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Amy's in the race!


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Is it not worth closing this thread now the election is over? All people can post now is insults as all election activity has stopped: and just about every one of those has been done now. She has been thankfully relegated to the history books. An obnoxious candidate and a throughly obnoxious campaign has stopped. Common sense won out and she wasn't even in the running on the day. Should we just leave it at that? It's a bit like Beetlejuice: nobody should risk naming Amy three times on MF otherwise there's a risk she might appear from the dead again.


I just don't believe you're some average joe sharing his average joe opinion. You have an agenda, sir, and you're fooling no one.

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Is it not worth closing this thread now the election is over? All people can post now is insults as all election activity has stopped: and just about every one of those has been done now. She has been thankfully relegated to the history books. An obnoxious candidate and a throughly obnoxious campaign has stopped. Common sense won out and she wasn't even in the running on the day. Should we just leave it at that? It's a bit like Beetlejuice: nobody should risk naming Amy three times on MF otherwise there's a risk she might appear from the dead again.


I just don't believe you're some average joe sharing his average joe opinion. You have an agenda, sir, and you're fooling no one.

Your posting would suggest you are more than a bit paranoid. Rest assured if there was an agenda at play it would most certainly go well over your head, and the heads of your other numerous forum personas. The suggestion was that the insults have been done to death, and as there is no longer any election activity, all this thread will offer up in future is more insults. That may be what other people want which is fine but: Amy is no longer in the race and therefore the question was asked has this thread run its course?

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Your posting would suggest you are more than a bit paranoid. Rest assured if there was an agenda at play it would most certainly go well over your head, and the heads of your other numerous forum personas.


Save it for your blog.

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Seriously Amy SHUT THE FUCK UP




.... I've been bullied (again)

Just what the hell. Let's save that clip for future use. It's a final audio nail in the coffin containing her short political career. Unbelievable.

Did she get more than you?

Amadeus had 219. Amy had 273. Amy is a 24.6% better politician.

You're not comparing like with like.


In Amadeus's vote people could vote for two candidates, but in Amy's only one.


Let's be generous and say he'd have got 60% first preference votes that's roughly 132. Amy's therefore twice the politician he is.

And we're both better politicians than most sniping keyboard warriors here. At least we got of the couch and tried. Your old dislike towards me getting the better of you again, Declan?


Am I bullying you?


"At least we tried", big deal. You trot this out all the time like some kind of badge of honour. It's not. You applied for a job I'll take your word for it that you'd take a pay cut to do it, but you'd have given you security for five years, you'd have a job that would give you the status and power you crave. You didn't stand for altruistic reasons, you desperately wanted to be part of the club.


So stop put yourself above the rest of us keyboard warriors on the basis of an ancient bid for power, because, really the only difference between you and the rest of us is we didn't need the people of South Douglas to tell us we'd be rubbish MHKs.

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I do wish people would shut up with their nonsensical claim that standing for public office or putting their name to their views is somehow deserving of extra respect or reverence and that those who don't must automatically be cowards or keyboard warriors. The fact is, most of those who do the aforementioned things have reasonable safe life situations - they don't stand the risk that most young people have if they were to publicly stand as candidates or to publicly speak out about political issues. Most young people are too busy working their arses off just to survive and pay rent or save up for a mortgage. Or they have kids and partners they're now responsible for. They can't go off being revolutionaries, losing their job, getting blacklisted, and kissing goodbye to their mortgage and a decent quality of life for their children. The ones who do stand or speak out are generally comfortable in life, own their own homes, own their own businesses, have inherited a comfortable position, or they work for the government and push the government line and then think they're being brave for speaking out (lol). These are not people who have been brought up in council estates and had to work their arses off from day one to get ahead. More to the point, these people who do stand are usually people who are actually not saying anything interesting or radical that would really upset the boat. So please give it a rest.

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The cut in salary line is a non starter as well, usually sold as 'I must be in it for the right reasons because I will earn less money than I am earning now'. That's just bollocks. The salary is pretty good, but the influence and power that comes with the position is impossible to put a value on. But I'm sure there is a value. A considerable one.

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