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Amy's in the race!


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Amadeus, it is possible to combine a business life with the requirements of Tynwald. Peake, eg., could continue as director (managing ?) of Lights of Mann or whatever, the only downside being that he may have to appoint a manager,if not already employed, which would eat into the profits, a weekly management meeting or indeed a few hours a day would not be impossible.


In his defense, I would imagine that the financial rewards were far from his mind, as for yourself, in the decision to stand? Politics Dear Boy!



I would really like to help Amy, I would scrub the fake tan off, re-shape those eyebrows, teach her some dress sense, probably have to cut her clothing allowance to do so!


She is hardly the only Chav on the outlying estates but it is hard to take such a person seriously.


Is that unkind? I don't mean it to be so, the latter statement above is the crux.


An advisor? What good to present a grammatically correct and well constructed document and then to turn up on the doorstep with a mouthful of text and twitter speak? She is what she is! I blame the teachers!


Ironically, as she could never have an important Dept. role, she probably, if not complacent, could have been a very good constituency MHK., possibly taking over Cretneys role of DCorp scutiniser and doing her best for the people of SDlas.


Good luck to her in her private life, may it remain so.

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Good measured post JA-b


But paahh! It's only a by election. Roll on 2016.

Might be two more yet.

Can malarkey now stand for a vacant legco seat?

Heh heh! No reason why not.


In fact, it would give him a guaranteed 5 years (just under), he only has 16 months now


He could have stood at any time, couldn't he?

You don't need to be an MHK to stand.


Edit to say "Satan" had covered this point before I posted.



The thing is we have just had a costly election due to a elected MHK bailing out on his electorate and becoming an MLC, so there should surely be a mimimum term of office or restictions barring elected MHKs as you quite rightly say Malarkey or anyone could still run for legco next week and in his case trigger another costly bye election.


Given every one knows Malarkey is a slobbering establishment yes man and has demonstarted in the past his lack of scruples when it comes to following through the manefesto he was elected on, I would suggest that this has a resonable probablity if he thinks that he would get support.



>The thing is we have just had a costly election due to a elected MHK bailing out on his electorate and becoming an MLC, so there should surely be a mimimum term of office...


But worth every penny to get Cretters 'off the books'. He's been an embarrassment for three decades.


Remember the stolen roofing lead going through the ceiling? Did it end up in the snooker hall; apologies as it was a few years back.


And the posturing about the stabits passing Lea Terrace at all hours of the day.


As an MLC he'll do exactly as Corkish is doing now...nothing.


Frankly if they're both insistent in hiding within the Manx political system, it's where they can do least damage.



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You did indeed have two votes in your last election.


I was refering to a previous post using the term ''first preference votes'' which is an argument that I have long had on here and elsewhere, since the early '70's, that the two votes can skew the result of any election. The winner on x trillion votes being under the impression that they are the bees knees, when the majority of their votes may have been 'second preference votes' and the second or third elected may have greater public support as 'first preference'.




First past the post, single vote per person.

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Sorry, everyone is trying to be kind. But the one inescapable fact is that the campaign was run on pretty thin policies but heavy FB likes and screams of bullying.


From what I have seen, I think she should retire gracefully, be quite pleased at the support she has had and sit it out for a good while. A bit of humility wouldn't go amiss, but that comes with age and experience. Her biggest downfall is the inability to argue her point maturely, intelligently and unemotionally. Politics isn't about being popular, it is about following your ideals and persuading others, not screeching because there is disagreement.


If she really has the fire then she would contemplate , fully form her views and persuade. She should welcome opposition as an opportunity, not a threat.


So, do I believe she has a future in politics? Hell no, not on current form, not even nascent . I find it quite sad that there are promoters possibly pushing her on for their own cynical ends with little regard for Manx politics or, indeed, her.

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Can someone point out exactly where and how Cretney and Malarkey were so bad?


Is it just a 'love to hate' situation or are there specifics where these two can be said to be so bad, or at least, so much worse than the rest of the bunch?


I'm all for critisism where it's due but the duedness alludes me here.


Sure they have have helped to pass unpopular legislation but the fact that it passed means they were not the only one to support such motions and of course, they are in possession of more detailed information of the need than we are.

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Sorry, everyone is trying to be kind. But the one inescapable fact is that the campaign was run on pretty thin policies but heavy FB likes and screams of bullying.


From what I have seen, I think she should retire gracefully, be quite pleased at the support she has had and sit it out for a good while. A bit of humility wouldn't go amiss, but that comes with age and experience. Her biggest downfall is the inability to argue her point maturely, intelligently and unemotionally. Politics isn't about being popular, it is about following your ideals and persuading others, not screeching because there is disagreement.


If she really has the fire then she would contemplate , fully form her views and persuade. She should welcome opposition as an opportunity, not a threat.


So, do I believe she has a future in politics? Hell no, not on current form, not even nascent . I find it quite sad that there are promoters possibly pushing her on for their own cynical ends with little regard for Manx politics or, indeed, her.

A very decent post from a moderator. Well thought out and all should take note.

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Amadeus, it is possible to combine a business life with the requirements of Tynwald. Peake, eg., could continue as director (managing ?) of Lights of Mann or whatever, the only downside being that he may have to appoint a manager,if not already employed, which would eat into the profits, a weekly management meeting or indeed a few hours a day would not be impossible.


In his defense, I would imagine that the financial rewards were far from his mind, as for yourself, in the decision to stand? Politics Dear Boy!



I would really like to help Amy, I would scrub the fake tan off, re-shape those eyebrows, teach her some dress sense, probably have to cut her clothing allowance to do so!


She is hardly the only Chav on the outlying estates but it is hard to take such a person seriously.


Is that unkind? I don't mean it to be so, the latter statement above is the crux.


An advisor? What good to present a grammatically correct and well constructed document and then to turn up on the doorstep with a mouthful of text and twitter speak? She is what she is! I blame the teachers!


Ironically, as she could never have an important Dept. role, she probably, if not complacent, could have been a very good constituency MHK., possibly taking over Cretneys role of DCorp scutiniser and doing her best for the people of SDlas.


Good luck to her in her private life, may it remain so.

You mean scrubbing the fake tan off like this?


outback is more............













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