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US Interception


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The people of the US and Iran have no reason to fight each other. Governments are the ones who start these wars and meddle in other people's business. Well, government and the private interests (usually transnational) who control them. Follow the money - the only people who profit from war are those who reep the reward of massive military spending and theft of others' resources.

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The people of the US and Iran have no reason to fight each other. Governments are the ones who start these wars and meddle in other people's business. Well, government and the private interests (usually transnational) who control them. Follow the money - the only people who profit from war are those who reep the reward of massive military spending and theft of others' resources.

The US does have an awful track record when it comes to international aggression but to claim that the eople of Iran and the US have no reason to fight each other is absolute rubbish.


The Iranians are a declared enemy of the US in particular and the West in general.


The military actions against Iran and their ilk is self defence and at times that means taking the war that the enemy, in this case Iran and their ilk, to the enemy.


When it comes to interfering in what is in essence an internecine war that is a different matter. The West should keep out and just sit back while they do what they want to each other.

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It's about Russia too.

'Albert' - Do you think that Obama has deliberately created an enemy out of Russia when the door was wide open to establish close relationships after the disintegration of the USSR?


I do wonder if Obama resurrected the 'Red Threat' in order to play on American public fears from the days of the Cold War in order to improve his image at home, or even if Obama actually IS anti-white and pro Islam which IMO would certainly seem to be the case based on his track record.


IMO Obama is to the US what Blair is to the UK, and that the full enormity of just what a monster he is will slowly dawn on the American people who have not or still can not see it at present.

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Manxy, that is one heck of a picture. A carrier battle group like that could wreck destruction on a scale that is hard to imagine.


It a stock photo from Wikipedia and shows the USS Abraham Lincoln Battle group. While trying to find its providence I found this wikipedia photo of the USS Theodore Roosevelt which is the one actually sent to Yemen.


It sums up a very American attitude!




What is happening in the Middle East at the moment is too complex for me to say what is right or wrong.


A choice between reactionary Islamic fundamentalism and American Interventionism may not be a choice because one will create the other. The instability both can generate is potentially deadly on an unimaginable scale.


The Sunnis and the Shias seem hell bent on war, and the borders of their fiefs do not match the international borders mostly drawn by colonial powers a century ago.


That is a recipe for chaos, and when it is linked with the geopolitics of oil the alliances and money politics become even more complex.


"A plague on both your houses"?


I'm not sure.


Islamofascism is evil.


More so than the American Interventionism, and while American Interventionism can provoke Islamofascism, I do not think it its origin. Violent Mullahs who think they have a divine sanction to behead and enslave the Kfir have existed for millennia and Islam needs to find a way to put significant parts of the teachings of the Koran into a historical past or it will remain anathema to modern values of tolerance and the open exchange of ideas.


American Interventionism understands those values far more than Islamic State or the Houthis currently destabilising Yemen with Iranian arms.


I'm not convinced just letting Iran sow their proxi-wars around the Middle East is a good idea, and so half of me thinks a US blockade is a reasonable response.


But miscalculation could lead to further disaster.


Its a classic moral dilemma - doing nothing is a choice, and doing nothing could also lead to disaster, and maybe a worse one than choosing to intervene.


All I know is that the drum beat of war is growing in the Middle East. People are sadly going to die and I've no idea if a US Carrier Battle Group will increase or decrease the toll.



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This latest resurgence of the 1300 year old war between the forces of evil and the enlightened Western nations is just that - a resurgence of a war that will never be ended unless and until Islam totally dominates the world.


Best leave the Islamic schools of jurisprudence to decimate each other, and concentrate on attacking outbreaks of their internecine conflict and attacks against us in our countries starting with the proscribing of Islam and working on from there.


Supporting any of the protagonists will only ever end up bad.

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The people of the US and Iran have no reason to fight each other. Governments are the ones who start these wars and meddle in other people's business. Well, government and the private interests (usually transnational) who control them. Follow the money - the only people who profit from war are those who reep the reward of massive military spending and theft of others' resources.

The US does have an awful track record when it comes to international aggression but to claim that the eople of Iran and the US have no reason to fight each other is absolute rubbish.


The Iranians are a declared enemy of the US in particular and the West in general.


The military actions against Iran and their ilk is self defence and at times that means taking the war that the enemy, in this case Iran and their ilk, to the enemy.


When it comes to interfering in what is in essence an internecine war that is a different matter. The West should keep out and just sit back while they do what they want to each other.



As usual, you confuse a country's government with a country's people. People of the world would be living in peace if it were not for governments wanting to control others.

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Incidentally, I'm not aware of many wars where Iran was the aggressor. Seems they just want to live in peace in their own area (Persia). As for the claim that they want to develop nukes, even Mossad has dismissed this as rubbish.

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The people of the US and Iran have no reason to fight each other. Governments are the ones who start these wars and meddle in other people's business. Well, government and the private interests (usually transnational) who control them. Follow the money - the only people who profit from war are those who reep the reward of massive military spending and theft of others' resources.


The US does have an awful track record when it comes to international aggression but to claim that the eople of Iran and the US have no reason to fight each other is absolute rubbish.


The Iranians are a declared enemy of the US in particular and the West in general.


The military actions against Iran and their ilk is self defence and at times that means taking the war that the enemy, in this case Iran and their ilk, to the enemy.


When it comes to interfering in what is in essence an internecine war that is a different matter. The West should keep out and just sit back while they do what they want to each other.

As usual, you confuse a country's government with a country's people. People of the world would be living in peace if it were not for governments wanting to control others.

Utter nonsense.

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