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Amy's in the race!


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How have lib vannin engineered the meeting?


Pam Ayers posted a suggestion that if Douglas N & S residents hadn't already they should contact the mayor to request a requisition meeting. There was a rant about that on Manx Voices.


Maybe this misreporting of chairmen as being Rushen MHKs is because someone is expecting a Spaniard's Inquisition instead of a Douglas Requisition.

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The sensible thing to do would have been to suggest to those going to attend her personal meeting to instead, attend the RM, guaranteed suport?


She should perhaps have explained why she could not be at the ManxRad meeting, a Family wedding would have been acceptable to most?


However, I don't think these events or her facebook shenanigans will necessarily hurt her chances, as well as apathy, those who will not vote, there are a considerable number of people who will simply make an 'uninformed choice'.


Few people will be aware of her facebook persona, what we on MF. or any of the other political forums say about her. Some of our comments may indeed elicit a sympathy vote if they were made public!

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I do not feel a ‘Liberal Vannin’ engineered requisition meeting would be more beneficial to my campaign

So, a number 20? of the electorate petition the Mayor of Douglas to arrange a meeting to quiz the candidates on the issues that are important to them. She refuses to attend. Now she claims it is all the work of those nasty people if LV that have engineered it. She hasn't got as fucking clue what she is doing, her advisors need a wake up call if she is ever to be taken seriously. this is a slap in the face to the people of Douglas South, the Mayor, the democratic process and the island as a whole. She should not be allowed out on her own, this is obviously exactly what she is doing. Avoiding any direct contact without her advisors being present.

When I saw a report on the media that a woman had been assaulted in Anagh Coor I immediately thought, what won't she do to get attention? Apologies to the victim of that assault for making that assumption but that is where my head is at with this woman.


I'm afraid the electorate in the Isle of Man have form for repeated slapping in the face with or without a kipper let alone getting upset about the democratic process and the island as a whole.


The electorate are sleepwalking as they have for some time and it will take a short sharp shock for them to engage in the political system let alone think about policies. I fear the short sharp shock is coming it's looming like a harbinger of doom on the horizon if the electorate would only look.


It may take something unforeseen and life changing that stimulates the general electorate to seek actual representation backed by a candidate with real substance. You cannot blame Amy as she merely mirrors a generation of voters she represents who wish change.


I am not in her constituency and therefore cannot vote however I hope she gets in she will certainly cause a great amount of strife within the current or indeed any administration. It may take something this dramatic to generate a groundswell of opinion demanding quality representation casting aside seasoned granny farmers and chancers when the shit storm comes.


The seasoned campaigners f****d up on their watch when the money was falling from the sky and will be off to sunnier climes immune from the fallout, the blame and the solution. I don't know what the answer is I don't think any rational person really knows.

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Norville...I suspect that even if by some slim chance she did get in, she would soon be intellectually silenced by the likes of Bell and Teare as she would be out of her depth when it came to the detail, and soon make a fool of herself otherwise.


She has already stated no cuts and would work with government...I wouldn't vote for her. Nothing would change.

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Apathy might be Douglas Souths downfall here. I have a feeling turnout will be very low, and that someone who manages to get a few hundred people to turn out and vote will get in.


The Facebook thing, and appealing to younger voters in those areas who wouldn't normally turn out may be enough for her to swing it as a popularity contest and with votes from people who wouldn't vote for any other candidates regardless of their views or policies.

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The Facebook thing, and appealing to younger voters in those areas who wouldn't normally turn out may be enough for her to swing it as a popularity contest and with votes from people who wouldn't vote for any other candidates regardless of their views or policies.


The Facebook thing is not really a thing though is it, if you look at her candidate page, her manifesto got a whopping 27 likes two of which were her and her husband and one Tame Elfie so not exactly a revolution in the offing, its a load easier to like the rubbish she posts than turn up at a polling booth. Also recent changes in the Electoral Roll has meant some of the more the slovenly in society were kicked of and won't be able to vote whilst some of her supporters can't vote due to the whole NAME thing.

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