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Amy's in the race!


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The "Scottish Bitch" is in Scotland, you are in Norfolk. Cant see that she is a problem for you!

It depends if Labour go into some forms of coalition with the Scottish equivalent of the BNP. If that happens there can be no doubt that the SNP would demand that even more English tax payers money would end up as foreign aid to North of the border.
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The "Scottish Bitch" is in Scotland, you are in Norfolk. Cant see that she is a problem for you!

It depends if Labour go into some forms of coalition with the Scottish equivalent of the BNP. If that happens there can be no doubt that the SNP would demand that even more English tax payers money would end up as foreign aid to North of the border.

Well there's not the slightest chance 'the Scottish Bitch' will be on the green benches after the election

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I have now listened to the interview - I'm sorry Wann but you and I must have listened to a different interview, to me she had nothing of substance to say.


She has now changed her LinkedIn profile to show that she actually stopped working for Poker stars in 2011 rather than 2015.


One thing that does confuse me is that the same profile claims she worked for Online Casino's from 2011 to April 2015. (I have a copy of the newly updated profile too)


Her husband claimed only a couple of months ago (I think a screen print of which is available on this thread) that she earns more money through her job than an MHK


So why did she say on the radio this morning, when questioned about being a homemaker, that during the "past few years it was better for her to stay at home and raise my child than not be there full time"


I have no problem with stay at home mums


I have no problems with working mums


I do have a problem when people don't tell the truth to suit their purposes though.


Which is it Amy? Which is correct - your LinkedIn profile or your claim that you are a homemaker?

I noticed that as well. She is telling porkies!


Methinks the girl is that twisted she would have trouble laying in bed at night. Most of her comments are normally followed by responses from her husband. Possibly a younger version of the Malarkeys whatever.gif

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I read that thread yesterday. In the main, it's appalling. The woman, her looks, her appearance, her family, her background, ripped to shreds. I'm all for straight talking but that thread is a disgrace and does MF no favours at all.

It wasn't MFs finest hour although it's debatable as to how much of it was untrue.

So MF makes a bad enemy. So what? From what I've seen her putting herself in the public eye, where you have to be prepared to take for the team some real (and possibly true) biting and hurtful criticism, could be a big mistake.


Face it, with her background she's a very easy target....

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Just listened to her on mandate...not a woman of substance. I got no idea what her policies/priorities might be.


>I got no idea what her policies/priorities might be.


No matter Albert, neither does she.


But following on from her "doctor's should be at the hospital" analogy, should the "homemaker" be in politics?


I think she'd be great copy with lots of ridiculous quotes...and probably an early, spectacular meltdown.


But not what the IoM needs at the present. The vulnerable really do need help right now and she's no idea how best to give it. In fact, I think she'd be a hindrance.


Perhaps she could stand as a Councillor first and deal with dog mess, chewing gum, street lights, Mayor's parlour drinks budget etc. see how she perseveres with that?


Sorry Amy, however well intentioned (for now), you're just not good enough.


If I were a betting man rather than a voter, maybe Malarkey (pictured...right) as an outside bet.





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I watched some of the MTTV interviews.


Malarkey here: http://www.manx.net/tv/mt-tv/watch/71887/douglas-south-bill-malarkey


It seems he wasn't happy with the way LibVan were doing things. Most noteably it seems by not supporting the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA). I'm not sure if that actually is the case, but whatever.


CPA = trips around the world. This is the icing on the cake for our Tynwald guys and some long termers can travel the corners of the world to some very exotic places too. All in the name of forging links or whatever. And at the taxpayers expense. These are the copper bottomed jollys for the members of Tynwald and some hangers on too.


Malarkey clearly wanted (and still wants) all the trimmings that came with being an MHK and that included the parties and perks. LibVan got him in, but only half way there, so he clearly decided to take the gamble of 4 years or so in with the big boys and dumped LibVan.


Then in a nicely cruel twist of fate, he was beaten at the next general election by a LibVan candidate.


I would like to see this "electrical engineer" and "company director" fixing washing machines and stuff for at least the next five years, not sucking up to the Council of Ministers and sliding in with the establishment to satisfy his own ego and peculiar sense of self imnportance. And not making decisions that effect my life in any way and not taking taxpayers money for his pay and pension.

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If you keep an eye on her profiles, you will notice a trend whereby when people are commenting about her she suddenly discovers a "bullying" post on one of her many fakebook profiles. Can't wait to see her in the House of Keys. She should slot right in

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Just listened to her on mandate...not a woman of substance. I got no idea what her policies/priorities might be.

All I heard was waffle.

I was amazed at her intensions to stop all the poverty though, as I am not aware of any. Gave the impression that we have loads of "poor" ( because she read it in the census) and because she was just an ordinary person, that is what the poor need to rid them of all this poverty.

Really ?

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Some of the posters on here need to take a long hard look at themselves. Our political representation is dominated by old male careerist politicians with one eye on a cushy retirement. Along comes someone different, and you devote a thread to mostly attacking her looks, gender and social profile, digging up stuff off social media and mocking her for being different. You are going to put off anyone but the blandest and dullest from putting themselves forward next year. I don't know much about Amy, or much about her politics, but good luck to her.

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Some of the posters on here need to take a long hard look at themselves. Our political representation is dominated by old male careerist politicians with one eye on a cushy retirement. Along comes someone different, and you devote a thread to mostly attacking her looks, gender and social profile, digging up stuff off social media and mocking her for being different. You are going to put off anyone but the blandest and dullest from putting themselves forward next year. I don't know much about Amy, or much about her politics, but good luck to her.


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I thought she did well in the interview, although she didn't get any really gruelling questions. The MTTV guy gave Ralph Peake much more of a hard time.

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