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We both know you're really an anti-Christian bigot who is pretending to be a Christian so don't bother accusing me of being the troll. You're the one saying 77+ million people are all dishonest liars because they happen to be part of a religion which happens to have over a billion adherents whom you also think are dishonest liars. If that isn't an obvious attempt at trolling, I don't know what is.

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We both know you're really an anti-Christian bigot who is pretending to be a Christian so don't bother accusing me of being the troll. You're the one saying 77+ million people are all dishonest liars because they happen to be part of a religion which happens to have over a billion adherents whom you also think are dishonest liars. If that isn't an obvious attempt at trolling, I don't know what is.

I never cease to be surprised at the number of things that you know and / or understand so little about.


I do sincerely hope that you ARE just Troll-ing because to think that anyone really IS so disturbed and yet walks the streets I find quite pitiful.

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I never cease to be surprised at the number of things that you know and / or understand so little about.


I do sincerely hope that you ARE just Troll-ing because to think that anyone really IS so disturbed and yet walks the streets I find quite pitiful.



You're the one saying 77+ million people - in fact, over a billion people (Muslims) - are all dishonest liars. I'm saying they're not. I think objective readers can figure out who is the troll here.

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I never cease to be surprised at the number of things that you know and / or understand so little about.


I do sincerely hope that you ARE just Troll-ing because to think that anyone really IS so disturbed and yet walks the streets I find quite pitiful.


You're the one saying 77+ million people - in fact, over a billion people (Muslims) - are all dishonest liars. I'm saying they're not. I think objective readers can figure out who is the troll here.

Silly boy.


Now where did I ever write that 77+ million people are all dishonest liars. What I wrote was that lying was a recommended course of action in the case of Islam and that such is not the case in any other religion.

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Isnt it funny that the yanks only seem interested in places with lots of resources ?


One day America will not be the superpower it was, the Chinese are miles ahead in wealth and industry.


I found America a little bit strange when I visited, the patriotic mind-set reminded me of Germany in the late 1930's

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If your implying that Rog was a sockpuppet of Lonan3 then if my memory serves me correctly I think Rhummsa can disprove that as Rog was very generous offering him help on one of his trips. AFAIK he was no sock puppet simply a very old, ill and cranky Jewish guy with very strong opinions, who I presume has now shuffled off this mortal coil.


I miss him. He stated his opinions and would explain and press his point. He was no sock puppet and didn't need to hide behind them. He was just himself ......


... now I've said that it's likely he was someone sitting in his Y-fronts having a laugh. Oh well, I'll have made their day I suppose!

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I am not suggesting Rog was a sockpuppet of Lonan3. I am suggesting Spook is.

Young man, you have problems even greater than I thought.


Why is it that some people try to find 'facts' that fit what they WANT them to fit?

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