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Amy's in the race!


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Amy had everything going for her, I think a few comments early on had her cards marked, social media has its upsides if you post the right things, but you've got to remember to keep things professional rather than personal. I laugh at the comments she's young, she is 32 and I'm sure many people aged between 16-40 would like someone their age to represent them. I believe that is the age group in which most of her votes probably came from, which 273 is respectable when you think most people between 16-40 generally don't care much for politics.

What was the reason Amy didn't get in?

I personally think she didn't drawn the line between her personal life and professional side quite enough, you can't just say what you think and hope to get away with it. She had her posters defaced and ripped down and her reply? "nobody takes notice of posters anyway" yes they do, even if its sub consciously it still gets your face out there and recognised.

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Gladys, I do not agree with any of Amy's causes either. I hate preschool and don't give a sh*% about the toilet tax. She goes to Tywald which is politician like behaviour, fair enough, we do not like her ideas but 270 odd people did (lol, odd people)

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I don't know who to feel sorry for the most, the bint in the middle or the cock on the left, it must be a who can drag who the lowest comp, but she is quite ornamental in a knock one out sort of way.

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I think she's shot her bolt when it comes to a political career, and based on my perception of Burns - I certainly hope so.


She's grown on me. I can see a future for the young lady in Manx politics. She's young, yes! And a tad naive, but weren't we all at some point! She can learn from this experience, and hone her political skills in preparation for future campaigns. Watch that space! cool.png


On Manx Radio she said she would not be standing again.


Lets hope she sticks to that promise



Quote from Roxanne on page 1 of this thread:

"Is this the lady who announced on Facebook she was standing and then announced she wasn't and is now announcing that she's standing again?"


Yes - the very same "lady".

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I hope amy doesn't stand again. i found the whole thing quite exhausting to be honest.. Im just gonna take a break from politics, see someone elses wife and kids, maybe a short walking holiday somewhere, recharge the batteries so to speak, in the hope of returning fully refreshed to give my full backing to the opressed and bullied everywhere

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Amy had everything going for her, I think a few comments early on had her cards marked, social media has its upsides if you post the right things, but you've got to remember to keep things professional rather than personal. I laugh at the comments she's young, she is 32 and I'm sure many people aged between 16-40 would like someone their age to represent them. I believe that is the age group in which most of her votes probably came from, which 273 is respectable when you think most people between 16-40 generally don't care much for politics.

What was the reason Amy didn't get in?

I personally think she didn't drawn the line between her personal life and professional side quite enough, you can't just say what you think and hope to get away with it. She had her posters defaced and ripped down and her reply? "nobody takes notice of posters anyway" yes they do, even if its sub consciously it still gets your face out there and recognised.

Well I think that the reason that Burns wasn't elected was that people saw her for what she is, unsuited to any political role now or in the future.

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caption competition before the lock?


"room for one more"







"take 2 blokes into the shower"








"acting like a pro to the end"

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IMO, Amy has not portrayed herself well throughout this election and if she is going to stand again, then I would hope that she learns from this and changes certain aspects of the way she's done things.


There are many cutting remarks in this thread and Amy has clearly alienated and underestimated the thoughts of people on here. This is a media outlet as much as Farcebook and whereas you can restrict people onto your personal site on FB, here is more open and to the jugular where you can have dividing viewpoints that can work either in favour or against you.


A big opportunity was for Amy to speak to the electorate at arranged if not impromptu meetings and any minor arrangement could have been put on hold as this was to a bigger audience. Failing to attend was IMO, a huge error as the public seemed to believe that Amy were avoiding them, yet this was a golden opportunity to show that she was the best candidate for the job. The three other candidates did not shine at the two meetings and if one did, I'd have expected a bigger margin of votes.


I am not a politician or public speaker and therefore my arguments are weak compared to those who've had a go and I respect people for doing so, but I would say that the obvious basic no-brainer goal is to attract votes and I'd expect that there are occasions where people may have to take a deep breath before thinking about throwing a retaliating response to an aggressive opponent.

If a reply is factual and stating that they didn't want to get involved with minor conflicts but at the same time getting the positiveness of your views across, then that's a win-win whereas if you are seen to be unprofessional, the wolves quickly see fresh meat to dig in to.


So Amy, it's up to you whether politics is for you or not, but if you do wish to return, then do read this thread carefully, find out why some stayed with you throughout and why some disliked you (some more obvious than others). Personally, I would be very careful as to how you use FB as some friends could be wolves in sheep's clothing


I have not met you, I'm not in the same voting area but do wish you and your family well.

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