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Amy's in the race!


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, KeithFitton. Sensible, well written and grammatically correct, which is more than we can say for the outpourings from some other candidates. Good luck on Thursday - you have my vote!

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This is a fantastic thread. Great entertainment value, but it also exemplifies how free the people on the Island are to express their views, attack the candidates and their manifestos, and above all, express their individual opinion.


And I think it also shows how important social media has become in the election process. It got me thinking, and in particular when Spook glorified Maggie Thatcher, about how important tweets and post have become.


If twitter was about in 1979, and Maggie was tweeting her thoughts, would she have been voted in? I doubt it, not unless it was stage managed of course.


But we have social media, and in the first Amy thread, we were tabbed. On her Facebook she alluded to having contacts that would break the law for her.


This stuff can't be forgotten. To Quote a Scottish song, "it's in the past, and in the past it must remain". It cant be undone, unless she applies the European right to be forgotten laws.


Does that mean she will not be a good MHK? Not sure.


It's because Amy has been a social media user that we know so much about her. She has shared her thoughts in public ( well, in a closed FB group), but have the other candidates?. It does not mean to say their views are any different from Amys. It just says we don't know what their views are, in such an intimate way as we know Amys.


I wish good luck to Amy.


If I had a vote, would I vote for her. Erm no.


Her manifesto is not strong enough.


But that's not to say she would a worse MHK than any of the others.


Going on a slight tangent.... what about me? If I was to stand up for public office, would my online history haunt me. Of course it would. I have had too many late night online drunken rants to ever consider putting myself up for public office. I would have to justify every one, when many of them are wildly unjustifiable.


But what this thread shows, is that the electorate demand accountability, and that the potential politicians are rather shy on delivering on that. Even before election. In their mind, past comments vanish into the ether, but the electorate remember.


Well done MF. You are the core of democracy.


You are asking people who want to represent you, why? What will you do for us?


The downside of course is that none of them will actually do anything.

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Lest we forget .


"Can someone pass this message on to the demented keyboard warriors of Manx forums hiding behind their fake names. 1. I don't use twitter, I'm on there but facebooks enough, unlike some people I don't have time to sit tap tap tappying about people all day long on lots of different accounts. 2. My manifesto and capabilities will all come out nearer election time, however you all have already on there judged me as a mindless big boobed woman with no qualifications you couldn't be further from the truth, but I like to serve my pies in the face the appropriate way and not by slating people I don't know on a forum behind a hidden identity. 3. Hypocrisy - google it you sad little people, we all like a gossip which is exactly what you faceless cowards are doing.
Feel free to come out your computer closets (pardon the pun) and email me aimes82@hotmail.co.uk if you actually want to say something to my face or address a real concern to me direct, but we know hell will freeze over first.
Chow for now haters!!! Enjoy playing on your forum with yourselves as instinct tells me that's about all you do hence the aggression towards any other human being who isn't you"

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Lest we forget .


"Can someone pass this message on to the demented keyboard warriors of Manx forums hiding behind their fake names. 1. I don't use twitter, I'm on there but facebooks enough, unlike some people I don't have time to sit tap tap tappying about people all day long on lots of different accounts. 2. My manifesto and capabilities will all come out nearer election time, however you all have already on there judged me as a mindless big boobed woman with no qualifications you couldn't be further from the truth, but I like to serve my pies in the face the appropriate way and not by slating people I don't know on a forum behind a hidden identity. 3. Hypocrisy - google it you sad little people, we all like a gossip which is exactly what you faceless cowards are doing.

Feel free to come out your computer closets (pardon the pun) and email me aimes82@hotmail.co.uk if you actually want to say something to my face or address a real concern to me direct, but we know hell will freeze over first.

Chow for now haters!!! Enjoy playing on your forum with yourselves as instinct tells me that's about all you do hence the aggression towards any other human being who isn't you"




I have no problems with politicians changing their policy. That is the whole point of debate, and I applaud politicians who change their views based on arguement. Such behaviour helps creating a balanced Government.


So if candidate A was a rampant socialist in his teens, and converted to Thatcherism when aged 24, who cares?


It would actually make him more electable, at least to the Thatcherites at least. The Thatcherites would love such a candidate... " See, see. I TOLD you, this man converted from evil to good"


Basically, we need strong candidates who stand by their beliefs of the time they held those beliefs, and can explain why they changed their minds.


When Ed Milliband droped a pound coin into a beggers cup... he fucked up.


When Amy tabbed us... she fucked up.


But it's not the actual action that is important. It's the explanation for the fuck up that is number one.


To Quote G W Bush " Mistakes were made"


He lost any respect he had over that. If he had said "yeah... I fucked up", his approval rating would have gone sky high.


(edited to add the last 5 lines)

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On the Manx Voices Informed Choices Facebook page, Amy has mentioned that she has received a text message death threat! , She says that she reported another matter to the police earlier and has heard nothing from them also?


This is despicable and several people have advised her to contact the police, interestingly Tame elf amongst them?

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This is a fantastic thread. Great entertainment value, but it also exemplifies how free the people on the Island are to express their views, attack the candidates and their manifestos, and above all, express their individual opinion.

Well done MF. You are the core of democracy.


We're hardly free. As Fact said, posts get deleted. Entire threads get removed. People are mysteriously banned without explanation. Posters receive legal threats. Posters get bullied and harassed by other posters for expressing their views. We have political candidates over on Facebook threatening to hack our IPs.

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She used to have sock puppet FB profiles as she knew she wasn't liked and used to use the sock puppets to stir up shit about her. Very common among those who crave attention. Wouldn't surprise me if it was the same sort of thing or if the story was completely fabricated.


IMEI of the handset used, cross reference with any other Sims or who sold the phone should be straight forward to track down from her law breaking friend in Telecom or the police.

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