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Amy's in the race!


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nil pension at a guess as I think you have to serve 2 terms to qualify???


Ah, ok, thanks. Are they full terms, or do part terms count as one?



They need to serve at least two years to qualify for 6 months basic salary by way of resettlement grant, and would have to have been unsuccessful in seeking re-election

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I will not be bullied into silence by Liberal Vannin. Oh the hypocrisy of that political party is unbelievable. I criticised Kate Beecroft in a response to some other people doing so. That is not an attack. And I stand by what I say, she has no idea what her constituents want or what is going on in Douglas south, not only because she doesn't live amongst us but because she is to busy asking questions that are not productive or getting anywhere. Liberal vannin take a look at yourselves, you go on about wanting to stop comin who wont let their ministers vote freely when you do exactly the same thing in your party, you privatised pre schools then sacked Zac Hall for not voting with you. No one can stand a hypocrite. Stop mud flinging and concentrate on the people, we are not in a school playground. I am now off out for another busy day being with my electorate and trying to help them



I'm not a fan of Liberal Vannin as a party - I don't like parties in general - but I think Kate Beecroft is an outstanding MHK. To say she has no idea what her constituents want is pure nonsense. Kate Beecroft is an honest and serious person who works very hard for the people of the Isle of Man; she doesn't appeal to popular opinion by making ridiculous and contradictory commitments she wouldn't be able to honour just to win votes, as Amy does in her manifesto. Kate Beecroft works very hard and is concerned with island-wide issues, not just parochial local vote-farming with populist platitudes, which Amy seems intent on engaging in. Or, let me just cut this post short and get straight to the point - Kate Beecroft is a GROWN UP. Amy should be taking notes from this lady, not posting childish prattle against her.

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This is the salient bit, PK



I have seen some of her comments on this site. It's amazing how VC and Burns go hand in hand blocking people for having a say then bleating about bullying in the workplace.

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James Corrin has just fired off an angry rant at Laurie Hooper on the Lib Van site for posting the statement and the link. He says it was unprofessional for Laurie to do so. Even though Amy clearly chose to post a very nasty piece slagging off Beecroft first and post it on Facebook for all those registered on her page to read (you must assume Kate wouldn't be registered there so it's basically slagging someone off publicly behind their back). Corrin, do the whole Islnd a favour and STFU you court jester. If you had any idea how hard people laugh when they read your deeply disturbing ill conceived bile on online you'd simply give up. Your a joke.

Corrin is a dick. Nobody with an active brain cell actually takes any notice of his rantings. (Normally posted after consuming half a bottle of spirits)

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It's the Burns kids that I feel sorry for with their mother making such a disgusting spectacle of herself.


Burns stupidity will become if not forgotten at least designated into the 'remember this nonsense' category in the future, but for her kids, their contemporaries will probably not be so quick to forget how their mother made a fool of herself.


Funny how some things said and done in a school playground get remembered for a lifetime.


For the sake of her kids she should, in the words of the defunct News of the World, quietly make excuses and leave.

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Amazing, surely she can see that KB asking questions about Pinewood relates to an awful lot of public money being thrown away? That is money which could have been used to help pay for all of the things which she keeps going on about!


This is unreal!

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Yes, asking questions is not just a trivial exercise; Kate is asking questions in order to get answers and to hold government accountable. Doesn't Amy comprehend that? Also, asking questions is not all Kate does - it's just that it's disproportionately what makes it into the newspapers. Kate does a lot of good work for the island.

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Please Mark Zuckerberg turn off Facebook tomorrow. Love to see how Amy would cope without her gang of 'followers', seeing how they fawn over her is a little disturbing.


She won't comment here because 90% of manxforums are Lib Van members.

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Amy Burns Policies


So tell me - what exactly is "social experience"?

First links shown on Bing were all chat places.

As requested.

Google found social experience in 0.44 seconds - link here



Amy Burns Policies


So tell me - what exactly is "social experience"?

First links shown on Bing were all chat places.

As requested.

Google found social experience in 0.44 seconds - link here

I notice it refers to "a" social experience, not social experience generically. It also relies on Maslow - still interesting but somewhat dated.

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