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Amy's in the race!


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its a case of horses for courses spook..she will appeal to a lot of voters in the place she is standing ... and no german gonna get the vote in pully ..its taken us 50 years to rebuild the place after the devastation presumably wreaked on it by the luftwaffe

2 bombs fell on the IOM in the Second World War - both at Eairy Cushlin, not Pulrose. Mind you, your premise is correct; Hazel Crescent won't be voting for a Prussian any time soon.


Not speaking from experience, but I think more than 2 bombs were dropped on our Isle and I think all in error.

I am sure Ballaoates copped one to start with.

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Jesstickle you're very selective on what you copy and paste to here aren't you. Is that two profiles your staking out on the poor girl now?

For the sake of balance I really have to post the status that testickle has taken the extract from.




I really do not want to keep replying to people who are trying to put a downer on the campaign but today I have been told of some pretty shameful libelous posts and want to make an announcement.

I have no involvement with David Cretney and he has no involvement with my campaign. My manifesto has been all my work and its very insulting that anyone would infer otherwise. Once it is released that will be seen for itself. I am not a labour supporter and I do not believe in party politics for our Island.

The social snobbery I have seen towards people in my area through screen shots I have been sent today says alot more about the authors than it does about people in Douglas South. Amy

then she goes on to reply to a comment

Indeed Paul, I was going to say and for the record I am not claiming benefits but we've been there done that before and yet they still make it up as they go along. Idiots

While I am not stating I am an expert, I will also not be put down. They can wait until all the information is out before they make rash judgement on something they know nothing about. I may not conform and be myself which is unacceptable to some people clearly. However what you get with me is Transparency as I wont pretend to be someone I am not. I will put money on me having more qualifications than anyone who is taking their time out to make so many non backed up statements. As I said though they can crack on and say what they like about me, I am not bothered one bit, however knocking my potential constituents, how dare they

Shame really as there is a place for a forum like that in a democracy. Its just ruined by the small group of paranoid, hounding posters who make it up as they go along.


I was not intending to be selective, just quick and to the point with regard to items that were being rehashed on here without resolve (David Cretney and his involvement, posters being illegal, and the photograph) without filling a page of the forum up by copying every last facebook comment that had been made in respect of a political candidates 'announcement' .


I will admit that I did just copy that one line relating to Ms Burns bragging about how much more qualified she is than the posters on this forum. Solely because it amused me that someone claiming to be so superior in education to the members on this forum, wrote that sentence.


Taking an interest in how a candidate is conducting themselves and their campaign is hardly stalking, especially when referring to the candidates campaign facebook page.


If you re-read my post you will also note that I asked if one of the other candidates manifesto was available on line yet.


We have a democracy. Mrs Burns has put herself forward for public office. If she does not want negative comments being made about her behaviour, she should conduct herself in a more appropriate manner.


Your posts do her no favours either.

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its a case of horses for courses spook..she will appeal to a lot of voters in the place she is standing ... and no german gonna get the vote in pully ..its taken us 50 years to rebuild the place after the devastation presumably wreaked on it by the luftwaffe

2 bombs fell on the IOM in the Second World War - both at Eairy Cushlin, not Pulrose. Mind you, your premise is correct; Hazel Crescent won't be voting for a Prussian any time soon.


Actually a British bomb fell on Tynwald Street school, it did not detonate but crashed through the roof and narrowly missed pupils at their desks!

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its a case of horses for courses spook..she will appeal to a lot of voters in the place she is standing ... and no german gonna get the vote in pully ..its taken us 50 years to rebuild the place after the devastation presumably wreaked on it by the luftwaffe


2 bombs fell on the IOM in the Second World War - both at Eairy Cushlin, not Pulrose. Mind you, your premise is correct; Hazel Crescent won't be voting for a Prussian any time soon.

Not speaking from experience, but I think more than 2 bombs were dropped on our Isle and I think all in error.

I am sure Ballaoates copped one to start with.

You may well be right. I think it's commonly accepted that the 2 that hit Eairy Cushlin were dropped from a crippled German bomber that was trying to lose weight to enhance its chances of making it to the Irish Republic - Eire being neutral but visibly pro-German. The bomber is said to have crashed into the sea. Referring to the original post - which may have been tongue in cheek - I don't think Pulrose was devastated by Nazi bombs.

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Jesstickle you're very selective on what you copy and paste to here aren't you. Is that two profiles your staking out on the poor girl now?

For the sake of balance I really have to post the status that testickle has taken the extract from.




I really do not want to keep replying to people who are trying to put a downer on the campaign but today I have been told of some pretty shameful libelous posts and want to make an announcement.

I have no involvement with David Cretney and he has no involvement with my campaign. My manifesto has been all my work and its very insulting that anyone would infer otherwise. Once it is released that will be seen for itself. I am not a labour supporter and I do not believe in party politics for our Island.

The social snobbery I have seen towards people in my area through screen shots I have been sent today says alot more about the authors than it does about people in Douglas South. Amy

then she goes on to reply to a comment

Indeed Paul, I was going to say and for the record I am not claiming benefits but we've been there done that before and yet they still make it up as they go along. Idiots

While I am not stating I am an expert, I will also not be put down. They can wait until all the information is out before they make rash judgement on something they know nothing about. I may not conform and be myself which is unacceptable to some people clearly. However what you get with me is Transparency as I wont pretend to be someone I am not. I will put money on me having more qualifications than anyone who is taking their time out to make so many non backed up statements. As I said though they can crack on and say what they like about me, I am not bothered one bit, however knocking my potential constituents, how dare they

Shame really as there is a place for a forum like that in a democracy. Its just ruined by the small group of paranoid, hounding posters who make it up as they go along.


I was not intending to be selective, just quick and to the point with regard to items that were being rehashed on here without resolve (David Cretney and his involvement, posters being illegal, and the photograph) without filling a page of the forum up by copying every last facebook comment that had been made in respect of a political candidates 'announcement' .


I will admit that I did just copy that one line relating to Ms Burns bragging about how much more qualified she is than the posters on this forum. Solely because it amused me that someone claiming to be so superior in education to the members on this forum, wrote that sentence.


Taking an interest in how a candidate is conducting themselves and their campaign is hardly stalking, especially when referring to the candidates campaign facebook page.


If you re-read my post you will also note that I asked if one of the other candidates manifesto was available on line yet.


We have a democracy. Mrs Burns has put herself forward for public office. If she does not want negative comments being made about her behaviour, she should conduct herself in a more appropriate manner.


Your posts do her no favours either.


Who said stalking? Touchy touchy. I said staking out - definition , conducting surveillance

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its a case of horses for courses spook..she will appeal to a lot of voters in the place she is standing ... and no german gonna get the vote in pully ..its taken us 50 years to rebuild the place after the devastation presumably wreaked on it by the luftwaffe


2 bombs fell on the IOM in the Second World War - both at Eairy Cushlin, not Pulrose. Mind you, your premise is correct; Hazel Crescent won't be voting for a Prussian any time soon.

Actually a British bomb...... did not detonate"......

Fine workmanship!

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its a case of horses for courses spook..she will appeal to a lot of voters in the place she is standing ... and no german gonna get the vote in pully ..its taken us 50 years to rebuild the place after the devastation presumably wreaked on it by the luftwaffe


He also has a Facebook page maybe miss testicles could take a look for you it makes an interesting read. Or maybe not her interests are solely invested in women


Ha Ha... missed this one, love it. What a complete cock

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Make your minds up Douglas South Voters if you want to log in: http://www.voteamyburns.com/
Although she's tabbing harvesting email addresses with no privacy policy.




There is still a vast amount of work to be done in Infrastructure on the Island. From the basic foundations of our roads to our housing system. We need to make sound investments in this area and not have unnecessary wastage. We are still seeing far too many grandiose, ill thought out schemes which are not value for money. Money is always being wasted in this area, jobs taking too long, or being half done. More local contractors should be encouraged to give fair prices for work that needs carried out so we can support local business and workmen, and protect skilled workmen we have invested in training from leaving the Island looking for employment elsewhere.
As long as we continue to have an upper house in Tynwald (LEGCO) we should have a more democratic process. All members of the Legislative Council should be publicly elected on their mandate. Doing so every five years around election times would be an ideal way to do this.
Do we need a President of Tynwald and a speaker? We should be seeking a public consultation on this. I want to see the role of the President abolished so savings can be made.
We need modernisation in the voting system so everyone can have easy access to casting their vote. Online voting is one way we could do this allowing people with work commitments or restrictions to access polling stations have another way available for them to exercise their democratic right.
We should have a publicly elected Chief Minister at election time. Again, the decision should be the peoples on who will preside over this important position within the house.
The budget system process at present is unfit for purpose. It needs re-thought out and modernised so at the end of the year instead of seeing some departments rushing to use up their budget allowance on non-essentials it will be spent on a need by need basis rather than allocation. We can invest more money into the key areas such as Health, Education, and Social Security. We run our households on essentials first, luxuries later, I expect our government to be doing the same.
I am a strong advocate of the pyramid system. Having experience in recruitment, HR and working roles within a business I believe the structure of workers in Government has over the years been missed. Protecting frontline services and workers should be essential, we have become Management top heavy in Government and that goes against the pyramid effect. We are toppling over at the top and there are savings to be made by restructuring Government starting from the top down, so we can protect public servants and front line services staff. The present administration have done nothing about the bloat, it has grown too big, inefficient and lack lustre. We have to see a revision of the scope of Government that has still not been delivered. There is a bomb waiting to go off in Government pensions, why is this not been taken in hand while the state pension is? All that seems to be under the spotlight.
The expenditure on external consultants has been a big eye opener and should be vastly reduced by getting Managerial staff within Government and staff with the knowledge to work more on obtaining results for decisions themselves.
Our hospital has been subject to scrutiny in the past couple of years and findings have been worrying, but have they been addressed?
We still have large waiting lists to see consultants, for operations and for Dental Health. This really needs taking in hand once and for all.
I would propose some kind of external public committee to investigate the shocking revelations that have come about regarding Nobles Hospital.
I would like to promote our Islands hospital as a choice destination for specialist health care, attracting more consultants and specialists to base their clinics here on a permanent basis.
We need to protect our services and frontline staff. Again a restructure of this department is needed. We need to stop putting so many people through the court system at a huge cost for crimes that are not necessarily needed and in need of the grand scale cost that is incurred. More community service schemes should be delivered.
Our prison is costing a lot to maintain, it needs to be reviewed and the public consulted on their views on what exactly we feel fit for offenders to have available to them. We also should work towards an independent body for police complaints with no link within the Island.
is vital to a strong economy. I am a believer in a proactive approach to the economy rather than the negative cut back approach. Sound investments will make our Island more attractive and grow our business and in turn working population.
Attention needs turned to our education system and improvements sought so we are inline and keeping with our UK counterparts giving us an education system to be proud of once again. Children are our future, they are an investment worth making.
It is beneficial for the Isle of Man to work with the UK. However to some people if has been seen we are sacrificing some of our independence of late and copying some of their disastrous policies, and yet not following their positive. We should stand alone more, and concentrate on making us unique and an attractive place to settle. We need better negotiations for our reciprocal arrangements and Islands international relations.
The Isle of Man economy remains strong. We should continue to attract the right economy with low tax rates. There is still room for movement on the tax cap and it should be increased depending on the individual’s amount of wealth. When the average earning working class pocket is being hit and we have seen this sector of society squeezed the most, movement on the tax cap is fair.
More discussions need to be opened to join European Free Trade Association since the UK joined the EU our island has left these. Trade with the Commonwealth should be a must, there is a way here to boost our economy.
We need to work alongside the private sector and people of the Island to provide much needed leisure facilities for tourists and residents of all ages. Motorsport is big on the Isle of Man we already have the TT, a well-built close circuit stadium could attract so much more sport series and in turn be beneficial for our Island economy. There should be no limit to what we can achieve as a sporting Island.
We need a complete review of the shipping and aviation links before entering into any more agreements with the airlines and shipping company.
More stipulations on our benefit and housing system are needed, so that people relocating to the Island should be coming here to contribute and invest in our community. No one should be entitled to claim benefits until they have paid Tax and NI here for 5 years. Minimum requirement to receive social housing for relocating individuals should be 10 years. I do not believe in the benefits cap but rather assessing individuals more closely, and putting better regulations in so they miss no one, but also give no one a long term opportunity to be claiming rather than working. Work permits also need some further scrutiny.
for the less fortunate in society is a must. It costs our economy less in the long run to continue to protect the vulnerable in our community. We have seen the vulnerable and working class part of society almost punished with increased taxes and charges .Pensioners should be all of our concern and never left to feel like they are a burden to us. They are the generations who have built our economy and made it what it is. They deserve protecting and all services currently available to them. Most pensioners living in the Isle of Man with less than £13,000 savings are worse off than their UK counterparts once cost of living has been factored in.
Douglas South, I would like to work towards us being whole as a community. Living in the area I have already seen that we do all look out for one another and work well together. I would however like to see an investment in the area for children and more support for the vulnerable in our community. Sadly, we do have the highest suicide rate on the Island in Douglas South and parts of Douglas South have been ranked the most deprived poverty stricken section of the Island. Working towards us having a community centre to offer support to more people around Douglas South will have a positive effect on the area. A place for people to go when lonely, a sanctuary so no one is left isolated or without somewhere to go and ask for help. A day centre for our elderly. Somewhere for the people of our community to build on and make the heart of their area.
Modernisation of the rating system is long overdue. While this may not be a popular change island-wide there needs to be a fairer evaluation across the island. I would like to see an all Island system distributing rates so Douglas ratepayers do not shoulder the burden of so much cost.


What a load of unmitigated waffle quite apart from not a single mention of how these wonderful ideas are to be funded.


If that really IS from Burns she's even more unsuited than I thought .

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I too look forward to economical development. We certainly don't want too much development just something a little bit more economical than full scale economic development. A bit more Fiat Panda than Ferrari performance.


Well at least there's a manifesto out there for people to read now instead of ripping her Facebook page apart. That's said for someone with such an acclaimed career in HR (sufficient it is claimed to build a pyramid structure in government) you'd think that she'd have worked out that the Facebook page was going to be the first people would access to get more personal info from.


All in all a very bland manifesto that points out most things that have been pointed out on here for years in a very general way and which doesn't really offer any outline solution to any of them.

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Lack of factual information and source information to back up or indeed laid down plans to address anything.


There are some stretches in her "about me" section although beefing up a CV is quite normal. Not living up to the honest part though.


Still not painting a true picture of herself and those that know of her antics wouldn't trust her at all.


She has had public/private run ins with some of the people who she mentions that she wants to protect. Very hypocritical.

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Jesstickle you're very selective on what you copy and paste to here aren't you. Is that two profiles your staking out on the poor girl now?

For the sake of balance I really have to post the status that testickle has taken the extract from.




I really do not want to keep replying to people who are trying to put a downer on the campaign but today I have been told of some pretty shameful libelous posts and want to make an announcement.

I have no involvement with David Cretney and he has no involvement with my campaign. My manifesto has been all my work and its very insulting that anyone would infer otherwise. Once it is released that will be seen for itself. I am not a labour supporter and I do not believe in party politics for our Island.

The social snobbery I have seen towards people in my area through screen shots I have been sent today says alot more about the authors than it does about people in Douglas South. Amy

then she goes on to reply to a comment

Indeed Paul, I was going to say and for the record I am not claiming benefits but we've been there done that before and yet they still make it up as they go along. Idiots

While I am not stating I am an expert, I will also not be put down. They can wait until all the information is out before they make rash judgement on something they know nothing about. I may not conform and be myself which is unacceptable to some people clearly. However what you get with me is Transparency as I wont pretend to be someone I am not. I will put money on me having more qualifications than anyone who is taking their time out to make so many non backed up statements. As I said though they can crack on and say what they like about me, I am not bothered one bit, however knocking my potential constituents, how dare they

Shame really as there is a place for a forum like that in a democracy. Its just ruined by the small group of paranoid, hounding posters who make it up as they go along.


I was not intending to be selective, just quick and to the point with regard to items that were being rehashed on here without resolve (David Cretney and his involvement, posters being illegal, and the photograph) without filling a page of the forum up by copying every last facebook comment that had been made in respect of a political candidates 'announcement' .


I will admit that I did just copy that one line relating to Ms Burns bragging about how much more qualified she is than the posters on this forum. Solely because it amused me that someone claiming to be so superior in education to the members on this forum, wrote that sentence.


Taking an interest in how a candidate is conducting themselves and their campaign is hardly stalking, especially when referring to the candidates campaign facebook page.


If you re-read my post you will also note that I asked if one of the other candidates manifesto was available on line yet.


We have a democracy. Mrs Burns has put herself forward for public office. If she does not want negative comments being made about her behaviour, she should conduct herself in a more appropriate manner.


Your posts do her no favours either.


Who said stalking? Touchy touchy. I said staking out - definition , conducting surveillance


The Burns woman is already displaying all of the attributes of a control freak.


As for her manifesto being all Burn's own work, that is something she really should have kept to herself. To be honest I never expected to see such an amateurish load of hogwash as the thing that Corrin published but I should have known better, Burns has set a new low.


Really, I have no dog in this fight as I mentioned before but in all seriousness I really don't think that I have ever encountered a less appropriate prospective candidate for The Keys. As I wrote, Hyacinth Bucket incarnate.

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