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Can you solve the maths question for Singapore schoolkids that went viral?


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You can't change a car tire, or mark, drill and plug a set of holes parallel to a stairway or floor to mount a dido?


Where's you sense of challenge?


Now if he'd asked about plastering I'd have had to admit my attempts don't much go beyond filling the odd crack or two, and my attempts at tiling left a lot be desired, but they are the trigonometry of the odd job world and I've not really got much beyond "only half an hour of agony" when it comes to them.

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Can you solve the GCHQ Christmas puzzler?. The completed shading looks like morse - reading down it says G C H Q. I haven't seen that noted anywhere - so it is probably just a distracting bit of fun. Apparently it's a nonogram and there is a methodology (and apps) for solving them. Perhaps the quickest solution is the best even if that means cheating. Or perhaps there is a catch. This is the key to the next part of the puzzle.



Edited by pongo
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I never did algebra and have managed to live my life,to my knowledge, without needing it.



This is one of the things about maths education that bugs me somewhat. Why is it that people are quite happy to admit to 'not doing maths', or 'never needing algebra' or whatever? You rarely find people who are proud of not being able to read.


lol Wrighty, I neither "proud" or ashamed of not doing algebra , I left school at 15 .


To be able to read is more 'essential' than algebra , in my view.


I can do 'sums' and fairly good at mental arithmetic , have run a couple of companies and seldom used a calculator ( I quite enjoyed the mental exercise).


TBH I wasn't too keen on "schooling"and will freely admit that I decided to leave.


Perhaps I still object to folk inferring somehow that there is something wrong with me because I fall short of their perceived educational superiority .


I have known academics with many degrees and doctorates who frankly don't appear to have the sense they were born with . one of whom asked me which way one turned a screwdriver (true) I helpfully told him "Lefty loosey, righty tighty" .biggrin.png


I am happy to concede that these folk may be "the exception that prove the rule" (prove as in 'tests'flowers.gif ...see I can be patronising toolaugh.png )


What "bugs me" (well tbh it doesn't really cos I don't care what folk I don't know think of me) is people who decide to "box" people on the basis of their own prejudices spoon fed to them by those involved in academia or from the social strata they were born into.


Those that "can" do ; those that can't teach: those that can't teach administrate ................. discussbiggrin.png ....

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Can you work out what the perimeters of these two figures are with the information available?


Ok, seeing as Chinahand can't be bothered answering my query I can tell you that you can't actually work out the perimeters of the figures with the limited information he's given you. It's impossible. But I can tell you that the figures are composite rectilinear shapes and therefore all the interior angles are equal to either 90 or 270 degrees. You should be able to work out the perimeters quite easily now.

Edited by ManxTaxPayer
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