you'd arrive at such a conclusion in a dechristianised and exclusively nihilistic and atheistic system based solely on rationalism and utility. Such ideas are spiritual in origin.

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Get hold of or buy on line some of the "Silver Birch" series of books. They are a bit scarce being rather off mainstream so you will not see any in libraries or bookshops as such but you can get them from the Spiritualists National Union, Stansted Hall, Essex. That's the big house you can see on the edge of what is it M11 or is it M25 on the far side of Stansted Runway...

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Understanding the meaning of life requires going on a never ending journey of discovery, continually taking what you are learning, and relating it to the values that you inherit, or establish for yourself, and then seeing what emerges as you go.


It's an iterative process.

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