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Amy's in the race!


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When she was putting herself forward for public office, it was fair enough to scrutinise her Facebook posts, but now she is not surely she is best left alone.


She is clearly planning to run in the general election. This was just a by election warm up.

If that is the case then she is a fool. Burns has created a reputation and reated an image that has poisoned the well for any hopes she has in Manx politics. She has blown her credibility.

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Yes, they kept their history quiet and their connections mostly private. They didn't shout about it on FB or Twitter, they didn't claim qualifications that didn't exist, they didn't threaten people, they didn't allege crimes being committed by others, they didn't get their big brother to threaten people, they didn't collude with other candidates to damage the chances of others, they didn't falsify their employment records, basically they acted like grown ups and not petulant, spoilt little drama queens who were happy to spend daddy's money on their personal vanity project that they were doomed to fail at.

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When she was putting herself forward for public office, it was fair enough to scrutinise her Facebook posts, but now she is not surely she is best left alone.

I agree with you. She's back to being just another member of the public who posts idiotic crap on their Facebook page.



Its not on her facebook page though





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