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Amy's in the race!


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Here's the piece from Lawrie Hooper - Ramsey town commissioner.

He's spot on there, but the message won't get through. The people in those groups only see things one way and from their own moral high ground, they're not interested in open debate.

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Something strange going on here. Manannan's Review on Faceache quotes Amy hitting a new low with an attack on Kate Beecroft thus:


"No wonder so many of her constituents are coming to me with unbelievably shocking problems. She needs to wake up and take her head out of her backside. Sorry but I am mad with the mess of what's really going on"


Loyal Pat Ayres responds with:


"Any examples of these 'unbelievably shocking problems' please Amy? BTW, tasteful comment"


However I can't find where her childish outburst was originally posted up. But then I'm not really into "Social Media" and all the rest of it. Can anyone out there find the original exchange of fire?


Bloody hell.


That's harsh.


If she gets elected, how on earth is she going to work with other members?

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That place can be frightening. In yer face, balls out/tits out stuff. Brazen, raw and boneheaded.


Such is modern democracy. All this is just the tip of the iceberg. Amy is the trailblazer.

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As a potential candidate, I'm seeing reams and reams of negative comments on here and other media outlets about Amy Burns and I'm finding it hard to tell what's true or not because of the one sided opinions from different people involved.


From some of these I see Mrs Burns does not come across well to other political members and appears to use public media as her way of communication to others. This can have a positive slant to ones publicity if handled correctly, but this does not seem to be the case at this time.


I read Lawrie Hoopers post [link here] and found them to be reasonable of what IMO, would be the general expectation of what the public would want from their candidates. I'm sure that there will be similar expectations from other political members website links and if there is, then please add a link so fairness can be reflected to others.




To Declan; thanks for putting the link up.

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Perhaps her anatomy and eyelash course didn't cover the impossibility of getting one's head up one's own backside.


Kate Beecroft may not be everyone's cuppa, but she is tenacious, is willing to research and bring her considerable knowledge and expertise to bear on the issues she takes up. She also has poise, gravitas and humility. I do not see any of the qualities listed in this paragraph applying to Miss Firebrand.

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James Corrin has just fired off an angry rant at Laurie Hooper on the Lib Van site for posting the statement and the link. He says it was unprofessional for Laurie to do so. Even though Amy clearly chose to post a very nasty piece slagging off Beecroft first and post it on Facebook for all those registered on her page to read (you must assume Kate wouldn't be registered there so it's basically slagging someone off publicly behind their back). Corrin, do the whole Islnd a favour and STFU you court jester. If you had any idea how hard people laugh when they read your deeply disturbing ill conceived bile on online you'd simply give up. Your a joke.

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Perhaps her anatomy and eyelash course didn't cover the impossibility of getting one's head up one's own backside.



OMG that is the best comment on this thread - love it.


Nothing better than a proper belly chuckle on a lazy Sunday morningbiggrin.png

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Perhaps her anatomy and eyelash course didn't cover the impossibility of getting one's head up one's own backside.


Kate Beecroft may not be everyone's cuppa, but she is tenacious, is willing to research and bring her considerable knowledge and expertise to bear on the issues she takes up. She also has poise, gravitas and humility. I do not see any of the qualities listed in this paragraph applying to Miss Firebrand.

I like to give everyone a chance Gladys, but Mrs Burns does not come across well at all.

I agree with what you say about Mrs Beecroft and I've no doubt that certain political members at some time or another will grimace when they know that Kate is on their case.


It would be interesting to hear as to what is making Mrs Burns mad about the mess that's going on?

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'vader' would appear to have a strong following on Twitter.

A lot of those people follow because it's a bit like a car crash. You don't really want to look, but psychologically you feel compelled to gaze upon the unfolding scene of the accident. Sometimes the comedy value alone is worth it. It's the same with his posts in his own little Manx politics site on Facebook. The fact he seems to have been born with no sense of circumspection, or irony, or ability to self analyse makes his various crazy online personas even more worthy of following. Many people are simply pissing themselves though. It's not like it's following seriously or being interested in the content. For many life is dull and it is similar to when they put Gary Busey into the Big Brother House in that the rantings of someone who is clearly not quite right make for interesting viewing. It's rather like being a Victorian visitor to Bedlam.


This election campaign must be the biggest low in any Manx campaign ever. It's the shape of things to come though with the generation coming through sadly. They sit in their little Internet bubbles thinking they are Rupert Murdoch controlling their own little media empire via Facebook, and they simply can't understand why they rest of the world does not love them as much as the sad little band of misfits they've assembled on websites and social media sites they themselves control.


As for some of the people who work for government who post on the particular site referred to above they should have a disciplinary process to tell these people to STFU and keep their opinions to themselves or go looking for another job.

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