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US Interception


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No, it isn't. Your reply is. Now go enjoy the lovely sun out in Norfolk.

It is a nice day here but there's a chill breeze. Right now I'm sitting in the garden sheltered from the breeze watching the (once stray) cat sunbathing. Now too fat and lazy to even bother chasing the blue butterflies that have started to come around.


As for your silly interpretation of the world - actually it is nonsense, especially the refute of the development of the Iranian bomb. Iran. A nation of liars supported by the advise to lie that is a part of Islam.

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Incidentally, I'm not aware of many wars where Iran was the aggressor. Seems they just want to live in peace in their own area (Persia). As for the claim that they want to develop nukes, even Mossad has dismissed this as rubbish.

Does the name Hezbollah mean anything to you? They follow Teran's orders and are active in fighting in Lebanon, Syria and beyond. Iran is an active participant in proxy wars in Yemen and Iraq. Maybe individual Iranians want to live in peace but its government is quite happy to use violence to further its aims.
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the cold war never ended... russian natural resources always the ultimate goal ...take a look at a map we nearly surrounding them now one way or another

The Americans want everybody's natural resources and any other resources they can get their sticky fingers on.
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the cold war never ended... russian natural resources always the ultimate goal ...take a look at a map we nearly surrounding them now one way or another

The Americans want everybody's natural resources and any other resources they can get their sticky fingers on.



Yes, one yank even claims to own the moon and has sold 611 million acres of land on it:

Hope contends that there is more than $6 quadrillion dollars worth of helium-3 reserves on the moon, and that he and his property owners, of which there are thousands, own all of it. Helium-3 is used in nuclear fusion research on Earth and trades for about $125,000 an ounce.


See http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/03/25/meet-the-man-who-owns-the-moon

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Incidentally, I'm not aware of many wars where Iran was the aggressor. Seems they just want to live in peace in their own area (Persia). As for the claim that they want to develop nukes, even Mossad has dismissed this as rubbish.

Does the name Hezbollah mean anything to you? They follow Teran's orders and are active in fighting in Lebanon, Syria and beyond. Iran is an active participant in proxy wars in Yemen and Iraq. Maybe individual Iranians want to live in peace but its government is quite happy to use violence to further its aims.



I'm not going to defend Hezbollah by any means, but come on, Hezbollah are fighting to liberate Lebanon from decades of Israeli occupation. They may engage in terrorism (just as Israel and America do) but they're not invading other countries.


All governments without exception are happy to use violence to further their aims; we only call them terrorists when they're not aligned with the United States and its allies.

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As for your silly interpretation of the world - actually it is nonsense, especially the refute of the development of the Iranian bomb. Iran. A nation of liars supported by the advise to lie that is a part of Islam.



Oh, okay, then each and every Iranian - all 77.45 million of them, no less - are "a nation of liars" in your interpretation of the world. It must be a great comfort to have such simple-minded views and not have to think any further.

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As for your silly interpretation of the world - actually it is nonsense, especially the refute of the development of the Iranian bomb. Iran. A nation of liars supported by the advise to lie that is a part of Islam.


Oh, okay, then each and every Iranian - all 77.45 million of them, no less - are "a nation of liars" in your interpretation of the world. It must be a great comfort to have such simple-minded views and not have to think any further.

Based on their track record they are, along with other predominantly mohamadan nations. I know of no other 'religion' than mohamadism that advises the telling lies to further it's aims, and believe me, use of the word 'religion' in the case of mohamadism really needs the widest possible interpretation of the word.
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As for your silly interpretation of the world - actually it is nonsense, especially the refute of the development of the Iranian bomb. Iran. A nation of liars supported by the advise to lie that is a part of Islam.

Oh, okay, then each and every Iranian - all 77.45 million of them, no less - are "a nation of liars" in your interpretation of the world. It must be a great comfort to have such simple-minded views and not have to think any further.

Based on their track record they are, along with other predominantly mohamadan nations. I know of no other 'religion' than mohamadism that advises the telling lies to further it's aims, and believe me, use of the word 'religion' in the case of mohamadism really needs the widest possible interpretation of the word.



You really need to stop obsessing over the Islamic concept of taqiyya. The exact same concept exists in your own religion and in every other religion.

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As for your silly interpretation of the world - actually it is nonsense, especially the refute of the development of the Iranian bomb. Iran. A nation of liars supported by the advise to lie that is a part of Islam.


Oh, okay, then each and every Iranian - all 77.45 million of them, no less - are "a nation of liars" in your interpretation of the world. It must be a great comfort to have such simple-minded views and not have to think any further.

Based on their track record they are, along with other predominantly mohamadan nations. I know of no other 'religion' than mohamadism that advises the telling lies to further it's aims, and believe me, use of the word 'religion' in the case of mohamadism really needs the widest possible interpretation of the word.

You really need to stop obsessing over the Islamic concept of taqiyya. The exact same concept exists in your own religion and in every other religion.

That is yet more utter rubbish from you. If you're intent on acting a troll at the very least get your facts right.

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You really need to stop obsessing over the Islamic concept of taqiyya. The exact same concept exists in your own religion and in every other religion.

That is yet more utter rubbish from you. If you're intent on acting a troll at the very least get your facts right.



What fact did I not get right? Christianity - with its emphasis on the internal rather than the external, the heart rather than the mind, faith rather than action - has a solid theological justification for lying if the ends are soteriologically conducive.

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You really need to stop obsessing over the Islamic concept of taqiyya. The exact same concept exists in your own religion and in every other religion.

That is yet more utter rubbish from you. If you're intent on acting a troll at the very least get your facts right.

What fact did I not get right? Christianity - with its emphasis on the internal rather than the external, the heart rather than the mind, faith rather than action - has a solid theological justification for lying if the ends are soteriologically conducive.

Absolute rubbish from you AGAIN.

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You really need to stop obsessing over the Islamic concept of taqiyya. The exact same concept exists in your own religion and in every other religion.

That is yet more utter rubbish from you. If you're intent on acting a troll at the very least get your facts right.

What fact did I not get right? Christianity - with its emphasis on the internal rather than the external, the heart rather than the mind, faith rather than action - has a solid theological justification for lying if the ends are soteriologically conducive.

Absolute rubbish from you AGAIN.



Thank you for confirming that I'm right by your lack of any attempt at a counter-argument.

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You really need to stop obsessing over the Islamic concept of taqiyya. The exact same concept exists in your own religion and in every other religion.


That is yet more utter rubbish from you. If you're intent on acting a troll at the very least get your facts right.

What fact did I not get right? Christianity - with its emphasis on the internal rather than the external, the heart rather than the mind, faith rather than action - has a solid theological justification for lying if the ends are soteriologically conducive.

Absolute rubbish from you AGAIN.

Thank you for confirming that I'm right by your lack of any attempt at a counter-argument.

Silly boy! You have provided nothing to counter! I tire of feeding an obvious troll.

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