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Amy's in the race!


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Amy Burns

6 hrs · Edited ·


I will not be bullied into silence by Liberal Vannin. Oh the hypocrisy of that political party is unbelievable. I criticised Kate Beecroft in a response to some other people doing so. That is not an attack. And I stand by what I say, she has no idea what her constituents want or what is going on in Douglas south, not only because she doesn't live amongst us but because she is to busy asking questions that are not productive or getting anywhere. Liberal vannin take a look at yourselves, you go on about wanting to stop comin who wont let their ministers vote freely when you do exactly the same thing in your party, you privatised pre schools then sacked Zac Hall for not voting with you. No one can stand a hypocrite. Stop mud flinging and concentrate on the people, we are not in a school playground. I am now off out for another busy day being with my electorate and trying to help them


I'm not a fan of Liberal Vannin as a party - I don't like parties in general - but I think Kate Beecroft is an outstanding MHK. To say she has no idea what her constituents want is pure nonsense. Kate Beecroft is an honest and serious person who works very hard for the people of the Isle of Man; she doesn't appeal to popular opinion by making ridiculous and contradictory commitments she wouldn't be able to honour just to win votes, as Amy does in her manifesto. Kate Beecroft works very hard and is concerned with island-wide issues, not just parochial local vote-farming with populist platitudes, which Amy seems intent on engaging in. Or, let me just cut this post short and get straight to the point - Kate Beecroft is a GROWN UP. Amy should be taking notes from this lady, not posting childish prattle against her.

Well the whole point of this forum is to air differing views and generate (sensible, adult) discussion - so, from that perspective Isaac, you're dead wrong. Beecroft hasn't the faintest idea of how to offer cogent, well-constructed, alternative policies. LV is a magnet for the whinging, shuffling, malcontent lumpen masses. Not an original ideas in their heads - which is why their meetings attract 4 pensioners looking to escape the rain and a Jack Russell. Amy is, as has been proven day after day, by her own actions, hopeless, but her right/ability to challenge LV is unquestionable. All in all, Amy and LV/Beecroft sum up our political cul de sac. We need much, much more.

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Well the whole point of this forum is to air differing views and generate (sensible, adult) discussion - so, from that perspective Isaac, you're dead wrong. Beecroft hasn't the faintest idea of how to offer cogent, well-constructed, alternative policies. LV is a magnet for the whinging, shuffling, malcontent lumpen masses. Not an original ideas in their heads - which is why their meetings attract 4 pensioners looking to escape the rain and a Jack Russell. Amy is, as has been proven day after day, by her own actions, hopeless, but her right/ability to challenge LV is unquestionable. All in all, Amy and LV/Beecroft sum up our political cul de sac. We need much, much more


As I said, I'm not a fan of the Liberal Vannin party. However, Kate Beecroft has proven herself to be a capable and reasonable MHK. The thing is, any political party or any candidate is limited in the alternatives they can present before the electorate and still get elected. I could stand on a platform of cutting government by 50%. Would I get elected? No. So I'd have to compromise and tone down my rhetoric and just vaguely call for cuts, as better than no cuts at all. Of course everyone has a right or ability to challenge Liberal Vannin. Your own post is nothing but negative whinging and malcontent, and it's entirely unoriginal. Does that invalidate it?

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Amy Burns6 hrs · Edited ·

I will not be bullied into silence by Liberal Vannin. Oh the hypocrisy of that political party is unbelievable. I criticised Kate Beecroft in a response to some other people doing so. That is not an attack. And I stand by what I say, she has no idea what her constituents want or what is going on in Douglas south, not only because she doesn't live amongst us but because she is to busy asking questions that are not productive or getting anywhere. Liberal vannin take a look at yourselves, you go on about wanting to stop comin who wont let their ministers vote freely when you do exactly the same thing in your party, you privatised pre schools then sacked Zac Hall for not voting with you. No one can stand a hypocrite. Stop mud flinging and concentrate on the people, we are not in a school playground. I am now off out for another busy day being with my electorate and trying to help them

I'm not a fan of Liberal Vannin as a party - I don't like parties in general - but I think Kate Beecroft is an outstanding MHK. To say she has no idea what her constituents want is pure nonsense. Kate Beecroft is an honest and serious person who works very hard for the people of the Isle of Man; she doesn't appeal to popular opinion by making ridiculous and contradictory commitments she wouldn't be able to honour just to win votes, as Amy does in her manifesto. Kate Beecroft works very hard and is concerned with island-wide issues, not just parochial local vote-farming with populist platitudes, which Amy seems intent on engaging in. Or, let me just cut this post short and get straight to the point - Kate Beecroft is a GROWN UP. Amy should be taking notes from this lady, not posting childish prattle against her.

Well the whole point of this forum is to air differing views and generate (sensible, adult) discussion - so, from that perspective Isaac, you're dead wrong. Beecroft hasn't the faintest idea of how to offer cogent, well-constructed, alternative policies. LV is a magnet for the whinging, shuffling, malcontent lumpen masses. Not an original ideas in their heads - which is why their meetings attract 4 pensioners looking to escape the rain and a Jack Russell. Amy is, as has been proven day after day, by her own actions, hopeless, but her right/ability to challenge LV is unquestionable. All in all, Amy and LV/Beecroft sum up our political cul de sac. We need much, much more.

I agree - there has been several new names mentioned for the 2016 House of Keys election but some Manx Forums members don't appear to give them a fair chance.




Let's get behind some of the Candidates

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Isaac - It's a pity that you think me pointing out that Beecroft/LV pulling the biggest political con trick of modern times is unoriginal. Rather than perpetually griping about government's Pinewood investment - yes, we've got it...it's no winner - where is LVs alternative plan for creative investment/ new business generation....? Er...there isn't one. No-one is suggesting suicidal policies such as a 50% cut in government services (other than your unsophisticated illustration) I'm just seeking some alternative proposals/heads for discussion/new agenda/refreshed economic plan. Will I get one from Beecroft? No. Why? Because she's a classic empty-headed, gossip over the fence, " I could do better" malcontent without a shred of political insight or originality. LV are a waste of fucking time. And so is she.

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And your solution is what exactly?

A deviation from the relentless " he said, she said" political bickering loop that affects Manx politics and a renewed focus on how new technology, developing markets, AIM, and social enterprises might galvanize our economy and society and generate some forward momentum. The current crop of political Luddites, be they Bell and his grunting COMIN cohorts or the so-called opposition of knuckle-dragging homunculi are serving this Island ill. Sweep them away.


Now, what's your solution?

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Isaac - It's a pity that you think me pointing out that Beecroft/LV pulling the biggest political con trick of modern times is unoriginal. Rather than perpetually griping about government's Pinewood investment - yes, we've got it...it's no winner - where is LVs alternative plan for creative investment/ new business generation....? Er...there isn't one. No-one is suggesting suicidal policies such as a 50% cut in government services (other than your unsophisticated illustration) I'm just seeking some alternative proposals/heads for discussion/new agenda/refreshed economic plan. Will I get one from Beecroft? No. Why? Because she's a classic empty-headed, gossip over the fence, " I could do better" malcontent without a shred of political insight or originality. LV are a waste of fucking time. And so is she.

To be perfectly honest - Kate & Peter are fed a lot of information, research, facts & figures from others which makes them look good.


Not sure they could ever be independent candidates because they need the surport of others like Paul Beckett

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Isaac - It's a pity that you think me pointing out that Beecroft/LV pulling the biggest political con trick of modern times is unoriginal. Rather than perpetually griping about government's Pinewood investment - yes, we've got it...it's no winner - where is LVs alternative plan for creative investment/ new business generation....? Er...there isn't one. No-one is suggesting suicidal policies such as a 50% cut in government services (other than your unsophisticated illustration) I'm just seeking some alternative proposals/heads for discussion/new agenda/refreshed economic plan. Will I get one from Beecroft? No. Why? Because she's a classic empty-headed, gossip over the fence, " I could do better" malcontent without a shred of political insight or originality. LV are a waste of fucking time. And so is she.

To be perfectly honest - Kate & Peter are fed a lot of information, research, facts & figures from others which makes them look good.

Not sure they could ever be independent candidates because they need the surport of others like Paul Beckett

In which case they need to be a bit more assertive with the people providing the info, research, facts and figures. Actual ideas might play better.

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First links shown on Bing were all chat places.

As requested.

Google found social experience in 0.44 seconds - link here





Don't look at me. It was Uhtred who wanted to know and why he wanted me to tell him then I don't know.

There must have been a point as to why I was mentioned and can only conclude that he thinks that I'm connected with Amy Burns in some way?

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@Uhtred I would like to see some original thinking behind buzzwords like " a renewed focus on how new technology, developing markets, AIM, and social enterprises might galvanize our economy and society" in simple terms like "we can do this because..."


Let's see your business plan.

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Isaac - It's a pity that you think me pointing out that Beecroft/LV pulling the biggest political con trick of modern times is unoriginal. Rather than perpetually griping about government's Pinewood investment - yes, we've got it...it's no winner - where is LVs alternative plan for creative investment/ new business generation....? Er...there isn't one. No-one is suggesting suicidal policies such as a 50% cut in government services (other than your unsophisticated illustration) I'm just seeking some alternative proposals/heads for discussion/new agenda/refreshed economic plan. Will I get one from Beecroft? No. Why? Because she's a classic empty-headed, gossip over the fence, " I could do better" malcontent without a shred of political insight or originality. LV are a waste of fucking time. And so is she.

Seems like some people (FACT, Uhtred and others) are getting bitter about starting / fuelling this thread and the online fires they've been fanning now that Amy has been shown for what she is. All the nastiness is now pouring out about LV now that there's been a high profile blow up of the most unprofessional campaign the Island has ever seen. Let's see the outpouring against Kate and her LV chums in the next few pages as they have made Amy look bad by not accepting the childish unprofessional insults thrown at them with good grace.

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Isaac - It's a pity that you think me pointing out that Beecroft/LV pulling the biggest political con trick of modern times is unoriginal. Rather than perpetually griping about government's Pinewood investment - yes, we've got it...it's no winner - where is LVs alternative plan for creative investment/ new business generation....? Er...there isn't one. No-one is suggesting suicidal policies such as a 50% cut in government services (other than your unsophisticated illustration) I'm just seeking some alternative proposals/heads for discussion/new agenda/refreshed economic plan. Will I get one from Beecroft? No. Why? Because she's a classic empty-headed, gossip over the fence, " I could do better" malcontent without a shred of political insight or originality. LV are a waste of fucking time. And so is she.


So what is your alternative plan for creative investment / new business generation? As far as I can see, the current policy is to keep things the way they are, to make the island business friendly through tax incentives, adapting legislation to market developments, and generally staying out of business' way to let businesses' do what businesses do. It isn't the role of government to be creating new business. The clue is in the word "Liberal" - from Wikipedia: Economic liberalism is the ideological belief in organizing the economy on individualist lines, meaning that the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individuals and not by collective institutions or organizations. Or here's the Financial Times: Economic Liberalism - Another term for the classical theories of economics emphasising the concept of the free market and laissez-faire policies, with the government's role limited to providing support services. In other words, as little government involvement as possible. Or at least that's my understanding of liberalism - I can't speak for the Liberal Vannin party as I'm not a member. Either way, I don't accept your criticism, as it is based on the false premise of centralised economic planning by government. As for your "empty-headed" remark, I've spoken with Kate Beecroft and she knows what she's talking about - and knows what she doesn't know - and I don't even know what planet you're on when you talk about "gossip". You must have her confused with someone else. You're obviously some political hack who has an agenda.

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