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Amy's in the race!


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******** Julian Asssssss.......**********


''From Wikipedia "Fr Sl (19 votes) Douglas South...''



Ding Ding!!! Ding Ding!!!


****** Identity reveal *******


Bad form and against the rules, matter of public records? not to the person you revealed to.


Considering julian you have gone to some trouble in the past not to reveal your sources and, like most of us, use a nom de plume, is this fair?

If I have done anything unacceptable then the post can come down. Amadeus has never hidden who he is and there aren't that many ex IOM Austrian MHK candidates who work in e-gaming who are currently living in Manila. I would never have outed a person who has not already outed themselves. I'm pretty sure Amadeus would not mind the link. If he does then I unreservedly apologise.


You stood once too didn't you? But I won't be naming you as you have not outed yourself. Is that fair?


I'm also pretty sure that Wikipedia is a matter of public record. If you Google 'Douglas South Election Results ' every line up since 1903 comes up in the first page.



Excuse me, what did you just call me? Austrian??? Let me get my fish....


Never been a secret who I am. Not since 2006 anyway when, as stated above, I stood in Douglas South and posted to that effect in this very forum.

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Anyone else noticed that Mrs Burn's "death threats" post has been removed from her Facebook face?


It wasn't until after 40 or 50 people responded. It really is time that Douglas South sees this campaign for what it really is "A Staged Production".


Also time the retuning officer look at her nomination papers again.

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It was also not a secret when Amadeus drove round in a Poker Stars liveried car a picture of which, I seem to recall, he also used as his avatar.

He is also a sincere Manxophile.

Actually it was my own poker site. I am not affiliated with or working for poker stars, rational entertainment or any affiliates. They're a cool company though.

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Also time the retuning officer look at her nomination papers again.

Why? All nomination papers are checked by the returning officer and assuming nothing has changed, this is done with all candidates present. If you believe something untoward is afoot, you should report it to the returning officer rather than post it here.

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It was also not a secret when Amadeus drove round in a Poker Stars liveried car a picture of which, I seem to recall, he also used as his avatar.

He is also a sincere Manxophile.

Actually it was my own poker site. I am not affiliated with or working for poker stars, rational entertainment or any affiliates. They're a cool company though.

My apologies Amadeus, you did have a car with playing cards on it though! ;)

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Anyone else noticed that Mrs Burn's "death threats" post has been removed from her Facebook face?


It wasn't until after 40 or 50 people responded. It really is time that Douglas South sees this campaign for what it really is "A Staged Production".


Also time the retuning officer look at her nomination papers again.


I seen it on MVIC, and its still there with all the comments

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I actually give a fuck about the island and have repeatedly offered to help with setting something up. You wanna do a taxpayers alliance or a political party of some sort? Like I publicly said before: shoot me a message. If it looks solid enough, I'm more than happy to support it with manpower and cash. I give you a website, media campaign, printing, even a whole fucking call center to use. Just say the word.


You should get on to Kevin Woodford.

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I'd like to explain why I removed my post yesterday about Isaiah Berlin's two concepts of liberty. I thought it was unfair to put Keith on the spot when the other candidates will be just as - if not more - unaware of political philosophy.


Keith, yes, it's definitely worth reading, but don't waste your time trying to get hold of his book. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy sums it all up very well - http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/liberty-positive-negative/ (liberalism is on the negative liberty side - negative meaning the striving for liberty without, as much as possible, any outside interference or threat). I hope Amy will read it as well and tell us where she stands. I really do believe Berlin's liberty paradigm is an excellent way of getting at the heart of a candidate's positions on practically every issue. It's far more instructive than the usual left - right paradigm.

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OMG, you've recently read a book, nobody really noticed, or cared, about your promotion of it so you need to repeat the item.

Two important books I would suggest are;

The ragged trousered philanthropist,

The Prince.

One tells you why you should do it and the other how. Philosophy is not much use in politics, sociology is.

You used 'paradigm' twice, are you Russell Brand?

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OMG, you've recently read a book, nobody really noticed, or cared, about your promotion of it so you need to repeat the item.

Two important books I would suggest are;

The ragged trousered philanthropist,

The Prince.

One tells you why you should do it and the other how. Philosophy is not much use in politics, sociology is.

You used 'paradigm' twice, are you Russell Brand?


Isaiah Berlin is one of the most influential political philsophers of the 20th century. I did not just read his book and start promoting it. Anyone interested in politics should be familiar with his work. It's like not knowing Karl Marx or Jean Jacques Rousseau.


The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist is not a very good book at all. It's interesting only to the extent that it provides an insight into the author's political views. The Prince is a good book, but it's not relevant - it doesn't offer a way to analyse the political ideology of political candidates.


No, I'm not Russell brand. I'm a conservative.

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