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Amy's in the race!


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Agreed, it's already been proven that Amy is TJ. aka Tjamy. ATicklemyJessTJ would be preposterous.


Yes, I'm sure we can all imagine Amy eating her chinky and then settling down on the settee to read a book by Noam Chomsky or Gore Vidal. sorcerer.gif

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Agreed, it's already been proven that Amy is TJ. aka Tjamy. ATicklemyJessTJ would be preposterous.


Yes, I'm sure we can all imagine Amy eating her chinky and then settling down on the settee to read a book by Noam Chomsky or Gore Vidal. sorcerer.gif



Piss off, TJ.

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I would imagine she is more in tune with Vidal Sassoon than Gore Vidal.


But I think the more people who stand and are not the typical politician the better for the island, what is wrong with a diverse mix, at least it might break the current boys club that is the main reason why we are in a mess.


About time it ended and a real political system swept it away

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I see they're again criticising the forum on Facebook:


"I don't actually see the point of MF to be honest... It allows cowards to criticize either the establishment or others who want to change things for the better.... When was the last time a constructive comment was seen on there?? "


Wrong. What this forum allows is for cowards in the establishment to criticise people who oppose them and want to change things for the better.

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If people anonymously bully or harass others then I would agree it's cowardly, but the charge that posting anonymously on here to criticise the establishment or openly discuss political issues makes us cowards was already debunked over on the previous Amy thread.


The people on Facebook keep bringing up the fact that many of us on here use anonymous usernames and criticise us for this, pointing to how they use their real names on there and suggesting we're cowards or something. It's an asinine criticism.


Most of the people on there are retired and therefore have nothing to worry about in using their real names in terms of being blacklisted or losing their jobs (e.g. for speaking out on certain things) and Amy has a husband who can financially support her and so has nothing to worry about in terms of being blacklisted for speaking her mind.


Anonymity is key to having a fuctioning democracy. The 1838 People's Charter called for the introduction of the secret ballot in order to protect voters in the exercise of their vote because employers would tell you who to vote for and would sack you if you voted the wrong way or they'd have thugs at the polling stations telling people who they needed to vote for or they'd be beaten up. How much more true is this with speaking your mind and potentially influencing other people. It's all well and good for landed and comfortable people drawing their pensions to post with their real names, but I think anyone who really believes in democracy and open discussion should actively be encouraging people who wouldn't otherwise be free to engage in open discussion to engage in anonymous discussion. Amy, you and your husband ought to remove the references to people's personal identities as I don't think it reflects well.


Thomas Jefferson

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If people anonymously bully or harass others then I would agree it's cowardly, but the charge that posting anonymously on here to criticise the establishment or openly discuss political issues makes us cowards was already debunked over on the previous Amy thread.



The people on Facebook keep bringing up the fact that many of us on here use anonymous usernames and criticise us for this, pointing to how they use their real names on there and suggesting we're cowards or something. It's an asinine criticism.


Most of the people on there are retired and therefore have nothing to worry about in using their real names in terms of being blacklisted or losing their jobs (e.g. for speaking out on certain things) and Amy has a husband who can financially support her and so has nothing to worry about in terms of being blacklisted for speaking her mind.


Anonymity is key to having a fuctioning democracy. The 1838 People's Charter called for the introduction of the secret ballot in order to protect voters in the exercise of their vote because employers would tell you who to vote for and would sack you if you voted the wrong way or they'd have thugs at the polling stations telling people who they needed to vote for or they'd be beaten up. How much more true is this with speaking your mind and potentially influencing other people. It's all well and good for landed and comfortable people drawing their pensions to post with their real names, but I think anyone who really believes in democracy and open discussion should actively be encouraging people who wouldn't otherwise be free to engage in open discussion to engage in anonymous discussion. Amy, you and your husband ought to remove the references to people's personal identities as I don't think it reflects well.


Thomas Jefferson


Ha ha, TJ quotes TJ to support TJs point of view. You're the worst of all TJ. You sit on those Facebook sites as nice as pie blowing smoke up their asses, and then you come in here under your various aliases posting shitty little jibes ripping them all to shreds. The funny thing is that a lot of those people know you do it and it just makes you look like a dick.

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I think the problem is the failure to debate and being able to, I would quiet happly tear a strip of any poor wannabe mhk who wants to knock on my door. but be warned you better have your shit together otherwise your going to look very silly sweatingbullets.gif

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I have seen the first 15 pages... cant be arsed doing all the others. So I have bookmarked this page.


Is there a manifesto yet?


Please post a link if there is :-)


I need to know her policy towards the Chinese Government.

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