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Amy's in the race!


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Her facebook page shows some really strange selfie poses.


Doesn't give me any confidence.


I just had a look after reading your post, and I have to agree.


For a political candidate the vast majority of her photo's on facebook are wholly unsuitable, as are some of her posts.


I particularly like her re-posting of the sign made about her husband having an affair. Why would you do that?


Does this woman have no pride.......... or shame?


It is relevant because she has put herself forward to represent the people of the Isle of Man, and it is yet an other example of how immature and unsuitable for the position of MHK she is.


If you consider these posts irrelevant you are just as immature and ignorant as she is:


Super stud must be on the viagra x


Then again could be [name removed by myself] now [name removed by myself] left her he's told people she used to watch me nearly 24 hours a day and was obsessed with my every move, pretty scary


was going to reply saying no its ok we are swingers its all in hand. But couldn't be arsed wasting 10p so blocked them xxx


Well I'm pointing the finger at a certain someone who is always there being a sicko trying to hang on mine and Gary's life, but her friend that messaged me the other day has told other people to tell me she thinks its Gary's family. So god knows I really haven't a clue, all I know is whatever they send will be from now on publicised a problem shared is a problem halved, certainly hasn't effected my day.


I have removed the names that are not part of her family - the peoples names included by Amy are still on Facebook.


I know we all like to have a pop at the current MHK's (which is well deserved most of the time!) but could you honestly see any of them posting this sort of rubbish on the internet.


A further example of her immaturity is the posting of a picture of Churchill, with the comment "seems appropriate" with a thumbs up.


She is immature and crass, and should not be entrusted with being a representative of the people of the Island or the Island itself

I've not previously seen any of that rubbish. Oh dear, dear. A potential legislator. I think not. This could "effect" (!) perceptions of her.

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Its bloody unbelievable Gladys, how can anyone think that is acceptable behaviour?


I don't want to look like a bitch, but I really hope that the voters of South Douglas have the sense not to vote this person into the HoK.


Also, just so there is no confusion - I am not friends with Amy Burns on Facebook - that is public information that anyone can see

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I fail to see how my comments above are vitriolic or incoherent. They are factual.


This is someone putting themselves forward to represent this Island. If the other candidate were posting about swinging, Viagra and generally behaving in a childish manner I would comment on that as well.


Declan, you just like to moan about and twist everything I post.


I am surprised you forgot to drag up my supposed hatred of Muslims as well - just because I believe that Halal meat produced in the IOM should be labelled as such


As for Allan Bell, I stand by everything I said at the time - and lets be honest, I was hardly a lone voice




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It's nothing personal, just that we have different views on things, but you seem to want to make everything personal. Your depiction of the Halal discussion isn't accurate either...


JessTickle on Food Labelling -



Just done the same NA and found similar info, but the Halal Food Association state that stunning is not acceptable.


I always presumed that stunning here rendered the animal dead before slaughter


I don't want to sound like some bunny hugger, but if the IOM only produce Halal meat, they surely we should be made aware of it? Especially when we are encouraged to buy Manx and only a minute percentage of the population here will actually be Muslim.


If I lived in a Muslim country, then I would expect to follow the requirements - religious or otherwise - of that country. However, I live on the Isle of Man, which is not a Muslim country, so why should I be forced, unwittingly to comply with Muslim culture?


No doubt that last comment will bring about accusations of racism, but frankly, I don't care.


My meat always comes from the local butcher, because I believed I knew where my meat was coming from and that it was humanely slaughtered. It now appears that this might not be the case.


The joint of beef for Sunday lunch is now looking decidedly unpalatable.


I agreed with you on labelling / animal welfare issue, avoid Halal meat if I can. I just asked why the "if I lived in Muslim country..." bit was relevant to a food labelling issue. To pretend months later that you were just talking about labelling and nasty Declan pretended you hated Muslims out of the blue (which I didn't BTW, just asked a question you didn't like).


While looking for the above, I also came across another thread where you are castigating the guy who wrote the series in the Examiner on being on benefits, because you'd found on facebook that he'd been to M&S and had a coffee in Noa Bakery. I don't think being some sort of moral crusader armed with only the facebook search function and sense of outrage is a great way to conduct oneself.

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It's nothing personal.....

.....but here's a few quotes that I have handily bookmarked, a fleshed out view and opinion on you as an individual and your previous behaviour, and I'm chasing you round different threads, cross posting quotes and explaining how this is not not personal. Because it's not. Really. Honestly, I promise.


Well thanks for clearing that up.

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Ans - you are aware there's a search function on here. I knew I'd quoted Jess on the Halal thread so her user name as search item, and posts by me brings it up. No need to bookmark. Prior to this thread there's 6 posts and 2 agree or are neutral towards Jess. Hardly moaning about everything she posts.

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Made a vitriolic, incoherent on-line personal attack on someone. Just like you did when Allan Bell was off sick (which Tjamy did as well incidentally).


I was initially hopeful but it soon became apparent that she is not the full shilling. To be running for public office and to publicly post on Facebook that you're having a takeway from the "chinky" and not realise how that might be perceived shows she lives in a bubble and has no idea of the real world. I would rather vote for an empty seat in Tynwald to represent me.

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I don't think being some sort of moral crusader armed with only the facebook search function and sense of outrage is a great way to conduct oneself.

You won't be voting for Jess tickle at the election then?



I'll have to check her facebook profile first.

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