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What is the meaning of life?


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The meaning of life is inner peace and a life of self improvement, not at the detriment of others.


But if your a person who is soulless then its "MONEY MONEY MONEY" sorcerer.gif

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Get hold of or buy on line some of the "Silver Birch" series of books. They are a bit scarce being rather off mainstream so you will not see any in libraries or bookshops as such but you can get them from the Spiritualists National Union, Stansted Hall, Essex. That's the big house you can see on the edge of what is it M11 or is it M25 on the far side of Stansted Runway...


Why would anyone look to Spiritualism for answers? Spiritualism is a flim flam industry which preys on the vulnerable, much the same as televangelists.

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There's no meaning to life except that which you create for yourself. The only morality in the world is what humans have either evolved or created.


Okay, that is a valid answer regarding meaning, but "this is what humans evolved or created" is hardly grounds for a system of ethics. Why was slavery wrong? Why is killing wrong? Why is equality good?

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Sorry, the atheist has devolved back to fundamentalist.


I don't think this question can ever be asked too many times. It's a constant question people should ask themselves continually, because as Socrates said, 'the unexamined life is not worth living.' It is through examination and asking questions that we give life meaning. Theism, atheism and the other isms are beside the point. It is better to have examined the question and become an atheist than to never ask the question and remain a theist, and vice versa. If Descartes was right with his 'I think, therefore I am', what is a person who doesn't think and question???

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Such ideas are spiritual in origin.


As are jihad, transubstantiation, and original sin.






Jihad, transubstantiation and original sin are religious in origin, not spiritual. They are doctrines invented by religious control freaks who want to control other people. Those people and their crackpot ideas are called religion, not spirituality. And Barrie's "Spiritualism" is another religion / cult.

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Jihad, transubstantiation and original sin are religious in origin, not spiritual. They are doctrines invented by religious control freaks who want to control other people. Those people and their crackpot ideas are called religion, not spirituality. And Barrie's "Spiritualism" is another religion / cult.



Wikipedia (yes, I know) defines spirituality as "the praxix and process of personal transformation, either in accordance with traditional religious ideals or, increasingly, oriented on subjective experience and psychological growth independently of any specific religious context." You appear to be postulating an interpretation that sounds closer to Rudolf Otto's definition of the "numinous", in which case you might as well just pop some LSD and sing about yellow submarines.


Edit: corrected "Rudolph" to "Rudolf" - I must have had Santa Claus in my head, for some reason...

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I forgot to add, I believe the meaning of life is to learn so we can make the world a better place.

Tell wasps that. There They're a lifeform.



Human beings have a divine soul. Animals do not - they have a spirit.

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