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Amy's in the race!


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It was on nights like this, when the wind drew the fire in, all the heat went up the chimney, when the fire couldn’t heat the room. Nights like this when the draughts flew under the kitchen door, flew under the front door. Nights like this when the broken window in the back bedroom let in the gale.


So, those nights, with the house too cold, it was out to the cowshed. The cows in the stalls, with the sound of them chewing the mangled turnip the only sound. The only sound apart from the wind whistling outside. Whistling through the now bare trees. Nights like these were dark. Very dark, no stars, just wind.


So sitting on the stool, as near the cows as possible, that was where the warmth was. That was where the only warmth was. Later days, having bought a wireless powered by a glass accumulator battery, the sound of the cud and wind was drowned out by Radio Luxembourg, before it became a ‘pop’ station. Take Your Pick, Opportunity Knocks and Candid Mike – all hosted by young men with false American accents, long before they were famous on the television - Michael Miles, Hughie Green, Jonathon Routh.


Does anyone know what I am talking about, does anyone know of those days?


Do they know of the smell and warmth of the cows and their shed?

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It was on nights like this, when the wind drew the fire in, all the heat went up the chimney, when the fire couldn’t heat the room. Nights like this when the draughts flew under the kitchen door, flew under the front door. Nights like this when the broken window in the back bedroom let in the gale.


So, those nights, with the house too cold, it was out to the cowshed. The cows in the stalls, with the sound of them chewing the mangled turnip the only sound. The only sound apart from the wind whistling outside. Whistling through the now bare trees. Nights like these were dark. Very dark, no stars, just wind.


So sitting on the stool, as near the cows as possible, that was where the warmth was. That was where the only warmth was. Later days, having bought a wireless powered by a glass accumulator battery, the sound of the cud and wind was drowned out by Radio Luxembourg, before it became a ‘pop’ station. Take Your Pick, Opportunity Knocks and Candid Mike – all hosted by young men with false American accents, long before they were famous on the television - Michael Miles, Hughie Green, Jonathon Routh.


Does anyone know what I am talking about, does anyone know of those days?


Do they know of the smell and warmth of the cows and their shed?

No, but I am very familiar with bullshitting 'officials'

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For sure, the media coverage shows Mrs Burns was extremely happy with Mr Malarkey's topping the poll, and her reaction was joyous indeed.


Mrs Burns said she wouldn't stand again but could help Mr Malarkey in the furture. Perhaps like one of the ladies in the church might hang on to their vicar's cassock and every word. He will be resuming his exalted position as Member of the House of Keys and will be glad of all the help he can acquire no doubt, come next year's general election. I think one of the net results is that Mrs Burns did Mr Malarkey's own campaign a lot of help by her overt opposition and what on the face of it was her illogical vitriole towards everyone and everything associated with the Liberal Vannin Party. It was all very strange.


Anyway, she got her way in the end it seems.


And perhaps so did Kurt, who was turned down by Lib Van (they have been twice bitten by Johnny-come-latelys who turn up out of nowhere and want to use their ticket) and so he decided to do his own thing, and in the process sweeping up votes which might have changed the outcome of the poll.


Politics. It can be a grubby business.

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I voted for Kurt. Largely because i think he could bring something to the table. I'm not keen on his IOMSPC agenda but i think there are much bigger things to concentrate on.


It's a shame Malarkey got in. He's doing it for the money IMHO and brings nothing new to the party.

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I am disgusted by the unnecessary nastiness displayed in this thread. As has been mentioned, she stood which is more than can be said for the likes of OMF and the other rent a gob keyboard kitchen sink politicians posting personal insults. She is just an ordinary young woman and at least she fucking tried!

I couldn't careless as the genuine nastiness this person has displayed to almost everyone else she was standing with warrants a lot of the extreme responses. I'm also sick and tired of seeing her stupid pouting face everytime I read the paper whinging about the whole world being out to get her. Nobody is asking her to do that. She chooses to ram that in the faces of the general public as if she's seeking some sort of sympathy vote. Oh the whole world is out to get you .... Poor you. It's just awful and it winds people up because it looks so awful. She comes across as a pretty despicable person from her media and social media postings. She has chosen to portray herself in that way. Nobody has done that but herself. You can't blame people for saying it how it is.

Yes she had a go .. and cheapened the whole political debate in the process.

What you fail to see, as many have suspected now, is what is becoming clear after the result. She was probably never anything but Malarkeys attack dog. He probably quietly backed someone who was basically an abusive idiot to throw a load of shit at Liberal Vannin so that the vote would be diluted. That she has done well and Malarkey got in, and furthermore his hands look clean as Little Miss Nasty has taken all the flack. It's quite a good tactic as long as you know you have someone who is stupid and uncontrollable enough to really push the envelope so that she not only makes you look sane in comparison, but she also takes votes away from Liberal Vannin by playing the sympathy card with a lot of the ignorant chavs who support her. It's actually quite a good tactic. We see she's now come out in support for Bill now. Well who'd have guessed?

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Good post WL


Keith Fitton, a hard working, pleasant, decent, intelligent and caring guy, who would have made (/will make) an excellent MHK lost out for it.


Ah well.


Edited to add: if only a very small fraction of what Wankleaks said is true, then I have greatly underestimated Bill Malarkey and his desire for power and the limelight in Tynwald.

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