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Amy's in the race!


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Some of the posters on here need to take a long hard look at themselves. Our political representation is dominated by old male careerist politicians with one eye on a cushy retirement. Along comes someone different, and you devote a thread to mostly attacking her looks, gender and social profile, digging up stuff off social media and mocking her for being different. You are going to put off anyone but the blandest and dullest from putting themselves forward next year. I don't know much about Amy, or much about her politics, but good luck to her.

I haven't seen much mocking simply because she's different. I have seen a lot of well observed comment concerning aspects of her personality, behaviors and "policy" presentation which casts doubt on her suitability to serve in a national parliament. You're dead right about the tedious, crusty, demographic in Tynwald; consequently I'd really welcome an influx of younger, female MHKs - of quality.

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Some of the posters on here need to take a long hard look at themselves. Our political representation is dominated by old male careerist politicians with one eye on a cushy retirement. Along comes someone different, and you devote a thread to mostly attacking her looks, gender and social profile, digging up stuff off social media and mocking her for being different. You are going to put off anyone but the blandest and dullest from putting themselves forward next year. I don't know much about Amy, or much about her politics, but good luck to her.

So many posts!

Whose to say that there isn't a few MHK's, MLC's writing bad comments about her on here as this would be the perfect opportunity to do so and why on earth is there so much interest on here regardless of this being her thread? (18 pages and like someone said before, any publicity is good publicity)


I do have to ask for those who are quite active on the subject like boredom, diligaf, Uhtred, I'd like to ask if you please, if you'd join in with a few questions and only ask as you've been most active recently on this thread and would be interesting to hear your comments.


1/ who is your top 3 politicians currently in post on the island

2/ what qualities and experience would you expect potential politicians to have in taking this post

3/ how many of the current politicians are you happy with to remain in post?


I'm only asking as you've all spoke negatively about 'Amy' and it would be good to compare her to those who you see as top politicians.

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Some of the posters on here need to take a long hard look at themselves. Our political representation is dominated by old male careerist politicians with one eye on a cushy retirement. Along comes someone different, and you devote a thread to mostly attacking her looks, gender and social profile, digging up stuff off social media and mocking her for being different. You are going to put off anyone but the blandest and dullest from putting themselves forward next year. I don't know much about Amy, or much about her politics, but good luck to her.

I think Kate Beecroft does a good job and more to the point she is credible despite the condescending way Teare and Bell talk down to her in Keys. Amy just comes across as a loony. Sorry but that's the way I have read things following her Internet posts and the general mental postings of her acolytes on IOM Today and Facebook. It's a train wreck. It's like the poor fat kid on X Factor who can't sing and can't dance but gets through to the semi's on a succession of sympathy votes. If you are professional, act professional. Kate seems to manage it. I can't imagine that Kates Facebook profile is full of pouting selfies, and pictures of her with her jugs jutting out. Or that she regularly threatens to hunt people down who post bad things about her online, or threatens to get friends who will fuck their lives up. Just act professional. It shouldn't be hard. It's as if her campaign is coming straight out of repeats of the Jeremy Kyle show. That might work in South Douglas, but let's face it ... It's bloody awful and low rent and painful to watch.


Kate Beecroft is a very good national poitician,but I do wonder sometimes, what she has actually achieved to improve the the lot of her constituents in the past term?

Something Cretters and Peter K never forgot was the importance of thier own vote and why they were voted in again and again! This in my opinion is the only thing that may work against KB in the future!

As for Aimes? She's already moved into the gap and put herself forward as the next Champion of the common people! It's going to be interesting?

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Some of the posters on here need to take a long hard look at themselves. Our political representation is dominated by old male careerist politicians with one eye on a cushy retirement. Along comes someone different, and you devote a thread to mostly attacking her looks, gender and social profile, digging up stuff off social media and mocking her for being different. You are going to put off anyone but the blandest and dullest from putting themselves forward next year. I don't know much about Amy, or much about her politics, but good luck to her.


So many posts!

Whose to say that there isn't a few MHK's, MLC's writing bad comments about her on here as this would be the perfect opportunity to do so and why on earth is there so much interest on here regardless of this being her thread? (18 pages and like someone said before, any publicity is good publicity)


I do have to ask for those who are quite active on the subject like boredom, diligaf, Uhtred, I'd like to ask if you please, if you'd join in with a few questions and only ask as you've been most active recently on this thread and would be interesting to hear your comments.


1/ who is your top 3 politicians currently in post on the island

2/ what qualities and experience would you expect potential politicians to have in taking this post

3/ how many of the current politicians are you happy with to remain in post?


I'm only asking as you've all spoke negatively about 'Amy' and it would be good to compare her to those who you see as top politicians.

Hello - I'm happy to answer your questions, though certainly some of my responses won't play well with all readers! And for the record, I'm not a MHK or MLC.


1. This is difficult as I'm generally unimpressed with most of them. However, I'm not going to dodge the question. In terms of asking pertinent questions, challenging government effectively (unlike Beecroft who I consider to be just a "knocker" with a complete absence of alternatives) and speaking articulately - mostly anyway - I'd put Alf Cannan in the top 3. Alongside him (stand by for the howls of objection) I'd add John Shimmin. Remember - I'm gauging these nominations against their Tynwald peers, not against some social standard of wonderful person. Shimmin is brighter, speaks more sense, seems to have a grasp of issues, and identifies when others are talking bollocks, sufficiently effectively to make the top 3. He is far from without faults however. Finally, were Dudley Butt still an MLC, he would complete the top 3, but as he isn't I'll (grudging) add Chris Thomas. He periodically gets it right.


2. When offering themselves for election I expect a candidate (to at least) be able to demonstrate that they have a record of decent performance/ achievement in their "normal" employment or activity; that the skills and experience they've brought to bear in that sphere can successfully be transferred into a political career for the benefit of the Island; that they have considered the pertinent issues of the day to a reasonable degree and can offer sensible discourse on those topics when questioned and challenged; and that they can speak with a reasonable degree of fluency and articulation with correct grammar and a reasonably wide vocabulary, avoiding hackneyed cliche and tabloid terminology (and for an illustration of what I mean by hackneyed cliche and tabloid terminology look no further than Henderson who can speak in no other way).


3. The top 3 listed in 1.





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Some of the posters on here need to take a long hard look at themselves. Our political representation is dominated by old male careerist politicians with one eye on a cushy retirement. Along comes someone different, and you devote a thread to mostly attacking her looks, gender and social profile, digging up stuff off social media and mocking her for being different. You are going to put off anyone but the blandest and dullest from putting themselves forward next year. I don't know much about Amy, or much about her politics, but good luck to her.

So many posts!

Whose to say that there isn't a few MHK's, MLC's writing bad comments about her on here as this would be the perfect opportunity to do so and why on earth is there so much interest on here regardless of this being her thread? (18 pages and like someone said before, any publicity is good publicity)


I do have to ask for those who are quite active on the subject like boredom, diligaf, Uhtred, I'd like to ask if you please, if you'd join in with a few questions and only ask as you've been most active recently on this thread and would be interesting to hear your comments.


1/ who is your top 3 politicians currently in post on the island

2/ what qualities and experience would you expect potential politicians to have in taking this post

3/ how many of the current politicians are you happy with to remain in post?


I'm only asking as you've all spoke negatively about 'Amy' and it would be good to compare her to those who you see as top politicians.

Hello - I'm happy to answer your questions, though certainly some of my responses won't play well with all readers! And for the record, I'm not a MHK or MLC.


1. This is difficult as I'm generally unimpressed with most of them. However, I'm not going to dodge the question. In terms of asking pertinent questions, challenging government effectively (unlike Beecroft who I consider to be just a "knocker" with a complete absence of alternatives) and speaking articulately - mostly anyway - I'd put Alf Cannan in the top 3. Alongside him (stand by for the howls of objection) I'd add John Shimmin. Remember - I'm gauging these nominations against their Tynwald peers, not against some social standard of wonderful person. Shimmin is brighter, speaks more sense, seems to have a grasp of issues, and identifies when others are talking bollocks, sufficiently effectively to make the top 3. He is far from without faults however. Finally, were Dudley Butt still an MLC, he would complete the top 3, but as he isn't I'll (grudging) add Chris Thomas. He periodically gets it right.


2. When offering themselves for election I expect a candidate (to at least) be able to demonstrate that they have a record of decent performance/ achievement in their "normal" employment or activity; that the skills and experience they've brought to bear in that sphere can successfully be transferred into a political career for the benefit of the Island; that they have considered the pertinent issues of the day to a reasonable degree and can offer sensible discourse on those topics when questioned and challenged; and that they can speak with a reasonable degree of fluency and articulation with correct grammar and a reasonably wide vocabulary, avoiding hackneyed cliche and tabloid terminology (and for an illustration of what I mean by hackneyed cliche and tabloid terminology look no further than Henderson who can speak in no other way).


3. The top 3 listed in 1.






Appreciated for saying how you see and to me, that was an excellent post

It would be highly unlikely that the comments made will be the same as everyone else's and anyone who questions the comments above should firstly answer the questions


1/ who is your top 3 politicians currently in post on the island

2/ what qualities and experience would you expect potential politicians to have in taking this post

3/ how many of the current politicians are you happy with to remain in post?


This gives an insight as to what people see in different politicians and hopefully potentials can pick some of the better qualities out thereby becoming better servants to the people.

It should if done properly and fairly (without the help of trolls), be a win-win as the standard would potentially be raised.


Like I said Uhtred, excellent post

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Just because the majority of members of The Keys are unfit for just about anything let alone purpose should not mean that someone marginally better than the worst should be in the running.


Once again I will repeat that there are a very great many Westminster hopefuls and MP's who are beyond being utterly useless.


BUT the party system does tend to limit the amount of damage they can do.


The same can not be said on the Island where personalities take priority over ability, experience in business, and suitability and the results are writ large.


Burns exemplifies the problem.


From reading her outpourings past and present she has nothing to offer, in fact her stated objectives are unachievable, and those that might be achievable would cost a fortune and be detrimental to the Island as a whole.


The absence of a meaningful strategic plan by the government made infinitely worse by the lack of Chief Ministers who contributes less than nothing to government leads me to think that it is now (past) time that party politics were introduced to the Island.


My thoughts are that the number of parties should be limited to three, a Capitalist party, a Socialist party, and a Nationalistic party.


It would introduce the element that is present in the Westminster model, the selection of candidates who sign up to the Party manifesto, and the selection of party prospects by party activists rather than just some Joe or Josephine Public who plays the 'you all know me, vote for me 'cos I deliver your post in time' but when it comes to meeting the requirements of a member of a government is as much use as a cracked glass eye.


Burns doesn't deliver mail (Is she on benefits?) but IMO meets the cracked glass eye criteria.


And before the usual 'what's it got to do with you' whinge, the answer is thankfully nothing but distance does enable perspective.

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But following on from her "doctor's should be at the hospital" analogy, should the "homemaker" be in politics?


In our case plumbers should plumb stuff, posties should post letters, stamp lickers should lick stamps, sweeps should sweep chimlees, etc. Not think they have some sort of wonderful insight, ability and intelligence to become national politicians.


ffs. IoM Where You Can.

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Some of the posters on here need to take a long hard look at themselves. Our political representation is dominated by old male careerist politicians with one eye on a cushy retirement. Along comes someone different, and you devote a thread to mostly attacking her looks, gender and social profile, digging up stuff off social media and mocking her for being different. You are going to put off anyone but the blandest and dullest from putting themselves forward next year. I don't know much about Amy, or much about her politics, but good luck to her.

So many posts!

Whose to say that there isn't a few MHK's, MLC's writing bad comments about her on here as this would be the perfect opportunity to do so and why on earth is there so much interest on here regardless of this being her thread? (18 pages and like someone said before, any publicity is good publicity)


I do have to ask for those who are quite active on the subject like boredom, diligaf, Uhtred, I'd like to ask if you please, if you'd join in with a few questions and only ask as you've been most active recently on this thread and would be interesting to hear your comments.


1/ who is your top 3 politicians currently in post on the island

2/ what qualities and experience would you expect potential politicians to have in taking this post

3/ how many of the current politicians are you happy with to remain in post?


I'm only asking as you've all spoke negatively about 'Amy' and it would be good to compare her to those who you see as top politicians.



I'd have to add that Amy's lack of proven experience is her nadir.


Most occupations e.g plumbers, mechanics, joiners, taxi drivers, consultants, licencees, nurses, vets etc. need some form of successful training and a subsequent licence to practice.


The licence bit is important as it allows society to suspend/revoke if standards aren't achieved.


Current Tynwald qualification is by virtue of having more X's on a piece of paper. And if Buster is your campaign manager, you don't even need that!


So I'd prefer to see Amy 'qualify' at some lower lever (e.g. Councillor) and see if she has the ability.


To give her carte blance for 5 years could be detrimental to the Island and those inhabitants who can't support themselves. Really do you see her as being a Minister for Health? What sortr of carnage could she exert? And bearing in mind the Pre-Schoolgate fiasco where her lack of discretion dropped Cretters right in it; could you trust her to maintain patient confidentiality?


'Top' three MHK's? In alphabetical order:-


Kate Beecroft.


Alfie Cannan.


Chris Thomas.


The remainder are utter dross.



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Really do you see her as being a Minister for Health? What sortr of carnage could she exert? And bearing in mind the Pre-Schoolgate fiasco where her lack of discretion dropped Cretters right in it; could you trust her to maintain patient confidentiality?



Anyone can be Minister of Health on the Isle of Man. Our last Minister was David Anderson and he was useless. The civil servants behind the scene do everything and the politician is just the public puppet. Only problem here, is that I doubt that Amy would make a good puppet (is that good or bad? I'm not sure)


And Cretters is teflon personified. He got his reward from his pals and can now slumber away with quarter of a £million over the next five years and a massive Isle of Man Government pension for the rest of his life.

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Homarus - what is this link with "common people" you claim?

It's a bit like that Pulp song in Amy's case given her background:


Smoke some fags and play some pool

pretend you never went to school.

But still you'll never get it right

'cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall

If you call your Dad he could stop it all


Pretending to be a chav so you can pretend you have the common touch really doesn't work.

Sums it up pretty well. I'm struggling to see much reality to this campaign. It looks like someone from a reasonably well off background doing a very good impression of engaging with the council house voters of South Douglas backed by a social media army of malcontents.

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Homarus - what is this link with "common people" you claim?

It's a bit like that Pulp song in Amy's case given her background:


Smoke some fags and play some pool

pretend you never went to school.

But still you'll never get it right

'cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall

If you call your Dad he could stop it all


Pretending to be a chav so you can pretend you have the common touch really doesn't work.

Sums it up pretty well. I'm struggling to see much reality to this campaign. It looks like someone from a reasonably well off background doing a very good impression of engaging with the council house voters of South Douglas backed by a social media army of malcontents.


Good grief, is Downie standing for the Keys?

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