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Amy's in the race!


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******** Julian Asssssss.......**********


''From Wikipedia "Fr Sl (19 votes) Douglas South...''



Ding Ding!!! Ding Ding!!!


****** Identity reveal *******


Bad form and against the rules, matter of public records? not to the person you revealed to.


Considering julian you have gone to some trouble in the past not to reveal your sources and, like most of us, use a nom de plume, is this fair?

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I'm Gladys, TJ, PL and Albert Tatlock.


You're TJ :lol:

Never mind your nonsense. Let's get back on topic.

No, you are clearly TJ and Isaac has suddenly gone quiet also. You complain about political sock puppets and yet remain the most sock puppety person on the whole of MF.

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I was joking, oldmanxfella. I have no connection to any other posters.

Are you taking requests for identities to use? I know he was banned, but perhaps a relative of civil servant might make an appearance - I liked that oneflowers.gif


Obviously I have pissed off 90% of all other forum members now - but hey, they are all Lib Van members, so what do I care biggrin.png

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******** Julian Asssssss.......**********


''From Wikipedia "Fr Sl (19 votes) Douglas South...''



Ding Ding!!! Ding Ding!!!


****** Identity reveal *******


Bad form and against the rules, matter of public records? not to the person you revealed to.


Considering julian you have gone to some trouble in the past not to reveal your sources and, like most of us, use a nom de plume, is this fair?

If I have done anything unacceptable then the post can come down. Amadeus has never hidden who he is and there aren't that many ex IOM Austrian MHK candidates who work in e-gaming who are currently living in Manila. I would never have outed a person who has not already outed themselves. I'm pretty sure Amadeus would not mind the link. If he does then I unreservedly apologise.


You stood once too didn't you? But I won't be naming you as you have not outed yourself. Is that fair?


I'm also pretty sure that Wikipedia is a matter of public record. If you Google 'Douglas South Election Results ' every line up since 1903 comes up in the first page.

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******** Julian Asssssss.......**********


''From Wikipedia "Fr Sl (19 votes) Douglas South...''



Ding Ding!!! Ding Ding!!!


****** Identity reveal *******


Bad form and against the rules, matter of public records? not to the person you revealed to.


Considering julian you have gone to some trouble in the past not to reveal your sources and, like most of us, use a nom de plume, is this fair?


Amadeus made it clear who he was when he stood, and is referring to that campaign in this thread.

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I have only two questions. Is she pro-life and does she beleive in Jesus?


Bump. It's been two weeks and I've still not had an answer. Same question for Keith as well.

If it helps, I believe in correct spelling.

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Amy's had (another) death threat today and wants to know if its normal for MKH's.


I must have missed the election, I didn't realise that she had been elected.


I know Ed had a few threats thrown in his direction, but really, this is not the first time she has claimed her life has been threatened, is anyone likely to be arsed to send her a death threat.


Apparently she has reported something to the Police once this week, but they have not been near.


I wonder if that is because she called them a joke on their facebook page a few weeks ago?


Its like drama just follows her around ..................


Edit: Sorry Max, missed your post regarding this

She does this quite a lot of the time. Claims to receive death threats. Strange the police have yet to apprehend anyone. Another tactic she does with the other "victim" VC

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You're funny. I didn't say who.


No, but you said one of the candidates - clearly leaving it open to speculation. Why even say it if you're not going to say who? You're playing childish games. To be honest, I don't care if one of the candidates uses the report button.


Your post also makes no sense, but that's ok. Many things in life don't. Makes you look a little silly, though.



My post makes perfect sense. It's you who has failed to make sense of it - makes you look a little dim.


a bunch of fruitloops is standing for election and you cannot stop but wonder what the fuck is going in the place that people can't get their arses off the couch, start a proper party system and get things moving in the right direction within the last 1000 fucking years, instead of accusing me of impartiality, which is irrelevant as am not the media or a common law editor, but simply an individual, and then getting your little troll friend to come and chime in as well.


I don't want a party system. I think a party system, beyond what we already have, would be bad news for the island.


I actually give a fuck about the island and have repeatedly offered to help with setting something up. You wanna do a taxpayers alliance or a political party of some sort? Like I publicly said before: shoot me a message. If it looks solid enough, I'm more than happy to support it with manpower and cash. I give you a website, media campaign, printing, even a whole fucking call center to use. Just say the word.


The island needs proper political change. What it doesn't need are more dumbfuck internet trolls talking out of their arses. Get up and do something or shut up.



I hope nobody is gullible enough to take you up on your offer. It will naturally just be a way to get their identity, get them to lay out their ideas, and then pass on their identity and details to others to suppress them.


The island needs proper political change. What it doesn't need are more dumbfuck internet trolls talking out of their arses. Get up and do something or shut up.



Something else the island doesn't need is dumbfuck internet moderators from foreign countries trolling us, telling us what to do, censoring us, deleting our posts, banning us, or posting things that ought to be private, all as part of their own personal or political agendas.



The last two statements in your post show me that there's no point trying a rational debate with you. Head back to your bunker in Foxdale and prepare for the invasion, please. That way you won't be in the way of people living in the real world.


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