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Amy's in the race!


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Sadly, no. The use of the word sheet first came about as a joke that circulated widely some years ago and that I remembered because it was so very apt then and increasingly so these days.



It was just a thought. 'Rog' last posted in July 2010. 'Spook' joined Aug 2010





Rog also had the habit of emphasising RANDOM words by putting it in capitals.

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I think firebrands are fine for local politics. But not for National, and potentially international politics.


Firebrands can make it to the top internationally of course, but they need to be tempered by local politics to learn how to deal with the CS and their myriad of systems. In short, they need to do their apprenticeship. Otherwise they will hit a CS brick wall and not have the tools to knock the wall down.


It has to be remembered, that if an elected politician is elected to an office of State, they also become an employer. And I fear too many ministers fall prey to the CS employment firewall, and they end up embroiled in laws and systems so they have no time to deliver on their manifesto.


I wish Amy well. I was involved in the previous thread, and to be honest my reaction to her and the facebook postings was a bit snobby. Not because I am a snob, but because it was so infantile.


My IP was tabbed. Allegedly.


Could Amy be the person to change the world?


I suspect not. But you never know. She could be Neo following the white rabbit.


The main thing she is trying. So good luck to her.


Would I vote for her (if I was in the position to do so)?




I would want a politician. Someone with a political position. An agenda, an ideal, a solid belief.


If I was still on the Island and decided to stand for election, I would create a Political Party, gain members and followers and hold regular policy meetings. I would give the electorate a joined up alternative to the fuzzy status quo.


I would not get elected of course, because I am a socialist :-)


When it comes down to it, democracy is a catch 22. Why would an idealist who does not belive in elitisim stand to be elected to the elite? Would he be corrupted? Of course.


I propose another Government system for the Isle of Man. Lower house, anyone can put their names forward, and the names are drawn by lot. Rather like a raffle. But can only serve one term. Unless they win the raffle again.


Upper house elected by the electorate, only people who won the lower house lottery can stand for election to the upper house. That way, people will have evidence of a track record before they cast their vote. There would need to be slight power shift to the upper house. But no problem, because they were elected on merit.


This blind democracy is idiotic. Vote for someone you can't get rid off? Then have no one better to vote for at the next election? Stupidity.


So, after a few years of living in Communist China and having no vote, and many years in the free west where I had a vote, this is my proposal.


Lower house... big house.. raffle. Lower wage than the present MHK, but part time.


Upper house... smaller house ....equal power to lower house .... elected by the electorate from the lower house.


2 year term for the lower house.


4 year term for the upper house.


Ministers? Upper house only.


Yeah. nonsense idea, I know. But we need a new system.

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The Listen Again is up now on the Manx Radio website for anyone who is interested. Manx Radio 42 minutes in.


I'm not sure Amy Burns would be my first choice but I know she certainly would not be my last choice.




Nothing unusual about that,I'd expect a home maker to do a bit of hoovering now and again.

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Should we rename this thread to Douglas South By-Elections Megathtread? You know, in the interest of fairness and all...

vote Mallarkey.whatever.gif Does that balance things up a bit better?



No, balance would have to be mammary related. "Malarkey's a tit". That kind of thing.

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Should we rename this thread to Douglas South By-Elections Megathtread? You know, in the interest of fairness and all...

vote Mallarkey.whatever.gif Does that balance things up a bit better?



No, balance would have to be mammary related. "Malarkey's a tit". That kind of thing.


I wonder if I could persuade him to title his manifesto as 'The Mallarkey malarkey'. A masterpiece of bunkum.

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Her facebook page shows some really strange selfie poses.


Doesn't give me any confidence.


I just had a look after reading your post, and I have to agree.


For a political candidate the vast majority of her photo's on facebook are wholly unsuitable, as are some of her posts.


I particularly like her re-posting of the sign made about her husband having an affair. Why would you do that?


Does this woman have no pride.......... or shame?



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Her facebook page shows some really strange selfie poses.


Doesn't give me any confidence.

I just had a look after reading your post, and I have to agree.


For a political candidate the vast majority of her photo's on facebook are wholly unsuitable, as are some of her posts.


I particularly like her re-posting of the sign made about her husband having an affair. Why would you do that?


Does this woman have no pride.......... or shame?


Some might say it's highly relevant if this is how someone presents themselves online before they've even been voted in? If they appear to have neither pride nor shame then some voters might regard that as highly relevant in whether they would vote for them or not.

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Her facebook page shows some really strange selfie poses.


Doesn't give me any confidence.

I just had a look after reading your post, and I have to agree.


For a political candidate the vast majority of her photo's on facebook are wholly unsuitable, as are some of her posts.


I particularly like her re-posting of the sign made about her husband having an affair. Why would you do that?


Does this woman have no pride.......... or shame?


Because it is a good indication of moral turpitude. If people put themselves up to be representatives for an electorate it is reasonable that they have the morals and the moral judgement that the people who make up the electorate have as their own values.


Burns increasingly is appearing to me as the sort of person who should not hold public office. Most people have higher personal values than it is becoming clear that she has.

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Her facebook page shows some really strange selfie poses.


Doesn't give me any confidence.

I just had a look after reading your post, and I have to agree.


For a political candidate the vast majority of her photo's on facebook are wholly unsuitable, as are some of her posts.


I particularly like her re-posting of the sign made about her husband having an affair. Why would you do that?


Does this woman have no pride.......... or shame?





It is relevant because she has put herself forward to represent the people of the Isle of Man, and it is yet an other example of how immature and unsuitable for the position of MHK she is.


If you consider these posts irrelevant you are just as immature and ignorant as she is:


Super stud must be on the viagra x


Then again could be [name removed by myself] now [name removed by myself] left her he's told people she used to watch me nearly 24 hours a day and was obsessed with my every move, pretty scary


was going to reply saying no its ok we are swingers its all in hand. But couldn't be arsed wasting 10p so blocked them xxx


Well I'm pointing the finger at a certain someone who is always there being a sicko trying to hang on mine and Gary's life, but her friend that messaged me the other day has told other people to tell me she thinks its Gary's family. So god knows I really haven't a clue, all I know is whatever they send will be from now on publicised a problem shared is a problem halved, certainly hasn't effected my day.


I have removed the names that are not part of her family - the peoples names included by Amy are still on Facebook.


I know we all like to have a pop at the current MHK's (which is well deserved most of the time!) but could you honestly see any of them posting this sort of rubbish on the internet.


A further example of her immaturity is the posting of a picture of Churchill, with the comment "seems appropriate" with a thumbs up.


She is immature and crass, and should not be entrusted with being a representative of the people of the Island or the Island itself

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