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Amy's in the race!


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The campaign trail begins!! One thing I was wondering, are the electoral regulations in play for a bye-election? i.e - declaring where posters and paraphernalia has been printed etc.?







This is as good a reason as any to ban caravans FFS


That's a very nice, shiny and doubtless expensive Audi sitting behind it though, wonder if it's used to tow it?


PS rents are clearly still too low....

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I think many of you are all missing the point really. This has all the hallmarks of a Cretney campaign about it. Right down to the posters going up in the usual gardens and windows, disappearing critical comments on IOMonline, and the general South Douglas zeal being placed behind the campaign. This seems to be less about Amy and maybe more about Cretney finding someone who is a bit mouthy and not especially bright who he can be a mentor to in order to keep his political control in South Douglas now he's got his political pipe and slippers on, and his guaranteed £50,000 a year for sitting in Legco. You don't leak documents to people you don't trust.


Her Facebook rantings and general gobby emptyheadedness will also engender support at a grass roots level with half the thickos whose parents have doggedly backed Cretney for 30 years. His worst nightmare would be Malarkey getting in. As with a lot of people in South Douglas. So there is scope to speculate that Amy is most probably an interim candidate before he can convince his daughter to take the reins at some time in the future. It's so utterly transparent and intellectually insulting even to the most casual observer that it's unbelievable just how stupid the voting public can be. The whole campaign looks a bit like an insult to anyone who wants to see any sort of democracy in the Island.: the outgoing establishment pitching an 'alternative' candidate in order for the establishment to maintain the same control now it's moving on. Cretney should be made to declare if he has any interest in this which is what the press should be pushing for if we had a halfway decent pack of journalists in the Island.


Meantime the social media aspect whilst incredulous, is, as other people have observed, just the generally thick, low rent, intellectually thoughtless and retrograde way most people under 35 use to advertise to the rest of the world how important they think they are in their empty, useless, boring, lives. Someone's accused my husband of having an affair. Better post that on Facebook because I'm so classy and have no shame .. and anyway it will bring sympathy for ME because I'm so bloody, painfully, needy and important! Sadly this sort of campaign is a sign of things to come as these desperately needy and appalling people and their desperately needy and appalling personalities start taking over.

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The campaign trail begins!! One thing I was wondering, are the electoral regulations in play for a bye-election? i.e - declaring where posters and paraphernalia has been printed etc.?







This is as good a reason as any to ban caravans FFS


That's a very nice, shiny and doubtless expensive Audi sitting behind it though, wonder if it's used to tow it?


PS rents are clearly still too low....



In fairness to them and at the risk of sounding like a car nerd it looks like a first generation Audi A4 (B5) so at least 13 or 14 years old. You can get one of those for less than £500.



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The campaign trail begins!! One thing I was wondering, are the electoral regulations in play for a bye-election? i.e - declaring where posters and paraphernalia has been printed etc.?







This is as good a reason as any to ban caravans FFS


That's a very nice, shiny and doubtless expensive Audi sitting behind it though, wonder if it's used to tow it?


PS rents are clearly still too low....


It might be a shiny Audi but it's certainly very old judging from the grille style. Probably a couple of grands worth at best.

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There's some horrible snobbery on display in this thread. Why the fixation with this one candidate vs the others who have declared?

I agree, this doesn't do this forum any favours. There are a lot of questions surrounding other candidates and it's unfair to single out someone just because of her social group, interests etc. People will vote for who they feel will do the best job for them, it could well be that they like Amy's policies, that is up to them.

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But Burns policies are singularly 'chav'. They are also unaffordable and unrealistic.


One after the claimed benefits of a non party politic parliament is that people vote for the person and not the party objectives and aims.


It is therefor both inevitable and correct that a person standing for election should be subject to deep analysis, praise where appropriate, and criticism about them as peolle where that is appropriate.


In the case of this Burns woman there is very much to criticise than to praise. People are elected as representatives of a constituency and with small constituencies and especially the case with the Island personal values and morality of a candidate are of the utmost importance.


Is she still on 'benefits'?

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Because she dared....


Who dares wins Rodders! But has she dared or has she been given the green card to go for it? That would be my only question. Without trying to be personally critical I said above that it's a sad fact but a lot of people in her age group (and lower) have Facebook pages just like that. I know recruiters who go straight for the FB profile and some are simply horrific. That demographic have absolutely no sense of propriety or common sense when posting self confessional shit about themselves on social media for others to read. They should know better but they don't. It doesn't bode well for any role in public life though. But maybe that aspect should be parked because something more fundamental is going on here. The social media aspect is diverting attention from some of the real issues. This is a take over bid. Pure and simple. Please stop focussing on the Facebook persona. The puppet masters need to show their cards on this or be pushed into a position where they have to.

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Because she dared....


Who dares wins Rodders! But has she dared or has she been given the green card to go for it? That would be my only question. Without trying to be personally critical I said above that it's a sad fact but a lot of people in her age group (and lower) have Facebook pages just like that. I know recruiters who go straight for the FB profile and some are simply horrific. That demographic have absolutely no sense of propriety or common sense when posting self confessional shit about themselves on social media for others to read. They should know better but they don't. It doesn't bode well for any role in public life though. But maybe that aspect should be parked because something more fundamental is going on here. The social media aspect is diverting attention from some of the real issues. This is a take over bid. Pure and simple. Please stop focussing on the Facebook persona. The puppet masters need to show their cards on this or be pushed into a position where they have to.

And there lies the reason I for one do not have/never had a Facebook page! If I use Facebook I use my husband's account and sign it by me!
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